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Toa Novu

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Everything posted by Toa Novu

  1. ... oh my goodness. The squee potential. THE CUTENESS POSSIBILITIES OF THIS EPISODE. If the three of them do not end up as a pile of sleeping ponies at some point, I will be major disappointed.
  2. Nah, it's in August.The person below me knows the exact age of their grandparents.
  3. Perhaps the gender split is the same for them, then? I.e., about 5:1 in favor of males? This would make sense, since it would me that they simply based on the gender variance of their creations on themselves.
  4. (Finding all the descriptions of my sig and avatar interesting. No, it's not a young boy, he's at least in his mid-twenties, no he's not a ninja, and no that's not a robot. XP)A depiction of the greatest year for Bionicle EVAR, ie the year I really got into the franchise. XP
  5. Hm. What was the balance of male to female within the great beings? Was it similar to what we see in the matoran universe, or more equal?
  6. Congratulations! You just ate the best mealworm-patty burger known to man! I'm sure it was delicious.I wish I had a better paying job.
  7. You find it broken and embed in your bike tire.I wish I could sleep forever.
  8. Actually, a lot of the fanfiction is pretty dark (in before Cupcakes reference), although I guess that is a matter of opinion. While they're occasionally interesting in a morbid sort of way, I find that the dark!pony fics tend to sort of undermine the whole point of the show. It's like people are trying to say nothing can be THAT nice/cool/good.
  9. Used to be really active in a Transformers RP off site.The person below loves video games.
  10. You become really famous with your amazing books! However, one fan becomes furious at you for killing of a character and holds you hostage until you agree to bring the character back.I wish I had some chocolate.
  11. It can lead to it, but apathy alone is not death.The person below me likes catching butterflies. Reality optional.
  12. Congratulations! You are now trapped inside a Grandfather clock with no way out. Hope someone finds you soon.I wish I was in a band.
  13. And let the angry fan boys and girls of Rucks attack. Also, you misspelled your favorite character. XD What? *Looks* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm sorry Zulf.
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