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Toa Novu

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Status Updates posted by Toa Novu

  1. Collide rocks. I've been looking around for some of their really old songs, and I'm liking them, too. Have you ever heard the song called Scarecrow? I think it's on their CD "Hey you, I Love Your Soul."

  2. I also really like Imperfection.

  3. *Grabs CDs and starts rocking.*

    My all time favorite by Skillet is Savior. Fav of Barlow Girl is Never Alone.

  4. I don't know... I've been thinking about a shop for a while. It should be fun.

  5. Bye bye depression! *Kicks it as far a way as possible.*

  6. They be up. Hope you like them.

  7. Only thing is, I'm not sure that that would be aloud. Are you aloud to post artwork in CoT?

  8. Yes! I'm a super sheep! *Flies around the room.*

    It's a long story, but the jist of it is I got the name from a comedian named Ken Davis. Great guy. Even better term. Super sheep!

  9. Happy birthday to me... Happy birthday to me... Happy birthday dear Novu... Happy birthday to me.

  10. I be the Super Sheep.

  11. Yes, Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

  12. Today is your birthday, happy, happy birthday, today is your birthday, happy happy hey!

  13. Uh... You might.

  14. Florida is an awesome place to live. Bet yah enjoy it.

  15. Hey G! *Waves.* Oh, goody! Another Star Wars AND LotR fan!

  16. Yes. He did. GO BRO!

  17. Very scary. I can't remeber, who said that? Yoda? It sounds like something he might say.

  18. Dawh! *Huggles kitty*

  19. I got the PM. Sent you one too. *giggle*

  20. Bumblebee. You know, from Transformers? He's totally my favorite. *Huggless.*

  21. Sure, why not?

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