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Toa Novu

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Status Updates posted by Toa Novu

  1. Why do you run away, Youngling?

    I suppose I am O.K. in the art of using a pencil.

  2. *Oompa, Loompa, Duopidy doo!*

  3. What is it? A floating brain? Cool.

  4. Yep. Bumbles is my fav. *Huggles.*

  5. You really should stop doing that to your poor head. Someday you won'y be able to re-esemble it.

    I'm in third place in the S&T finals! If anyone hasn't voted, go vote now!


  6. Hey guys. I've gone insane! Want to know why? Go read "The Letter." I always promised myself I wouldn't pair Gali with anybody...

  7. Just randomly popping in to say hi, dince I saw you looked at my profile. Hi!

  8. Just where ever I feel like it... Part of it may be that I joined one of the RPGs recently.

  9. If I get enough time to finish my drawing.

  10. I think I may get as many online hugs as I do real ones. :)

  11. *Cries.* The poor Pepsi can! We should have a funeral for him... and the Coke can's should be punised!

  12. Rawr! *Glomps*

  13. Sure, why not? It's pretty fun.

  14. So, you be a Peretti fan. :P Which one is your fav? Mine is This Present Darkness and peircing the Darkness.

  15. The last one is painful, but it's still the best.

    *Waves again.*

  16. *Glomp*

    I'm bored. Watcha doin'?

  17. Huh...?

    Oh, that. You's welcome.

  18. ?Yhw .Evah ydaer lla I .Nuf si sdrawkcab gnikaeps

  19. No! Don't change it! It's great!

    To answer your other question, I'm in A Midnight Grey (AMG).

  20. I love the song Alien Youth. Just. Plain. Awesome.


    Come on freaks, let's go!

  21. You got Collide to? Awesome!

  22. Ha! Your alive! *Glomps.*

    I mean that I'm a super sheep. Yeah.

    O.K. the real story is it's an old quote from the comedian Ken Davis. It's a refrence to the Biblical refrence to people being as sheep.

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