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Everything posted by SumDood

  1. GAH! XD it doesn't work in comments! XD hahaha

  2. heh. I need to come back, huh? Well...what do you think this message means, hm, My friend? The dood has returned....be afraid...be VERY afraid. :evilgrin:

  3. gah...sorry, but I just can't keep goiing with the Naruto RPG....I lost interest in it AGES ago 'cause I just kept seeming to get ignored. go ahead and kill Shiru off or something.

  4. lol. thx, Mixtar. :P lol.

  5. hah. I like that personal pic...lol. crazy ppl and their crazy signs....lol

  6. wow. where'd u get all these pictures?
  7. no.....but I know manga is.......but that's the only one I know about for sure......

  8. well, mostly last stand, since all the others I was in I either can't keep up with or nobody's posting. And, those don't have as many blocked pages as the Naruto RPG

  9. the thing with the blocked pages is I'm really only able to get on at school(not allowed to get on BZP at home), and they have blocks on certain words. Well, some of those words tend to pop up in the Naruto RPG quite often, so.....it's a pain trying to keep up with what's going on...besides, it also moves too fast for me....

  10. ah, I can't keep up with that one.....too many blocked pages......although I wish I could keep going in it....

  11. geez....I've only got three stars.....heh, I guess I'm lame here too.........oh well...............ECHO! EcHo! Echo! echo!e-c-h-o.......coool.....

  12. I'll put a comment here too. Thank you for taking over Shiru's actions for me in the Naruto RPG. I appreciate it a whole lot.....

  13. yay! Thank you, Hydraxon! You are a big help. I'm adding you to my friends list immediately!

  14. whoooooa! Really?!?! I haven't been able to find any of the comics past the fight between Bankotsu and Inuyasha, so I wouldn't know. That's cool, though. Miroku's my fave, so........

  15. Yes, I know Miroku is awesome. He kicks some pretty good butt. He's my favorite character because he's the comic relief of the whole Inuyasha group. Silly lecherous monk. When will you learn........

  16. You don't have anyone on buddies? Well, we can't have that. I can be your first if you want. Always good to put people on your buddy list, you know......

  17. why, thank you......

  18. you've been on BZP since may and you don't have anyone on buddies? hmmmmm......that's unusual.....

  19. dude! that is a freaking hilarious personal photo. I like it. 10/10......

  20. Joe/Phil? No. I'm just some dude, hence my screenname!

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