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Electro Nova

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Everything posted by Electro Nova

  1. Yeah thanks, pics would be cool. Well it's 10:20 in the morning and it's raining outside right now, but usually I'd go out with my friends or stay inside. Really, that's it. England is the most boring place on Earth, always raining.

  2. Yeah, do you think it will be in stores as early as New Years Day?

  3. Tried to, but I never got the hang of it, shameful.

  4. Awesome, I say go for it, but it's really up to you.

  5. Just out of interest, do you think I should change my display name. I'm getting bored of Electro BLUE, maybe something like.... Electro Nova, what do you think?

  6. I've got you as five so you'll have to live with 4 I'm afraid.

  7. Oh not again: one*

  8. Oh well it was only a thought. And yes, I'll try and get a picture of me up onto the computer, just on that doesn't make me look like a total... well, you get the idea.

  9. Ohhh, it came out wrong, I mean: which one is you on your...?

  10. Oh, I almost forgot. witch one is you on you on you display picture? (Or whatever it's called)

  11. Look, I know it means nothing, but do you want to start talking on your profile. It just seems like making mine look all popular, isn't really fair. It's up to you anyway.

  12. Cool, sorry last time I read your profile it said nothing about where you live, just shows how unreliable I am, huh.

  13. Anyway, England sucks. It's always raining and cold.

  14. Yeah I agree, are you from America because I can't remember if you told me.

  15. Awesome, you play much?

  16. Your personal pic is cool to, do you know what make of guitar it is?

  17. Oh, got your message a little late I suppose., never mind, better late than never. HAPPY HALLOWEEN NEOSJET!

  18. How long was it on for?

  19. Really, Transformers. I've not seen the movie, I've got the game though for PS2. Oh, sorry for the long time no see, I've had computer problems.

  20. Maybe, but there's only one song I like on it, which is - What we've done.

  21. Hybrid Theory. That's the only one I have.

  22. Yep, With You is my favorite song by them.

  23. Hmmm, ok I guess, just another boring school day. You?

  24. Tell you what, just forget all that. Thanks for your comment.

  25. No, I said: I-d-i-o-t

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