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Toa of Dancing

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Blog Entries posted by Toa of Dancing

  1. Toa of Dancing
    So, I haven't been on this website in YEARS, but something I specifically regret forever is posting some very blatant anti-LGBTQ+ bull on here. At the time I had zero (0) socialization with anyone other than those who my conservative parents exposed me to, and HOO BOY have things changed. For one thing, I myself have come to realize my own bisexual identity. I feel like MOST of my friends now aren't straight, amazing what getting a theatre degree does to you.

    So, for those I hurt way back when, if you're even still around here? I'm so sorry for the hateful identity-defying rhetoric I spouted back then. A term I've come to appreciate is "hate parroting," and at the time I really was a hate parrot against the LGBTQ+ community. I regret hurting people by inserting my own dumb, sheltered child opinion, and my adult self is at least offering this apology to the void that will probably not even be read by anyone (and that, afterwards, I probably won't visit this site ever again, or at least not for another few years). I can only hope that this provides some mental closure for me after agonizing over things I said on a children's website years ago, and that somehow someone directly affected back then might see it and feel validated that their attempts to tell me I was wrong weren't completely in vain.
    I love the memories I have otherwise of BZPower, and do miss everything I've done here long ago. Thanks for everything, and one more time, I'm so sorry for hurtful things I once said and hope this olive branch provides... something? Anyways, peace and love, **** Trump, I hope everyone's living life to its fullest despite the world crumbling right now. -Benjamin
  2. Toa of Dancing
    I am not personally hating on those who are LGBTQ+. I am expressing my beliefs that I do not agree with them. I will tolerate them, love them, and treat them like any other person. But I won't agree with their choice. Whether someone believes that orientation is a choice or not is up to them, I believe it is.
    This will be my final say in this matter, and I just ask that those of you who hold opposing beliefs look at what you're saying. Saying that I am a hater (or anyone else being cool, calm, and tolerating) is being hateful, and it disturbs me that a lot of people are okay with this reverse-hate. It's not okay to hate someone who disagrees with you, on either side of the subject, and I hope that this is heard.
    Thank you for your time, and please, let's continue living our lives as human beings. Let's not jusge each other based on our beliefs, but live as people side-by-side on a forum on the internet.
    I tolerate your beliefs, I just disagree with them. I ask that you tolerate my beliefs, and simply disagree with me.
    Thank you.
  3. Toa of Dancing
    I mostly agree with this blog post by DeeVee. That's what needed to be said, and I applaud him. This entire "war" was ridiculous and horrid and needed to stop. Deevs brought down that hammer where it was needed, and again I agree with almost everything he said. Intolerance is wrong and disgusting.
    However. What, then, are we still allowed to discuss? Are we not allowed to say that we personally believe that homosexual/bisexual orientations are wrong, even if we believe as much with every fiber of our being? Are we not allowed to ask someone not to be overt around us because it makes us uncomfortable?
    I am not saying that, in my own personal case, I will be intolerant of their views and their existence. I will acknowledge that real people are like this, and exist around me, and are otherwise "good" people. But as far as I can tell, I can't now state that I disagree with one aspect of their lifestyle?
    Feel free to leave this, drop my proto for expressing my thoughts against this, respond, or whatever. I personally believe that it is oppression to not let me say that I think a choice is wrong, though. I say it with good intent and I do not mean to light a fire. I just want the boundaries of speech on this site to be clear.
  4. Toa of Dancing
    So, this might be a strange request, but can I get an audio recording of one of you amazing staffers saying, "I'm sorry ma'am, I can't answer that." Any staffer would work fine, and full credit will be given in the final product.
    Thanks in advance to whomever might take this challenge. If I can't get this, then that's cool too. It would just be awesome if I could get it.
  5. Toa of Dancing
    People can finally interact with the rest of the internet and not have to shadily say, "Look it up on that site... Y'know..."
    Very glad to see YouTube is now allowed, and even the rest of the internet. To christen the occasion, I shall post something that everyone must know and love.
    Have a Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan.
  6. Toa of Dancing
    At least for a season. Depends on how much interest and help I can garner for an idea I have. An idea regarding RPGs, to be exact. Oh yes, an idea for the RPG contest.
    Dangit I miss being interested in BZP. I need something to bring me back. This would be the perfect thing.
    Also, here's a little bit of an idea (based somewhat on League of Legends lore): Big war, people decide war is bad, create a system for nations to hold disputes in a controlled environment to avoid losses.
    Any interest?
  7. Toa of Dancing
    I sometimes do wonder when I'll forget BZP (or at least peramnently leave it).
    Then I remember that I can't do that because I always have it open as a tab and I still enjoy stalking and really want to get involved again and D=.
    But yeah, I guess I should speak of something relevant. I'm almost done with high school - I'm going to dual enroll this coming semester. This is kind of a scary prospect, as I've been homeschooled my whole life, right up through this sophomore year. So... eh. I'm not worried about borking school or anything, I do just fine as is with a relatively difficult cirriculum. I'm just nervous about driving myself to the campus and having deadlines that aren't extended because I'm sick, which I almost constantly am from Octobe through April. And more things. Maybe I won't drive myself, idk.
    So that's my current feels. Enjoying life otherwise, and I'm going to my local "homeschool prom" with a good friend tonight. A lot of people I know from my homeschool support group and my church, so it should be fun. Gonna weird out people who don't know me, what with going in a suit while I'm wearing a neon-yellow wig. Not bringing a fake cigarette though, I have a feeling they wouldn't appreciate that.
    Also, if anyone cares, here's two pictures of what I look like normally and in my Sanji (from One Piece) cosplay:


    So yeah, idk. Comment on how much of a dork I look like, how awesome that slapped together cosplay is, idc. =P Also note that the first pic was taken in August, so I had a haircut for the cosplay (including my Blu Scout) and currently it's a bit shorter than that. Alrighty then, see you guys later.
  8. Toa of Dancing
    So I'm finally playing through Kingdom Hearts (because I didn't have access to it or I was addicted to LoL). Then Novu goes and gets FFVII (which I want to play). Then she turns the Playstation 2 Slim on and it doesn't read the disc. Okay... then it didn't read KH.
    So our PS2 derped, and Novu took it to a local game shop. It's going to hopefully be fixed tomorrow (expecting that it just needs to be cleaned, as the thing's really old). Yay.
    Funny thing is, I generally stink at console gaming, and yet here are two games that I wanna plaaaaaaaaaaay.
    Also, yes, I still love LoL. Just not addicted anymore.
  9. Toa of Dancing
    So before November or so I hadn't reading pretty much anything since summer. I'd been whittling away at This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti, but aside from that I had recently put no effort into reading.
    One day, I was like, "MUST FINISH BOOK AND READ MORE THINGS." Therefore, I plowed through a bunch of volumes of Pandora Hearts and Naruto to satiate my reading hunger. But it was not satisfied. Thus I picked up the first Hunger Games (from my sister's room XD) and could hardly peel my eyes away for the next day or so. Of course, she hadn't gotten Catching Fire or Mockingjay yet, so I was doing all I could not to murder someone.
    Got a subpar book for Christmas (wanted to help an aspiring author, but my goodness he needs an editor) and read through that. Then had to go to Winter Camp for Boy Scouts. When I got home, we went to Barnes and Noble and lo and behold, there was only Catching Fire. Still, in the time it took for me to finish the other book, Novu (sister) went to Books a Million and got Mockingjay.
    Now I have to decide between reading more of Mockingjay or playing through Arkham Asylum/City (Christmas woot). wat do ;_;
    And then there's the new Ambage Monthly Prompt, and that actually inspired something. So aaaaaagh I don't know what to do. D=
    wat dooooooooooo
  10. Toa of Dancing
    So I did some very light TBRPing earlier today. And I realized why I stopped doing so on BZP. XD
    Seriously chatroom RPing, while not quite as fun, isn't nearly as rule-ridden and uptight as BZP's. Not to say that BZP's isn't some of the most fun I've ever had. It just was so time-consuming, having to keep up with everything, make sure everything is perfect.
    Ah, to have the free time I did a few years ago and the lack of addictions to gaming. X3
  11. Toa of Dancing
    That I'm making this joke with the wrong community. There's a surprising lack of LoL players on BZP, sadly. Ah well, I can chuckle.
    Now I just need to figure out if I can put Gallery images in my sig or if the Gallery is just there. XD
  12. Toa of Dancing
    And also Happy Birthday's Eve to a certain BZP stalker who may or may not have the initials of ToD. And he also probably won't get on BZP at all tomorrow because it's his birthday and Thanksgiving. So yeah happy days all. Get stuffed, have fun, go shopping on Black Friday, whatever you do.
    And to all of those still recovering from Sandy, I truly hope that you will be able to have at least a half-deent day tomorrow. God bless you. =3
  13. Toa of Dancing
    Eh, cool. But I can't help but thinking "Go cuff him." is a terrible pun that Lego shouldn't have made. XD Unless I'm the only one who thought that and I'm a terrible person. Either way works.
    In other news, I went to a convention (FAN:dom) this past weekend. Cosplayed as Sanji from One Piece (again) and Blu Scout from Team Fortress 2. Had fun being crazy and derping around. Also got signatures from Todd Haberkorn, Eric Stuart, Quinton Flynn (not sure on the spelling XD), and Tiffany Grant. Todd even signed a piece of pasta for me. =P The whole thing was great, tons of hugs and awesome cosplays all around, as a con should have.
  14. Toa of Dancing
    And people say to nerf Karthus.
    Problem is, only pros can actually play eaither right. =P
    Either way, I'm kinda sad cuz I have to go to bed now. XD Guess I'll have to catch the final match(es) as replays.
  15. Toa of Dancing
    Well, here we go. Going to spend the night at my older sister's apartment (as, incidentally, my youth leader's wife is pregnant and thus we needed a female leader and my sister was available so she's going) and leave the U.S. for Guatemala.
    Yay beans and rice for a week. =3 Not bad, as that combination is something I love. XD
    And yay being a missionary for a week. =3
  16. Toa of Dancing
    So today we're having the entire darn cable leading from the pole to our house replaced. We have a new modem/router that came free with our upgrade, and we've tried everything else, the only feasible problem could be the cable itself. So... wish the repair people luck.
    On a happy note, Mediacom's technical support people are so nice. XD My mom was on the phone with one guy for about two hours yesterday, and he was just awesome. Other people we've got have also been awesome.
  17. Toa of Dancing
    So earlier today, it was storming hard. Hard enough that lightning struck the awning over our back porch, jumped through a window right beside my computer, and struck both our router and modem. Shenanigans later, it seems to be working. Yay.
    But yeah, in related news my dad just upgraded our internet so... double yay.
  18. Toa of Dancing
    First off: This entry is as unspoilerific as I could make it.
    Thursday night I went to see The Dark Knight Rises. It is my new personal favorite of the three, with Batman Begins coming second and The Dark Knight a hair past it in third.
    Favorite character is, hands-down, Bane. Also has the best two-word line ever. Anyways, main reasons I liked him were as such: "Of course!" is best line. Those eyes were the most expressive eyes ever. That mask looks amazing. He was a good villain. He was rather rounded and dynamic (less so than others, but still good enough). And that coat.
    I'm very pleased with how Anne Hathaway managed to do Selina Kyle. She is most definitely not my favorite actress, but she did a fantastic job in this movie.
    Rest of the movie was awesome, even if I wanted to strangle Bruce once or twice. Even more so the police.
    Anyways, my one cent regarding the movie.
  19. Toa of Dancing
    And Killing Floor (still don't know how I'm allowed to play it, but cool =P) and League of Legends (still =P).
    Sums up my life right now.
    Also a few rl things, like church and BSA.
  20. Toa of Dancing
    So metal music is totally awesome, right? And (if you're Christian) Christian metal is awesome, right? If you don't agree with those statements, then you probably want to leave here. =P
    Anyhow, awesome "new" band started by the son of a family friend. It's called Day of Vengeance. Check out some of their music (especially from the second album, Star Breather), support them. I'm sure they'd appreciate it, and you'll get some great music, too.
    *end shameless plug*
    Am I the only one here who Demon Hunter is their favorite band (tying with Red, in my case)?
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