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Blog Comments posted by Devak

  1. Blender is not hard. Blender is complex. dozens of shortcuts, dozens of options and abilities.


    at best, i can say:


    -i designed Kojol by using 2x2x2 (standard) cubes. a "ball" piece is a subsurf 1 cube. each "bionicle unit" (a hand socket is 3 units long, 1 thick, 2 wide at it's widest) is one cube lenght. long hip sockets are 7 units long, or 14 blender units. use this for reference all the time, and you will get Bionicle with the right proportion


    -bionicle is quite blocky. Blender has tools (smooth, subsurf, bevel) that can make softer corners with ease. therefore, it's easier to start blocky and use these tools for smoothing.


    -make one object per bionicle piece. my Kojol mask was 5 pieces, since i designed it in 5 pieces. BTW Eeko, i made 1 piece the parent of all others, so they would follow regardless.


    -quite miraculously, pin holes add a Bionicle feel.


    -holes add Bionicle feel.


    -try to either:


    1: base pieces on existing pieces

    2: use aforementioned cubes to set out the size and general shape of the piece, and then simply connect them.


    in Blender, size does not matter, since you can easily resize. it's proportion.


    -for rather interesting smooth shapes, take a cube, extrude 2 opposite sides, but make the extruded distance 0. thus, *select face* *E* *0* *Enter* then subsurf.

  2. i fiddled with Kojol's material to make it absurdly shiny (everything to it's max). i could reduce it severly to give it a dirtier look.



    i've done armatures for his arms and legs, the hands in that picture are in a pose, not their natural form.


    i'll add some more armor and perhaps do a few body pieces different.



    the head is the same as pirgah's, i just made the eyes and head two different objects, made the eyes transparent and light-emitting.

  3. FINALLY. i got it. Kojol's mask. took me to karzahni and back. after trying dozens of methods, i finally managed to turn the 2D base pieces to 3D







    i've been looking at the Kanohi topic.



    i'd say these are possible masks for Kojol:



    Mask of Adaptation

    Name: Unknown

    Powers: Physically alters the user to adapt to surroundings, including combat situations

    Users: Unknown


    Reason: he has both water and air rahi. this would be excellent for him to adapt to water or air environments


    Mask of Flight

    Name: Kadin (KAY-din)

    Powers: Grants self-propelled flight to the user

    Notes: User does not need a running start to get off the ground

    Users: Toa Jovan, Toa Inika Nuparu


    reason: fits with his flight rahi, allows him to travel over water and through the air.


    Mask of Fusion

    Name: Unknown

    Powers: Allows its user to forcibly fuse any two or more beings together

    Notes: User can include themselves in the fusion, or strengthen/weaken natural fusions

    Users: Unknown


    reason: cool mask.


    Mask of Sensory Aptitude

    Name: Unknown

    Powers: Increases the user's senses

    Users: Unknown


    reason: would be cool



  4. i haven't even started yet, i have no idea where to start.


    1: the feet. on the one picture i have to work with, i can barely see his feet.


    2: the entire concept is from the front, with a few "details"


    3: the mask. it looks like a what? scarecrow? i think the idea of a bird-esqur mask is cool, the "nose" bugs me


    4: since i'm working with individual components, i'd like to see detailled (or at least large) pictures of the armor pieces, some chest pieces, etc.



    5: i'd like to see a few more versions of kojol, preferrably from different artists

  5. can i get some more versions of Kojol, especially more detailled versions of his body, limbs, etc? a matoran is easy. a makuta is not.



    preferrably high-resolution, or at least, big drawings? preferrably mask, armor pieces, legs, arms, body, and weapon all seperate?

  6. haven't really figured out cloth yet, so not gonna do that one.





    -jaller has a head!

    -jaller has a mask!

    -jaller has a full armature!

    -jaller walks!



    once the walk animation is done, i'll upload it, and show it. check for feedback, then change further.



    planned changes:


    -armor (gonna make it more bionicle-esque, and give it more detail, make it less organic)

    -feet (more detail, some changes)

    -hands (has anyone made hands yet?)




  7. BS01:


    Toa Empire Alternate Universe:

    In this alternate universe, the Brotherhood of Makuta never recruited any Toa to be Toa Hagah, and so the individual members of the team never received new Kanohi or metallic armor. Instead, Gaaki, Pouks, Bomonga and Kualus pledged themselves to upholding the values of the Toa Empire.

  8. yes, yes, that looks awesome!




    did a Jaller V1, found that he would be way too big, then re-designed him, now i colored him and added armatures. only two pieces missing: hands and a head.


    once that's done and some basic animations are done to see the results, i'll probably make a v3



    anyone know if we have a Toa Empire emblem / symbol thingey?

  9. looks... evil :D



    smoothing? what kind?


    W -> smooth makes the angles smoother, but essentially deforms everything.


    W-> Set Smooth makes the surface smooth. if it looks weird, press ctrl N (recalculate normals)




    does anyone have Matoran heads ready?



  10. hau needs polishing.



    also, Set style works great for 2006 and onwards. but for a Nuva/Mata, it looks ######. the body simply isn't built to look anything like anatomically correct. with severe modifications it can be made right.



    also, that body took me a hour or one, two. the mask alone just as long. masks are terribly hard, tons of work required, especially for stuff like the Hau and Pakari.



    tomorrow i'll continue on Tahu, then i'll build Jaller

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