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Red Star Studios



Red Star Studios Animators HQ


Alrighty, this is the official place for the animators to find out what they're supposed to be doing. Which, by extension, means that if you're not an animator, or at least not in this project, you don't need to post here. So don't. :)

Once we actually have some work to show, I'll make this into a topic.

DM Tahu

DM Kualus

DM Onua

Turaga Dume

DM Pohatu

Krika -Pirgah

Leech'd Takanuva -Sukura

DM Kopaka -Phantax

DM Bomonga -Eeko

Metruan template -Pirgah

Tuyet -Duo Oratar

DM Jaller -Devak

Kojol -Devak

Street where Taka lands. (This is for if someone really doesn't feel like doing a character, or gets tired of doing characters.) -Duo Oratar



So, just comment with what you'd like to work on, and we'll go from there. If you decide one of the sketches aren't any good, or too hard to model, PM me and I'll alert the concept artists.


Happy modeling!





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I'd Like to take the Metruan with this one.


Also, just so I'm clear, how close are we sticking to the models, is it a close as possible with some small additions like TLR or full blown MOL?


EDIT: Oops didn't see that the matoran was taken - I'll bite the bullet then and do TakaNuva

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I'd Like to take the Metruan with this one.


Also, just so I'm clear, how close are we sticking to the models, is it a close as possible with some small additions like TLR or full blown MOL?


EDIT: Oops didn't see that the matoran was taken - I'll bite the bullet then and do TakaNuva


Anything that you think of that will make it look better, you're allowed to change. We're trying to get kind of a hybrid style between the two.



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i'd like to do jaller or kojol. perhaps both.



so we can use plenty of.... modeller's license, so to speak (instead of artistic license)

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I seem to be having some problems with Blender 2.49b (32-bit version) on my Windows 7 64-bit machine :angry:. I can't seem to add materials properly :(. Other than that, everything is coming along nicely.

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I seem to be having some problems with Blender 2.49b (32-bit version) on my Windows 7 64-bit machine :angry:. I can't seem to add materials properly :(. Other than that, everything is coming along nicely.


Weird. You should probably contact blenders customer service.


Can I do Krika?


Actually, I forgot to take that one off. He's not in Dark Mirror.



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on BS01 there's an entire list. and dozens of unnamed toa and Dark Hunters, dozens of unknown matoran, and we have the archives, filled with tons of tools.



just so you guys know, i've made a Komau (for Jaller), i'd like to design jaller, i've been working on Tahu as an experimentation, figured out a cool flameblade, currently building the entire armature structure. after that, i'll try out some animations and after that, i'll build jaller.




the makuta are not mutated, indeed. but didnt the Pit Mutagen lock the Makuta in their form, as opposed to horribly mutating them beyond recognition?


also, since Teridax shapeshifted into a toa, i'd guess that all three makuta are toa-sized. especially since we know that makuta need large amounts of power and mass to grow to stronger forms and loose energy and mass to go to weaker forms. since the toa are dominant, and since the makuta use shapeshifting to sneak around, they'd most likely be toa-sized. Krika is described as having "thin armor lined with dozens of small sharp knives" which would quite fit his Swamp appearance, except that he'd be black.



also, all toa Hagah are mono-toned, and kualus implied multi-toning is rather odd.



can we have Takanuva change his armor color over time? like, when he extensively uses his element (no matter wheter light or shadow), his armor darkens, and by the end of DM, his armor has turned to the color of the Titan set?





i'm planning on making Jaller somewhat more armored, planning on giving him a cloak/cape kind of thing, and make him look like an important matoran (especially since any toa could've carried the Vahi, yet a matoran was chosen as carrier and not a toa. and since Jaller is described as a fanatic, he'd be better dressed, and probably even rebuilt to be stronger, than the average matoran, since he's that important. especially in a Toa Empire world.



i've already built hands, not very happy with them ATM, they're crude.



could you include an armature in the hands? makes it so much easier


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hau needs polishing.



also, Set style works great for 2006 and onwards. but for a Nuva/Mata, it looks ######. the body simply isn't built to look anything like anatomically correct. with severe modifications it can be made right.



also, that body took me a hour or one, two. the mask alone just as long. masks are terribly hard, tons of work required, especially for stuff like the Hau and Pakari.



tomorrow i'll continue on Tahu, then i'll build Jaller

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Can you tell me what, specifically, is wrong with the Hau? not that it matters much, it was just made to show what the Metru Nui Matoran would look like.


Another Question: Do we make the textures for the model's as well?

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Can you tell me what, specifically, is wrong with the Hau? not that it matters much, it was just made to show what the Metru Nui Matoran would look like.


Another Question: Do we make the textures for the model's as well?

I think the Nose should come further forwards. Thats it really.

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Could you post views from the very side and very front? That way its easier for me to notice any problems that it might have.


Okay, now that those views are posted:


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Lol I left the teeth out because, apparently, the characters have actual chompy mouths, so the teeth would make it look like TK was wearing a gag.

I may yet do some more work on the mouth, and thanks for pointing out that minute lip at the top. As for the slots, they will be part od a map in the texture, but I'm not sure which - I'm looking into it.


EDIT: While I'm here, could someone post a picture of the side of a toa's torso please...I'm having a little trouble with it.

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Try and make it look more like the art, and less like the set avohkii. Remember, this is dark Taka.



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While I'm here, could someone post a picture of the side of a toa's torso please...I'm having a little trouble with it.


Which kind of Toa torso?

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While I'm here, could someone post a picture of the side of a toa's torso please...I'm having a little trouble with it.


Which kind of Toa torso?


The orginal one, Toa mata. It makes up a surprising amount of TakaNuva. Oh and @Eeko I'm redoing the mask to be closer to the concept art.

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Oki, I have redone the Avohkii to match the concept art..theres no head behind it yet, and I need to sort out smoothing too.


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