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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brickeens

  1. Brickeens
    Our plane aborted on takeoff. There's something wrong with one engine and we all had to disembark. The airline doesn't know what's going to happen - if they can fix the engine we might be able to fly in a couple of hours, if not, I don't know. Not a great start to the trip.
  2. Brickeens
    I'm going to try and create a Toa Team that primarily comprises of female members. Because, well, more female BIONICLE characters = badly needed, and I can't recall ever seeing a Toa Team with more than one female member, which is pretty sad.
  3. Brickeens
    VB, the extremely kind fellow he is, got me Portal for my birthday, and it's great.
    Of course, everybody else knew that it was great three years ago, but better late than never, right?
  4. Brickeens
    That actually went really well. Things weren't nearly as awkward as I thought they'd be, and I actually enjoyed myself.
    I'm very happy that things are off to a good start.
  5. Brickeens
    I'm just back from my last art class. My teacher is retiring once school concludes for the summer, so I'm not sure if I'll ever be going in for classes like that again. If so, I'll miss them.
  6. Brickeens
    (Click for full resolution)
    It's that female Toa again, except hey, in color. It's been a long time since I've done a proper color picture.
    It's not that good, but it's a start.
  7. Brickeens
    Continuing on from last week, something really unexpected happened today. The girl I knew very well from primary school actually came and sat beside me on the bus today, and we talked all the way home.
    I can't really describe how happy I am now that this has happened, so I think I'll just finish with this gif.
  8. Brickeens
    Over the past couple of years, I've repeatedly tried to design my own alter-ego, and after all this time I still haven't come close to a design that works for me. Considering I've designed a good few other characters without nearly as much trouble, you'd think designing myself wouldn't be so hard.
  9. Brickeens
    The good:
    Worked on photography a lot and improved
    A close friend recovered from a rare form of cancer
    Doctors might be a little closer to finding out what's wrong with me
    The bad:
    Physical health has been declining since 2012 (which was the only year since 2009 where it was anywhere close to decent) and not being able to exercise properly is driving me insane
    Got nowhere fixing bad anxiety problems

  10. Brickeens
    I actually hadn't heard of The Hunger Games until all the hype about the film came up. I was thinking of going to see it, but I held off because I didn't want to watch it having not read the book.
    But while BZP was down, a friend gave me a loan of the book, which I read last Friday/Saturday, and I managed to see the film on Monday, -just- before it went out of my local cinema, so mission accomplished.
    They were both fantastic. Spoilers ahoy while I explain how much I love them both.
  11. Brickeens
    I say stupid things.
    Unfortunately, I'm paranoid, and because of that I've found some stuff which has people saying less than complimentary things about me on other websites because I said stupid stuff.
    And then I just feel like blowing my head off.
  12. Brickeens
    Still not done my homeworks yet. We didn't even get much tonight.
    It's the Maths. I just can't understand it, maybe it's because I'm so tired.
    Would anyone be interested in pics of my Skirmix half-revamp with rider?
  13. Brickeens
    This is weird, I'm actually in the same time zone as a lot of people here. Me and dad are just leaving our hotel and will be arriving at Sumiki's house in approximately four and a half hours.
  14. Brickeens
    I think my PMship is due to expire soon. I've been renewing it annually since ...2008, I think, but normallly in December. The 2011 downtime meant I didn't need to last Christmas. I guess I'll renew it before it expires.
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