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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brickeens

  1. Brickeens
    It's weird, I never thought I'd see the day BIONICLE would return, and I would have imagined I'd be more enthusiatic, but I'm not particularly moved one way or the other. I am happy though, because whatever new BIONICLE is like, it means A) new pieces for MOCs, and B) more activity for BZP. Here's to me making things again and more active days for BZP.
  2. Brickeens
    I slept for 14 hours last night. I know that sounds incredibly lazy, but in my defense I was up for about 32 hours from Monday until Tuesday with barely any sleep. I got a little on the bus and train on the way home, but I don't think it was any more than an hour. I feel pretty good today though, and it's really nice being back, so I'm happy. It was a great holiday.
  3. Brickeens
    Okay, maybe this is old news, but I was looking through Boston Dynamics' videos on YouTube, and I came across this thing:

    It's a freaking humanoid robot with a (kind of) spherical upper torso with a blue eye thing in it. It's even called Atlas. I am now convinced these people are turning into Aperture Science.
  4. Brickeens
    All I really want to do here is describe some environments and atmospheres that I really like and that really give me feelings. (I can't be the only one.) Get away while you still can.
    I'll start with fog. When I see fog... I just want to go off and get lost in it, hide in it, run in it, explore in it. It can bring mystery and beauty anywhere. An ideal fog situation for me would be in a large, grassy, slightly wooded, cold, rocky area at dusk. Exploring that with friends would make me so happy.
    An alternate ideal foggy environment would be an urban one in the middle of the night lit by streetlamps in freezing temperatures. That would be great too.
    Next up is autumn environments. I love it when there are dry leaves on the ground because they look so pretty in their red and yellow and brown colors. An ideal autumn environment for me would be one with a really heavy amount of leaves on the ground, so you could sort of wade through them and roll around in them and throw them around the place and what have you. It would be even better with a lot of wind, because leaves flying all over the place would be beautiful and would also make me happy.
    Related to the above, I also really like wind, because I think it feels nice and it makes a soothing noise rustling grass and leaves and trees. I don't think I can say much more there than that I particularly like a good cold wind because it's refreshing and it means I can wear a nice warm coat. But I won't get started on coats. (Or gloves or scarves.)
    The next thing is grass. Dry, long grass. Particularly brown grass. The best sort is the sort that is a really light tan, so light that it's ghostly. I would run around in grass like that and then just lie in it and look at the sky and I don't even know...
    Snowy and icy environments go without saying. Ireland rarely gets snow, and when does it doesn't get much, but in the few times in my life that it has come, it has been amazing. Everything has quite a beauty when transformed by the cold. It's wonderful, and I think I love just about any snowy/icy environment.
    Going on from cold, I also like fires. Especially bonfires after midnight. They make a lovely sound and the great heat is very pleasant, as is the orange glow. I love the crackling of twigs and sparks flying up out of sight. Also, marshmallows. (I think I'm straying from environments here.)
    And I think I'll stop now. I'm pretty sure I could add to this list for a long time - I feel I'm only getting started, but it's nearly 3AM. This is probably all very silly, but this is who I am and what I like, and I feel like sharing it. <3
    There is one more important thing I need to add - none of these environments or scenarios would be complete without one or two good bros to explore with.
    And what I really want to know is, how many of you know how I feel here?
  5. Brickeens
    I'm not sure whether it's the LDN medication or the fact that my aforementioned friend has got cancer again, but I've been really up and down the last couple of weeks. Things with the medication should be levelling out as I'm no longer upping the dose, but I dunno. My head is sore a lot of the time and I really feel terrible about the friend with cancer because I feel helpless when people are in such bad situations like that. It's really confusing and I don't know what to do.
  6. Brickeens
    Continuing on from last week, something really unexpected happened today. The girl I knew very well from primary school actually came and sat beside me on the bus today, and we talked all the way home.
    I can't really describe how happy I am now that this has happened, so I think I'll just finish with this gif.
  7. Brickeens
    (Click for full resolution)
    It's that female Toa again, except hey, in color. It's been a long time since I've done a proper color picture.
    It's not that good, but it's a start.
  8. Brickeens
    So art classes at school are going pretty well. I go in on a Wednesday and a Friday, and on a Friday the art class is the last class of the day, so I take the bus back home.
    The two individuals from this entry are on the bus. And yeah, what do you know, they're still ignoring me. The first one is generally ignorant anyway, so I suppose I can't expect anything else of him, but as for the other I'm 99% sure she avoids me because she has stupid Catholic parents won't let her near non-Catholic people or things. I can't go into detail there because some people might get offended and we can't discuss religion.
    It's pretty depressing going home on a bus with a bunch of people and feeling really isolated.
  9. Brickeens
    That actually went really well. Things weren't nearly as awkward as I thought they'd be, and I actually enjoyed myself.
    I'm very happy that things are off to a good start.
  10. Brickeens
    Today I got:
    - Burnt orange trousers
    - Purple trousers
    - Black trousers
    - Grey trousers
    All of which are far better than the stupid dark blue jeans I've been wearing for ages. Now I just need to find some good jumpers in complimentary colors.
  11. Brickeens
    Over the past couple of years, I've repeatedly tried to design my own alter-ego, and after all this time I still haven't come close to a design that works for me. Considering I've designed a good few other characters without nearly as much trouble, you'd think designing myself wouldn't be so hard.
  12. Brickeens
    I say stupid things.
    Unfortunately, I'm paranoid, and because of that I've found some stuff which has people saying less than complimentary things about me on other websites because I said stupid stuff.
    And then I just feel like blowing my head off.
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