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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brickeens

  1. Brickeens
    Today I got:
    - Burnt orange trousers
    - Purple trousers
    - Black trousers
    - Grey trousers
    All of which are far better than the stupid dark blue jeans I've been wearing for ages. Now I just need to find some good jumpers in complimentary colors.
  2. Brickeens
    This happened a while ago, but basically, a guy I know straight up offered me a job in his photography shop. He said he's having trouble doing all the work himself and that he'd teach me how to edit, print and frame photographs to a professional standard. It was an amazing offer, because I mean, it's not every day you just get offered a job, let alone a job you'd actually enjoy.
    But of course I couldn't take it. I can still hardly cope with basic day to day life and there's no way I'd last working in a shop. It's been a while, but I'm still upset and frustrated about it, because it was such a fantastic offer and I don't know if I'll ever get an opportunity like that again.
  3. Brickeens
    Continuing from here, things have changed yet again. The good news is, the yeast is busted. Apparently I've been on such a strong dose of medication there can't possibly be any left. The bad news is, I'm still not better, so there are further problems. My doctor says it's quite likely that the yeast infection caused me to develop allergic reactions to foods. This isn't as terrible as it sounds, because if this is the case the allergies will be curable, unlike some other food allergies I have.
    In order to establish what foods I react to, I have to go on a 6 week exclusion/diagnostic diet, starting tomorrow or Thursday. Here's an extract from the form I have detailing the first stage of the diet:
    You get the idea. It's very strict. I don't know what the diet starts adding after the first 8 days, but yeah. Apparently the first few days are kind of awful, because you get withdrawal symptoms.
    Bring it on.
  4. Brickeens
    Belated Merry Christmas to all. I'm not going to bother making a list of everything I got, because frankly it all pales in comparison to a joint gift me and dad recieved.

    A freaking awesome new camera.
  5. Brickeens
    I think it can be best be described as working hard, getting sick, missing school, working even harder to make up for missing school, getting sick and missing more school, working even harder, getting even sicker, etc.
    I've always cared an awful lot about doing well in school, because how I perform in school is important later in life. I've always worked very hard in school.
    But what do I get for working hard? Depression. Health problems without solutions. Frankly, it isn't worth it. I feel like a shadow of myself every day, and I'd rather be left in peace to feel horrible than feel even more horrible with the pressures of school.
  6. Brickeens
    So I was in town this evening, and lo and behold, it snowed. It actually snowed. The last time we had snow was back in Christmas 2009. It's pretty much nothing compared to what the rest of you get, but for Ireland it's great.
    What's sad is, I live away from town and we hardly got a thing in my part of the countryside. I was thinking if the snow didn't melt during the night I could go out tomorrow and take pictures, but I guess that won't be possible. Ah well.
  7. Brickeens
    So a lot has changed this year. I'm much stronger than I was in 2010/2011. I still feel a long way from being normal, but some headway is better than none and at the moment things are looking more hopeful than they have in a long time.
    Earlier in the year one of my doctors put me on antifungal medication on the hunch that I might have a yeast overgrowth in my digestive system. Lo and behold, the medication made me feel significantly better. In June, I started running, and by July, I was running 1.10 Kilometres five days a week. I know that's kind of pathetic, but I hadn't been well or strong enough to exercise like that for years. I continued that on through August.
    In September, I started back at school part time. While that's good news, it sort of turns into bad news. School itself is good, but my body is reacting quite badly to the early mornings thanks to sleep issues. My immune system isn't taking it at all well, and on doctor's orders I haven't been running for a month and I'm starting to feel weaker.
    So that's life now. Not brilliant, but there's hope. I've started on further, stronger treatment for the yeast infection which is the most likely root of the sleep trouble I'm having. In the meantime I just have to hold together until the medication works.
  8. Brickeens
    Better late than never.
    There are a couple of things missing from the picture (A Brickfair t-shirt and a small system set which I both got from the bling desk) but whatever.

    -Brickeens MOC
    -I can't remember the name of the yellow thing (Or whether it's a Slizer, a Throwbot, or a Roborider)
    -Two big red cement mixer tanks
    -Lots and lots of clip tiles
    -A bunch of white claws and EF arms
    -Prototype Tarix helmet

    Thank you very very much, Deevs. <3
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