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Status Updates posted by ise601

  1. sorry. i havent used the cpu very much for a long while. i am pretty good. yourself??

  2. sorry for not commenting sooner. havent used the cpu very much. one of my 2 favorites. the other is wolverine. have you seen the dark knight movie yet??

  3. sprry i havent commented for a while. havent been on the cpu as i used to. so hows it been going??

  4. hey i have really missed you. i havent had the chance to use the cpu for a loooooooong time. anyway to answer your question, the new pic is the batman, from the movie: "batman vs dracula" or something like that. so how has it been going??

  5. definitely some of the best movies ever made. masterpieces. i think i see a jack sparrow in the background. nice costume by the way. lol

  6. lol. nope. but i am going to change it soon i think. when i do tell me what you think of the new one ok?? if you want that is. :P

  7. yeah cool. mine is self explanatory no?? hehe

  8. lol. sweet outfit by the way. you like pirayes of the carribean??

  9. i have read some of his poems. what is your personal picture of??

  10. nice personal pic by the way. i take it it is you??

  11. i also read c. s. lewis. do you??

  12. oh yeah. i like tolkien. do you read??

  13. not really. a little lego starwars the videogame, and some nhl 06 and 07. you??

  14. yeah imagine if they didnt have names: "the brown acoustic one shaped like an 8, with a dark brown rim around the frame..."

  15. hi. hows it going??

  16. not much. how about you??

  17. lol ok thanks. do most guitars have names??

  18. by the way, is it ok if i add you as a friend??

  19. what is it called??

  20. ok now that is brilliant. can you use it as an acoustic too?? like without the mike??

  21. oh ok. by the way, do you know what an electric/acoustic guitar is?? or whatever they are called.

  22. you said "i is bored". it should have been "i am bored". :P

  23. well i can right now.

  24. want me to correct your grammar on that one??

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