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Blog Entries posted by Nara

  1. Nara
    School is over and since I haven't been notified about anything, I'm assuming everything went well. ^-^
    The Gun Threat was indeed an empty threat, as many predicted. I wasn't going to push my luck anyhow, but I'm glad everyone's safe.
    And with the closing of the school day, that means that Winter Break has officially begun! Joy!
    Also, Progress3.5: I've decided to map instead of insert more sprites. Edited Cerulean a bit, Mt. Moon a bit, added to Four Island but haven't started on the Alamo.
  2. Nara
    [quoute]We can only assume that in order to adequately celebrate Wear Brown Shoes Day is to wear brown shoes. We dont think your brown shoes have to match the rest of your outfit, just as long as your shoes are brown. So, get out there and wear brown shoes.
    It probably would've been better to post this earlier, but meh.
  3. Nara
    How only the smallest connection to the deceased can cause such sadness. Not even part of the family nor the circle of friends, but a member of the circle's family. I didn't even know him personally, nor do I know his name. The same could have most likely been said for him. The overwhelming emotion that hit was unexpected.
    I've noticed that the colors of the earth become more diluted with each passing hour, but the snow is more pure than ever.
  4. Nara
    You know, it's the little things that you take for granted. Like lights that turn on instantly instead of ten seconds later, or air conditioning that you understand the working of. Or heck, even a fan in the bathroom.
    Out of the country right now, wish I had a mouse but I left the USB for it at home. :c Not that the WIFI here is particularly strong enough for a lot of things anyway.
  5. Nara
    Yeah.. I got the game today, and it's sadly the only thing I've been doing. Hopefully this won't push back a planned demo.
    But to think of it in better ways: Now I know why all of you are always talking about it! =D
  6. Nara
    If anyone still plays. =P I opened a 1.7.2 server, pure survival. If anyone's interested, comment with your Minecraft username and I'll add you to the whitelist.
    The server should be open 24-7. ^-^
    I don't expect that there'll always be people on, but it's there if anyone feels the urge.
  7. Nara
    I should probably make a RotR tag. Hm.
    Anyway, more updates.
    Hidden for those who want to play blind.
    If you've got any suggestions, please comment. More likely than not I'll consider and implement it.
    Should I make a topic in OTC? I'm not sure if it'd be allowed, actually, but I'm wondering. A topic would be easier to navigate than my blog.
  8. Nara
    Decided to change my name because I've stuck with my old username for the entire time. I don't think it'll mess with people, since I've had my avatar and sig for a while now.
    Now, more SciO stuff! Another invite tomorrow, really freaking out about this one but I'm determined to win in Forestry.
    Surprisingly, my partner and I won fifth in Fermi last time, not sure how that happened. 10th in Experimental, 8th in Forestry, and 8-13th in MagLev. Ranks will be increasing tomorrow. They better. =D
  9. Nara
    As people have called it, Naracraft is back online. Sorry about the downtime, though I'm sure nobody noticed. =P
    If anyone new wants to be whitelisted, leave your minecraft name in the comments and I'll get you asap. There's not really any activity on the server but it's there if you want.
    EDIT: Also, as the 1.7.4 Chicken Jockeys cause tremendous amounts of lag, mobGriefing will be turned off to prevent the zombies from picking up eggs. This will also prevent creepers from breaking blocks and endermen from picking stuff up. It'll stay off until there's a fix for the chicken jockeys, but if people really want we can revert the server back to 1.7.2.
  10. Nara
    The school isn't allowing sophomores (me) to pick an AP English class for next year, and basically making all of us go to English 3 Honors next year and one AP English class senior year.
    nononononononononononono NO. This is not good.
  11. Nara
    I do like this a lot. =D
    In other news, I should be asleep right now because winter break technically ends in an hour and school returns tomorrow. So meh, tired am I not.
    But I did learn that two weeks without writing anything really messes with your handwriting. Not that mine was legible before, but now it seems difficult to write stuff. ._.
  12. Nara
    Operation Rally is the current name of the RotR game I'm working on.
    And I created a topic for it in OTC, found here.
    Please post if you see anything you like (or don't like, I guess)!
  13. Nara
    Practice ACT, basically.
    I got my PLAN back today, and I was mildly disappointed in my score. It is a 25 out of 32. Predicted to score a 27-31 on the ACT.
    Now, I'm not exactly sure how good that is, since my school is weird. Almost everyone I know talks about their GPA and scores and academic stuff. And I'm not joking when I say almost everyone. Literally, almost everyone. =P
    But yeah. Personally, I kinda wish that the score was higher, but oh well.
  14. Nara
    Completed the Kalos Dex, as a part of a Living Dex project. First time I've completed a regional Dex ever.
    Now that that's done, I'm going on to breeding competitively viable Pokemon. Got two IV bred so far, 5/6 IV Phantump with Harvest and a 5IV breeding pair of Aron. Currently breeding for a 5IV female Froakie with Protean, it's a pain. Stupid gender ratio. >.> I did get a fully EV trained Starmie, probably with lackluster IVs, from the GTS though.
    Also caught a shiny Trevenant from a horde, one of my favorite shinies. =D
    Ohey I just bred a perfect 6IV male Froakie with Torrent.
  15. Nara
    I'm Premier! Feels good to give back.
    Still working on the blog, doesn't help that I've changed it every anniversary I've had it.
  16. Nara
    I could swear that I had a Pokemon category. Hm.
    Anyway, progress on this game. Xaeraz made an awesome trainer sprite for me, so thanks to him. =D
    Now, on the game itself, I patched a FireRed to remove all scripts, basically, cleaner-than-factory-version Fire Red. I also managed to replace the NidoranF family sprites with Turtwig's family sprites. Going to edit the info soon.
    I also found a way to "create" new attacks. As I don't think I'm experienced enough to just add in some attacks, what I'm going to do is replace them. I'm probably going to replace
    1. attacks that none of the players in the RPG use, mainly
    2. attacks that nobody use
    3. stat changing attacks. Not all of them, just random ones like Meditate and stuff like that.
    Sound interesting? Check out this entry.
  17. Nara
    Progress on the RotR game.
    There hasn't been much. I've inserted more sprites, but Drapion is giving me a lot of trouble by not working how it should. That put things on hold for a while and it's still giving me a hard time.
    However, I have finished editing the info for all the Pokemon before it, so there's that. Movesets are based on B2W2 movesets, but since I can't exactly insert moves like a pro yet, there are some changes.
    Pokemon with the most different moveset: Drifloon family
    Pokemon with potentially overpowered movesets: Luxio, Garchomp, Lucario
    Pokemon with lackluster movesets: Shieldon family
    Changed Comet Punch to Aura Sphere.
    32% of sprites are inserted as of now.
  18. Nara
    100% of the Gen 4 Pokemon are complete! Woo! Except for icons, but I'll get to that sometime
    Other than that, there really hasn't been too much significant work on the game.
    I'm debating on whether to start mapping or finish inserting the Gen 5 stuff. Leaning towards mapping so it looks like I've actually done stuff.
    I figured some screenshots would prove that I've got stuff done. Granted, it really doesn't show much, but I've got stuff. =P

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