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Blog Entries posted by Nara

  1. Nara
    Done with finals. Pretty happy about my grades. But this also means that I have time again.
    Going to start up work on the RotR Game, I need to finish the Alamo. I might put in some placeholder NPCs, but I think I'll release a short (emphasis on short) demo afterwards.
    Debating on whether or not to allow the demo to include Cerulean City and/or Pokemon.
  2. Nara
    So there's this kid at my school who tweeted, "I think Mrs.------ is single handedly the worst teacher". Probably thought it was funny until he came into class, and the tweet was projected to the front of the room, with the teacher posing in front of it.
    Best part? She got a video of his reaction.
    Sometimes, I really can't stand the English department in my school, but I've gotta say, most of the English teachers are the craziest, fun filled people I've ever met that know how to play up their sarcasm instead of avoiding it.
    In other news, I'm having trouble finding an appetite for anything recently. This happens every once in a while, but I hope it passes over soon. >.<
  3. Nara
    The school isn't allowing sophomores (me) to pick an AP English class for next year, and basically making all of us go to English 3 Honors next year and one AP English class senior year.
    nononononononononononono NO. This is not good.
  4. Nara
    Someone created a tool to edit the maps in Gen 4. This is amazing and saddening news.
    Because now, I [will] have a stable platform to base RotR2 on, but it's so well developed, I almost want to switch RotR onto it.
    So there. As for updates on the game, it's almost ready to be released as a demo. Going to shoot for next week, I'll release the bare bones of it.
  5. Nara
    [quoute]We can only assume that in order to adequately celebrate Wear Brown Shoes Day is to wear brown shoes. We dont think your brown shoes have to match the rest of your outfit, just as long as your shoes are brown. So, get out there and wear brown shoes.
    It probably would've been better to post this earlier, but meh.
  6. Nara
    So, as a "reward" for basically making it through PE this semester, the week before spring break is going to be spent rollerskating. It sounded great at the time but very quickly I learned that I cannot skate for my life.
    Seriously, if I had a pair of skates glued to my feet and I had to flee from a collapsing bridge, I would probably try to get away, fall to the ground, then fall with the bridge.
    I must've fallen five times or so. Three of those were consecutive, from me trying to get back up.
    It's going to be a long week. e.e
  7. Nara
    How only the smallest connection to the deceased can cause such sadness. Not even part of the family nor the circle of friends, but a member of the circle's family. I didn't even know him personally, nor do I know his name. The same could have most likely been said for him. The overwhelming emotion that hit was unexpected.
    I've noticed that the colors of the earth become more diluted with each passing hour, but the snow is more pure than ever.
  8. Nara
    I could swear that I had a Pokemon category. Hm.
    Anyway, progress on this game. Xaeraz made an awesome trainer sprite for me, so thanks to him. =D
    Now, on the game itself, I patched a FireRed to remove all scripts, basically, cleaner-than-factory-version Fire Red. I also managed to replace the NidoranF family sprites with Turtwig's family sprites. Going to edit the info soon.
    I also found a way to "create" new attacks. As I don't think I'm experienced enough to just add in some attacks, what I'm going to do is replace them. I'm probably going to replace
    1. attacks that none of the players in the RPG use, mainly
    2. attacks that nobody use
    3. stat changing attacks. Not all of them, just random ones like Meditate and stuff like that.
    Sound interesting? Check out this entry.
  9. Nara
    Progress on the RotR game.
    There hasn't been much. I've inserted more sprites, but Drapion is giving me a lot of trouble by not working how it should. That put things on hold for a while and it's still giving me a hard time.
    However, I have finished editing the info for all the Pokemon before it, so there's that. Movesets are based on B2W2 movesets, but since I can't exactly insert moves like a pro yet, there are some changes.
    Pokemon with the most different moveset: Drifloon family
    Pokemon with potentially overpowered movesets: Luxio, Garchomp, Lucario
    Pokemon with lackluster movesets: Shieldon family
    Changed Comet Punch to Aura Sphere.
    32% of sprites are inserted as of now.
  10. Nara
    It's odd, to me, that I am older than some people who I'd figure to be older than I. Join date wise, anyway. Maybe it's my post count compared to theirs.
    In other news, I think I'm going to have a second shot at an Epic. My first one was back in my first year here, I think, and while I finished it, I don't really like how it's written.
    Actually it may be one of the only stories I've finished. Ever.
    So yeah. I've got a plot in mind, but there are also a mess of characters who are essential to the plot but may not be relevant to the story at any given point. Regardless, I'm going to try to give personality and background to these characters. However, there are sixteen and I initially planned on spending a week with each character to flesh it out more, but I don't think I can wait 16+ weeks before beginning to write. So I'll do it in pairs, since that's how they show up in story.
    Actually it's kinda really eight characters with a partner but those are only the [currently] important Matoran/Toa. I currently don't have any Turaga created, and I envision there to be six. I also don't have any antagonists, and I'm debating on whether they'll be Dark Hunters or Makuta. Chances are, it'll be both, but not at the same time.
  11. Nara
    As in, concert band. =P
    My concert band was invited to play at the Midwest Clinic, an international conference for band/orchestra. A professor from Cornell University will be conducting our rehearsal as an opportunity to show new methods of teaching to band directors and showing off how to use iPads and Google Glass during rehearsals.
    She came in during school today to meet us beforehand, and she's hilarious. =P Google Glass doesn't look as silly as I imagined it, it's actually really awesome and I kinda want it now.
    Oh, and one of the songs we're playing during the rehearsal is from Frank Ticheli, one of the most well known concert band composers. Plus, one of my favorite composers. Apparently he's supposed to be there and may be watching us play one of his songs. Excited and nervous as the same time. D=D
  12. Nara
    I am done. Bought gifts for the family and it consumed about a hundred dollars.
    Witty shirts for my parents and cousins.
    Plush Peashooter that shoots a pea from Plants v. Zombie for my brother.
    A plush talking Turret from Portal 2 for my sister.

    Though, free shipping! ^-^
    I was hoping to save a lot of money to eventually buy myself a nice new Cannonball Sax, but it's Christmas.
  13. Nara
    Operation Rally is the current name of the RotR game I'm working on.
    And I created a topic for it in OTC, found here.
    Please post if you see anything you like (or don't like, I guess)!
  14. Nara
    Regionals are tomorrow (aka a few hours), and I'm cramming. =P
    Throwing basically everything I can onto our Entomology cheat sheet and then going to learn about steronets and topographic maps and geologic structures.
    We have a good chance at going to State this year, having just barely missed it the past two years. Hopefully we go this year. =D
  15. Nara
    Yeah.. I got the game today, and it's sadly the only thing I've been doing. Hopefully this won't push back a planned demo.
    But to think of it in better ways: Now I know why all of you are always talking about it! =D
  16. Nara
    Because I can't think of a better title. Plus I think this entry will cover a range of things.
    Firstly, if you haven't already heard it, Si Tu Vois Ma Mère is a great song. It's a jazz song mostly featuring a sax duet. I personally love it because I play alto sax (though I think it's a soprano in the song), so it might not be everyone's cup of tea.
    Secondly, first day of Pep Band was today. There were more saxes than I anticipated and one of them had a blue and gold saxophone. Not to say that that is the best sounding model, but it's blue and gold. How can you not love it?
    So lightning has a prefix now, Vo, huh? I like it a lot, actually. It'll be useful for my [hopefully] upcoming epic. Now we just need prefixes for the other elements that don't have them. =P
    I'm also getting a plethora of college letters since I've taken a practice ACT. Asking around, it turns out that my friends have either stopped getting them a while ago or never got one. I'm not sure how to feel about this. They're clogging my desk drawer.
    I also planned out the rest of highschool when I had some free time and it looks like I'll be filled to the brim with AP classes senior year. Next year, I think I plan on taking.. 2 AP classes, Chem and US History. But senior year, all my classes bar band/lunch/PE and an empty one I am filling with a study hall, all my classes are AP classes. I understand why schools want a mandatory PE class, but I could really use another study hall or fill it with another class.
    High school is too short.
  17. Nara
    Decided to change my name because I've stuck with my old username for the entire time. I don't think it'll mess with people, since I've had my avatar and sig for a while now.
    Now, more SciO stuff! Another invite tomorrow, really freaking out about this one but I'm determined to win in Forestry.
    Surprisingly, my partner and I won fifth in Fermi last time, not sure how that happened. 10th in Experimental, 8th in Forestry, and 8-13th in MagLev. Ranks will be increasing tomorrow. They better. =D
  18. Nara
    Maybe I should have a SciO category, because guess what, this entry is about SciO!
    Our team had our first invite of the year today. It didn't not start off well. We only won in one event. =( I think that's going to really kill some spirit, but it might be motivational.
    Though, on the plus side, we got to see our favorite Physics teacher again. =) He transferred schools at the end of last year and he's working for the invite school now. It was great. He showed us a bunch of stuff, including this random trap door cellar thing in one room; literally, you open up a tile on the floor, and you get to this huge underground room that's filled with random stuff. Apparently, nobody's gone down there for years.
    Plus, we couldn't see the end of the wall with a flashlight poking our heads through, so maybe it's a good thing.
  19. Nara
    For now, most of the art I'll post will be of my RotR characters. But I'll categorize it anyway.
    Justin and Sparks Color
    ---Updated design for Justin. Again. Kind of a throwback to his original design, but with a haircut and cooler shirt.
    Zac and Melon Color
    ---Updated design for Zac. I keep forgetting how old he's getting.
    Eric and Slush Color
    ---Personally, I think he looks better without color.
    ..Yeah, that's all I got.
  20. Nara
    We're back on. ^-^
    I kinda want to MOC again. Maybe in a while.
    In Pokemon-related news, Sylveon has been official released. Probably won't be using it in X/Y, but nice to see we have more Eeveelutions. It almost seems like we're getting a lot of names with uncommon letters, but that's really only with Xerneas, Yveltal, and Sylveon.
    Also, I plan on playing through each generation and remake. Pokemon Blue, Gold, Sapphire, LeafGreen, Pearl, HeartGold, Black, and White 2. Hopefully by the time I finish them all, X and Y will be released. =P
  21. Nara
    I have a solo this time. I'm really nervous, since it's literally a solo for about 10 seconds. Afterwards, accompanied by a clarinet.
    Just me playing, nothing else.
    And ten seconds is a long time in band-world.
    But excited nonetheless! ^-^
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