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Status Updates posted by Nara

  1. what is this happening in the last tab though i'm glad it's staying there

  2. when is the new year chapter up?

    hint hint...

  3. Where are you?

    You just went 'poof'...

  4. White 2: Naming my main team after the Karda Nui Makuta because they're awesome and it fits.

  5. WHOA WHOA WHOA. STOP THE PRESSES. I've been here for five years and I haven't noticed before.

  6. Whoa, I'm a Steely (What?) Visionary already (I didn't even know that rank was there...)?!? I must be a fast poster.

  7. why is there a blank member on your friends list?

  8. Woo, marching band camp tomorrow. ^.^

  9. WOW! He's been my favorite since i saw him in late 2004!

  10. Yes, In feburary of 2010. J/K, next year. In Feburary.

  11. Yes, unfourtunately. Sometime in Octorber. But I'll be back. You can count on it.

  12. yes! i know you! i see you everywhere in the comedy!

  13. You have been...

    Or Elsed!

  14. Nara

    Your sig is too big. Take out a banner.

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