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Blog Entries posted by Zatth

  1. Zatth
    So during February our school does a bunch of events to raise money for Leukemia and Lymphoma research. One of said events is Guy Auction, where the ladies (or lads, if they're willing to) can bid on guys to go on dates.
    Apparently I have been chosen to be auctioned off.
    But in all seiousness, if it helps to defeat cancer I'll do it.
    Also I might trick girls into hanging out with me, which is like an added bonus.
  2. Zatth
    Fun fact: Team Farm Animals actually sometimes tries to plan Vines or other shenanigans during every BrickFair. Sometimes they start as a joke or a throwaway line, and end up becoming a project that takes all five days to film and even more to plan/record/edit.
    There's still a day left in 2015 so this is not technically late. Anyways, enjoy. Also, stay tuned next week for the Behind The Scenes at our bloopers

  3. Zatth
    At first I was gonna try and write comedic, but the blag title takes care of that. Rather, I'll just be thankful again for something like BrickFair.
    After so many years of BrickFair-ing, facilitated by a site like this, you realize just how lucky it all is. Being able to see friends once a year yet feel like you only said goodbye last month, being able to meet individuals who have at times been moderators and deity-like heroes, or members and usernames, and be reminded again that they are first and foremost real and wonderful and silly people. Being able to host panels and film Vines and geek out over the same toy and laugh through tears at obvious jokes and hug through tears at saying goodbye... and somehow be certain that come a year you'll be reliving much of this?
    Seriously, BrickFair is so special to me and many others I can keep saying why I love it. I'd much rather thank BZP, the Staff, the members, the lurkers, the MOCing people, the writers, the creators, the audience, and honestly anyone who has done something for BZP to keep existing and therefore the Staff and members to have reason to return and therefore BrickFair to keep happening and therefore creating smiles and memories for so many of us.
    If you ever get the chance, try to come to BrickFair and find the joy that has meant so much for many of us.
    (What's that? No, I'm not crying, you're crying.)
  4. Zatth
    Anywho, what happened is that Brickeens (and his dad), Sumiki (and his parents), and I toured two museums in D.C. today.
    Fort starters, I had to walk from my dad's office in D.C. for about 20 mins (the closest metro station was closed ARRRGGHHHH) and then get on a Metro to run to the Air & Spaaaaaaaaaaaaace Museum to try and not miss them.
    I didn't, so that was a plus.
    At the Air and Space Museum Sumiki (occasionally Brickeens) and I cracked some terribly awful puns as we visited all the various exhibits. I got an insight into what Brickeens' life with Sumiki was like (it should be made into a sitcom-Reality TV show, BTW), we learned about toilets in space (Step 2: Wait 15 seconds), and overall had a grand ol' time there.
    Yes. After that, we went to the Natural History Museum (we first passed the Sculpture Garden where a fountain, a metal tree, and a 2D but actually 3D house mesmerized us). There, we split up to see different things. I went with Sumiki and we met the dinosaurs, the mummies, the Robinsons (POP CULTURE REFERENCE), cracked more puns and learned a lot of stuff. BECAUSE MUSEUMS.
    After we regrouped, we made our way to the Metro, where I tearfully departed the group of awesomeness.
    But in all seriousness, Sumiki and Brickeens each have an awesome family. They are all such kind, funny, and overall great people to hang out with. It was a pleasure to spend this day with you guys.
  5. Zatth
    [14/08/12 20:44:31] Sisen: Ask Susen.
    [14/08/12 20:47:19] Zatth: ALRIGHT SUSEN
    [14/08/12 20:48:08] toadaiker: susun
    [14/08/12 20:48:13] toadaiker: Su Sun
    [14/08/12 20:48:14] toadaiker: Sue Sun
    [14/08/12 20:48:20] Zatth: SUN SUN SUN HERE IT COMES
    [14/08/12 20:48:50] Kit: Sue Sundries, a young flowershop owner living on the outskirts of New York, New York.
    [14/08/12 20:49:08] Zatth: THIS MUST BE MADE INTO A GRAPHIC NOVEL
    [14/08/12 20:49:14] Zatth: THE ADVENTURE OF SUE SUNDRIES
    [14/08/12 20:49:20] Zatth: BY SISEN A.K.A SUE SUSEN
    [14/08/12 20:49:26] Zatth: WITH MUSIC BY THE BEATLES
  6. Zatth
    I remember personally first seeing information about a Brickfair on BZPower in 2009. It was a few months before I was to move from Venezuela to the U.S., and I did all a 13 year old could to to convince his parents to move a few weeks early so he could at least attend such an event.
    No such luck.
    And so, when 2010 rolled around, I was determined to become immersed in this strange world as soon as possible. (Also because BIONICLE had just been cancelled, so I needed to fill the void with all things LEGO as soon as possible). I attended a panel hosted by the Brick Chick, I stood in line for the Running of the Bulls and fawned over Black Six who was two people in front of me (don't judge, we've all done that when it comes to Staff we meet IRL for the first time), and tried to make the 50+ MOCs I brought that year seem even remotely cool.
    No such luck.
    2011 rolled around, and I had a pretty decent idea of what to expect. I hoped, at least, that was the case.
    Oh, how things changed (for the better).
    Now, I hate to admit it, but 2011 and 2012 have kind of melded in terms of BrickFair. All I know, however, is that during those years I met Sumiki, Xaeraz, Takuma Nuva, Avohkah Tamer and Valendale (I think? Yeah, I think Val was there one of those two years). I also had the pleasure of meeting others, like Brickeens, Cholie, etc (I mention them because they had a very direct impact in our 'origin story' if you will. There are others, and I apologize for forgetting right now).
    Anywho, we struck up a friendship. Why? We may never know. Maybe it was age. Maybe it was that we were more willing to be silly and zany at first glance and found kindred spirits. Any who, we began forming a bond more insoluble than a Mata head and the eye piece when it clicked inside.
    We began recounting our exploits in YouTube videos, blog posts, and inside jokes.
    I do know, however, that it was under a Blog post (or a comment) of JMJ where the name Team Farm Animals first sprang up. It made sense; by this point we held to our BrickFair diet of breadsticks, latched on to a single joke and beat the ever-loving lime green out of that horse (Hats, Galidor2015, you name it).
    And we became good friends.
    True, because of life some of these 'integral' members come and go. But the beauty of Team Farm Animals, I think, is that anyone who has interacted with us at one point or another is, essentially, part of the group. Think of it as the Avengers, except without superpowers and witty one-liners. We also don't have a Hulk.
    But it's a motley crew we've assembled, and I, for one, am glad it exists. So this little video is an homage to the crew, to our adventures of the past, and to those YET TO COME.

    (oh, yeah. that was the teaser)
  7. Zatth
    I just found pictures from this year's BrickFair.
    And some from 2010...
    First off, me with a variety of moustaches...

    Then, me being silly as we were packing up on the last day...

    And then, me in the midst of my campaign for world president with Brickeens as my VP

    Also, a picture I just found I took of Sisen randomly at BrickFair 2010...

    And me back then...

    Yes. There are pictures from LAST YEAR'S BrickFair that I never uploaded. Also a video I pledged to post and never did. But they will appear. Soon...
  8. Zatth
    BrickFair ended just two days ago, yet here is a small taste of what transpired.
    WARNING: May contain copious amounts of Sumiki, Xaeraz, and Zatth

    And yes, this also means there are Omnibus videos from past years. The madness doesn't decrease in those either.
  9. Zatth
    [21/08/12 21:41:30] Spink: I wanna learn the Single Ladies dance
    [21/08/12 21:41:35] Zatth: Ermahgerd me too!
    [21/08/12 21:41:48] Xaeraz: i danced the time warp this summer
    [21/08/12 21:41:57] Zatth: We walked the dinosaur
    [21/08/12 21:41:59] Xaeraz: that was the last time i danced in public excluding bfair
    [21/08/12 21:42:35] Spink: A friend I have who lives in Australia can do the Single Ladies dance, I envy him because he's actually good at it <<
    [21/08/12 21:42:59] Xaeraz: well everythings easier when gravity is the other way
    [21/08/12 21:43:11] Zatth: When Tension is rising, graaaaaavity falls
    [21/08/12 21:43:17] Zatth: Everything's falling apart
    [21/08/12 21:43:24] Zatth: *cue Phantoka flying in*
    [21/08/12 21:43:32] Zatth: Choosing the right side
    [21/08/12 21:43:36] Zatth: Choooooosing our faith
    [21/08/12 21:43:40] Xaeraz: dang mr barrowman
    [21/08/12 21:43:42] Zatth: Choosing is what we must doooooooo
    [21/08/12 21:43:44] Xaeraz: u work those heels
    [21/08/12 21:43:50] Spink: I could suddenly burst into an EA song
    [21/08/12 21:43:52] Zatth: Everyone's counting on youuuuuuuuuuuu
    [21/08/12 21:43:59] Zatth: FOR FREEDOM WE FLYYYYYYYYYY
    [21/08/12 21:44:07] Xaeraz: CAPITAL E
    [21/08/12 21:44:10] Xaeraz: CAPITAL A
    [21/08/12 21:44:12] Xaeraz: CAPITAL SPORTS
    [21/08/12 21:44:16] Zatth: THOUSANDS OF MIIIIIIIIIILES
    [21/08/12 21:44:28] Zatth: AND I WOULD WALK FIVE HUNDRED MILES
    [21/08/12 21:44:34] Zatth: AND I WOULD WALK FIVE HUNDRED MOAR
    [21/08/12 21:45:03] Orino Ryuujin: and I ra-a-an, I ran so far awa-a-ay
    [21/08/12 21:45:12] Zatth: SING ALL THE LYRICS
    [21/08/12 21:45:15] Xaeraz: I GET KNOCKED DOWN
    [21/08/12 21:45:16] Zatth: AND ALL THE SINGLE LADIES
    [21/08/12 21:45:19] Xaeraz: BUT I GET UP AGAIN
    [21/08/12 21:45:24] Xaeraz: YOURE NEVER GONNA KEEP ME DOWN
    [21/08/12 21:45:26] Zatth: IS THIS THE REAL LIFE
    [21/08/12 21:45:31] Zatth: IS THIS JUST FANTASY
    [21/08/12 21:45:33] Xaeraz: IS THIS JUST FANTASY
    [21/08/12 21:45:36] Zatth: CAUGH IN A LANDSLIDE
    [21/08/12 21:45:38] Xaeraz: DANGIT PABLO
    [21/08/12 21:45:39] Zatth: NO ESCAPE FROM REALITY
    [21/08/12 21:45:42] Zatth: OPEN YOUR EYES
    [21/08/12 21:45:47] Zatth: LOOK UP TO THE SKIES AND SEEEEEEE
    [21/08/12 21:45:51] Zatth: I'M JUST A POOR BOY
    [21/08/12 21:45:53] Spink: I can't tell if this is one song
    [21/08/12 21:45:55] Spink: or many songs
    [21/08/12 21:45:56] Zatth: I NEED NO SYMPATHY
    [21/08/12 21:45:59] Avohkah Tamer: WE'RE NO STRANGERS TO LOVE
    [21/08/12 21:45:59] Zatth: BECAUSE I'M EASY COME
    [21/08/12 21:46:01] Zatth: EASY GO
    [21/08/12 21:46:04] Zatth: LITTLE HIGH
    [21/08/12 21:46:04] Avohkah Tamer: YOU KNOW THE RULES AND SO DO I
    [21/08/12 21:46:06] Zatth: LITTLE LOW
    [21/08/12 21:46:10] Zatth: EVERYWAY THE WIND BLOWS
    [21/08/12 21:46:09] Avohkah Tamer: A FULL COMMITMENT'S WHAT I'M THINKING OF
    [21/08/12 21:46:10] Spink: but it's reminding me of Coin Operated Goi @.@
    [21/08/12 21:46:15] Zatth: DOESN'T REALLY MATTER TO MEEEEEEEE
    [21/08/12 21:46:18] Avohkah Tamer: YOU WOULDN'T GET THIS FROM ANY OTHER GUY
    [21/08/12 21:46:18] Zatth: TO MEEEEEEEEEEE
    [21/08/12 21:46:24] Zatth: NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
    [21/08/12 21:46:25] Avohkah Tamer: IIIII JUST WANNA TELL YOU HOW I'M FEELING
    [21/08/12 21:46:31] Zatth: NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN
    [21/08/12 21:46:33] Avohkah Tamer: GOTTA MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND
    [21/08/12 21:46:35] Xaeraz: HOW DO I
    [21/08/12 21:46:38] Zatth: WHAT IS LOVE
    [21/08/12 21:46:41] Xaeraz: GET THROUGH ONE NIGHT WITHOUT YOU
    [21/08/12 21:46:42] Avohkah Tamer: I THINK WE PARADOXED ZATTH
    [21/08/12 21:46:43] Zatth: BABY DON'T HURT ME
    [21/08/12 21:46:45] Zatth: DON'T HURT ME
    [21/08/12 21:46:48] Zatth: NO MOAR
    [21/08/12 21:46:50] Xaeraz: IF I HAD TO LIVE WITHOUT YOU
    [21/08/12 21:46:57] Xaeraz: WHAT KIND OF LIFE WOULD THAT BE
    [21/08/12 21:47:02] Zatth: IT'S FRIDAY, FRIDAY
    [21/08/12 21:47:10] Orino Ryuujin: oh dear lord no
    [21/08/12 21:47:18] Zatth: OPPAN GANGAM STYLE
    [21/08/12 21:47:30] Xaeraz: HEY
    [21/08/12 21:47:31] Xaeraz: I JUST MET YOU
    [21/08/12 21:47:35] Xaeraz: AND THIS IS CRAZY
    [21/08/12 21:47:38] Zatth: BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO CUT ME OFF
    [21/08/12 21:47:44] Xaeraz: BUT YOU'RE WALKING IN THE WOODS
    [21/08/12 21:47:46] Xaeraz: IT'S DARK
    [21/08/12 21:47:50] Xaeraz: AND YOUR PHONE IS DEAD
    [21/08/12 21:47:58] Xaeraz: OUT OF THE CORNER OF YOUR EYE YOU SEE HIM
    [21/08/12 21:47:59] Avohkah Tamer: SHIA LABEOUF
    [21/08/12 21:48:00] Zatth: RING RING RING RING BANANAPHONE
    [21/08/12 21:48:07] Xaeraz: yesss
    [21/08/12 21:48:10] Xaeraz: perf timing at
    [21/08/12 21:48:23] Zatth: IT'S JUST A FEELING
    [21/08/12 21:48:26] Zatth: SO APPEALING
    [21/08/12 21:48:31] Zatth: FOR US TO GET TOGETHER AND SING
    [21/08/12 21:48:32] Zatth: SING!
  10. Zatth
    Just you wait. This is all a giant conspiracy, a red herring, if you will.
    Because when the curtain drops and Galidor 2015 is confirmed, me and the other DZPers will be smiling. (Especially Xaeraz with his unopened Nick Bluetooth.)
    GALIDOR 2015
  11. Zatth
    So BrickFair VA is coming up soon. And there are important messages for those of you who might be there!
    1. There will be a panel between BZP staff, TTV staff, and myself as a BZP/Muro hybrid [insert your Time Lord/Dalek The Hybrid jokes here]. We'll be discussing BIONICLE, our respective sites, and the online community as a whole. Trust that with me as the panel's moderator it will crash and burn gloriously, and you will not want to miss that! (SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED)
    2. Hatpile 2016! No set date/time yet, but trust that it will be quite hatty and brilliant. Let's keep contributing to Sumiki's back problems from wearing all those hats year in and year out!
    3. Livestreamed BrickFair tour! For the past few years I've done a Skype call with the lovely Brickeens for him to see the State of the BrickFair (and say hi to other BZPers and Staff)! This year I'll be trying to do this on a larger scale, live streamed either through YouTube or Facebook for anyone to enjoy! What date/times would work best for you all to tune in to the tour?
    4. Come say hi! If this'll be your first time, don't hesitate to come up and hang out with us. I promise we don't bite. Well, most of us; I can't promise much if we haven't had our breadsticks (SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED).
  12. Zatth
    [11/08/12 20:42:38] Pablo Ramírez: GUISE MY INTERNET IS BEING ANNOYING
    [11/08/12 20:43:44] Jon: Cambodia.
    [11/08/12 20:43:53] Pablo Ramírez: CAMBOOOOOOOOOODIA
    [11/08/12 20:43:57] Pablo Ramírez: EXOOOOOOOOOOOODIA
    [11/08/12 20:44:11] Jon: YUGIOH
    [11/08/12 20:44:18] Pablo Ramírez: MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE
    [11/08/12 20:44:50] Jon: SUGAR SPICE AND EVERYTHING NICE
    [11/08/12 20:45:03] Pablo Ramírez: THESE ARE THE INGREDIENTS NEEDED TO SAVE THE WORLD
  13. Zatth
    Yep, you heard right. George Mason University Class of 2017. I'm super excited, since I already know people entering, have a spot guaranteed on the Forensics Team, and got accepted into the Honors College.
    Also, I live 45 mins away from BrickFair VA, the campus is 10 mins away from BrickFair VA, so I know for a fact that attending BrickFair is still a definite yes in my future.
    College... Huh.
  14. Zatth
    [21/08/12 21:11:32] Sisen: if' you're already an alternate universe...
    [21/08/12 21:11:40] Sisen: does this mean Zatth is a crack in time
    [21/08/12 21:11:45] Sisen: Zatth is crack in wall
    [21/08/12 21:11:56] Sisen: someone where is the raptor for this meme now
    [21/08/12 21:12:01] Sisen: because yes
    [21/08/12 21:12:05] Sisen: er my gerd yes
    [21/08/12 21:12:21] Zatth: I AM A CRACK IN THE WALL
    [21/08/12 21:12:38] Zatth: NO, NOT PIRSONER ZERO
    [21/08/12 21:12:39] Zatth: THE ATRAXI
    [21/08/12 21:12:42] Zatth: THAT'S RIGHT
    [21/08/12 21:12:45] Zatth: GIANT SPACEBALLS
    [21/08/12 21:12:47] Xaeraz: hahaah
    [21/08/12 21:12:48] Zatth: DOCTOR WHO
    [21/08/12 21:12:58] Zatth: OR HIS AVIAN FRIEND
    [21/08/12 21:13:06] Zatth: DOCTOW HOO HOO
    [21/08/12 21:13:09] Zatth: *DOCTOR
    [21/08/12 21:13:29] Xaeraz: what about his nautical couin
    [21/08/12 21:13:32] Xaeraz: doctor hook
    [21/08/12 21:13:46] Sisen: no
    [21/08/12 21:13:49] Sisen: his best name is
    [21/08/12 21:13:51] Sisen: JON SMITH
    [21/08/12 21:13:51] Sisen: ME
    [21/08/12 21:13:52] Sisen: YES
    [21/08/12 21:13:56] Sisen: +1 Jon Smith
    [21/08/12 21:14:03] Zatth: YOU MEAN JOHN SMITH
    [21/08/12 21:14:07] Zatth: GRAMMAR WHO
    [21/08/12 21:14:07] Sisen: No
    [21/08/12 21:14:09] Sisen: Jon Smith +1
    [21/08/12 21:14:15] Sisen: John Smith 0
    [21/08/12 21:14:21] Zatth: NO
    [21/08/12 21:14:23] Zatth: JOHN SIMM
    [21/08/12 21:14:27] Zatth: WHO PLAYS THE SIMMS
    [21/08/12 21:14:33] Zatth: THE GAME WHERE EVERYONE IS THE MASTER
    [21/08/12 21:14:35] Zatth: ON MARS
    [21/08/12 21:14:37] Xaeraz: doctor whom
    [21/08/12 21:14:42] Sisen: i do'm
    [21/08/12 21:14:44] Zatth: DOCTOR SAY WHAAAAAAAT
    [21/08/12 21:15:02] Zatth: OR HIS OTHER NAME
    [21/08/12 21:15:04] Zatth: SPARTACUS
    [21/08/12 21:15:08] Xaeraz: no
    [21/08/12 21:15:12] Xaeraz: i'm spartacus
    [21/08/12 21:15:14] Zatth: NO
    [21/08/12 21:15:17] Zatth: I'M SPARTACUS
    [21/08/12 21:15:20] Zatth: BUT WE'RE NOT A COUPLE
    [21/08/12 21:15:25] Zatth: WE'RE A CUPPLE
    [21/08/12 21:15:28] Zatth: A COUPLE OF CUPS
    [21/08/12 21:15:35] Zatth: FILLED WITH CUSTARD
    [21/08/12 21:15:37] Zatth: AND FISH FINGERS
    [21/08/12 21:15:43] Zatth: AND JAMME DODGERS
    [21/08/12 21:15:45] Zatth: ALL OF THE COOL
  15. Zatth
    Usually my life is measured by the days when I'm not in a hospital versus those when I am in a hospital or when I'm afflicted by a specific thing. Since moving to the U.S. when I was fourteen, my health had been the best it ever had been in fourteen years. In 2011, I used November to do and win NaNoWriMo, convincing myself that I could do anything, and continue writing as much as I wanted.
    Should've knocked on a lot of wood.
    Next year, as November was starting, I was taken to the hospital because I was losing weight too quickly (and my depression started to really manifest for the same time). Because of a treatment of TPN "(Parenteral nutrition (PN) is feeding a person intravenously, bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion. The person receives nutritional formulae that contain nutrients such as glucose, amino acids, lipids and added vitamins and dietary minerals. It is called total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or total nutrient admixture (TNA) when no significant nutrition is obtained by other routes.") and trying to adjust my TPN levels, I spent all of November hospitalized. Whatever, no biggie, I told myself.
    Then November of 2013 it turned out after a fairly normal year for me that I'd had blood pressure so high, I'd been having random absence seizures "( The hallmark of the absence seizures is abrupt and sudden-onset impairment of consciousness, interruption of ongoing activities, a blank stare, possibly a brief upward rotation of the eyes. If the patient is speaking, speech is slowed or interrupted; if walking, he or she stands transfixed; if eating, the food will stop on its way to the mouth. Usually, the patient will be unresponsive when addressed. In some cases, attacks are aborted when the patient is called. The attack lasts from a few seconds to half a minute, and evaporates as rapidly as it commenced.)" If you ask me about specific moments from November of 2012 to November of 2013, I have quite literally blank spaces in my memory. They discovered the absence seizures because they caused me to 'cheat' during a Forensics competition, with me not remembering having cheated, and my coaches giving me an ultimatum and threatening me off the team. A phone call later, some tests later, and I was put on way too many medications that made Nov 2013 - May 2014 the worst year for me medically since 1997.
    So after getting out of those long years of medical annoyance, I thought This year will be different! No weird brain problems, no TPN, nothing terrible to hold me back! I'll get back to seriously writing during November and it will be just what I need!
    Remember that tournament in Illinois we went to? Turns out the team didn't do as well as we should've. Because of our terrible record (we finished fourth in the nation), I tried doubly hard to focus on Forensics work, plus school work. Add to that a lack of being invited or even acknowledged by my 'friends' from the team, plus a kidney stone that dislodged itself a week and three days ago plus a laptop that got fried on Friday evening and my depression popping by again to make me Apathetic Man, and I've gotten nowhere with my writing.
    It's just annoying to me that I've decided that I love writing more than anything, and because of school/Forensics/medical stuff, I haven't written anything as satisfactory as my novel The Spark for 2011's NaNoWriMo. It's tedious, and annoying, and I just wish November would be kinder to me.
    ​tl;dr: I had a bad week and needed to vent. I guess this entry counts as writing, so at least it did me some good there :/
  16. Zatth
    [14/08/12 19:38:42] Pablo Ramírez: GUISE
    [14/08/12 19:38:44] Pablo Ramírez: ER
    [14/08/12 19:38:45] Pablo Ramírez: my
    [14/08/12 19:38:46] Pablo Ramírez: GERD
    [14/08/12 19:38:49] Pablo Ramírez: IT'S BRICKEENS
    [14/08/12 19:39:01] Brickeens: yes, that would be me
    [14/08/12 19:39:37] Pablo Ramírez: IT'S A BRICKEENS
    [14/08/12 19:40:39] Brickeens: yep
    [14/08/12 19:40:51] Pablo Ramírez: BRIIIIIIIIIIIIICKEEEEEEEEEEEENS
    [14/08/12 19:41:00] Daiker: Brokens
    [14/08/12 19:41:04] Pablo Ramírez: BRAIKENS
    [14/08/12 19:41:10] Daiker: Brock
    [14/08/12 19:41:12] Pablo Ramírez: NATALIE BREEZEKEENS
    [14/08/12 19:41:20] Brickeens: don't get too excited there pablo
    [14/08/12 19:41:23] Daiker: ^
    [14/08/12 19:41:49] Pablo Ramírez: BUT EETS BREECKEENS
    [14/08/12 19:42:00] Pablo Ramírez: BTW, this is totally going on my blag
    [14/08/12 19:42:14] Daiker: ohboyherewego.jpg
  17. Zatth
    So Cloud Atlas was brilliant, and I cannot recommend the movie and the book enough. LIKE, GO WATCH/READ IT NAO.
    Bought a mini-megaphone that lets me replicate Bane's voice. It is way too much time, and it detracts from my time allocated to real life activities.
    NaNoWriMo began again! I'm writing a sequel to last year's novel, and hope to make it twice as long!
    To finish this update off, here's a Twitter conversation between Chols and myself:
  18. Zatth
    I get to play all kinds of music I love (Weird Al, BIONICLE songs, Vitamin String Quartet, Chameleon Ciruit, Gothic Archies, etc).
    I get to tell fun and interesting anecdotes and personal stories
    I read a quotation of the week and a Today in History segment
    Total indoctrination and mind control of the general population
    That last one might have been a lie...

  19. Zatth
    Hello, friends! Now that I'm done with a 48-page research paper I handed in for one of my classes (the one on the Sagrada Familia and the Library of Congress), and my remaining assignments are either presentations, papers, and a childcare manual, I've gotten back into trying to write and read daily, to make it into a habit again! But as a way to stop myself from using the excuse that "I don't know what to write about today", I want YOU ALL to provide me prompts!
    They can be prompts for BIONICLE short stories!
    They can be prompts for Off-Topic short stories!
    They can be prompts for poetry or prose!
    Heck, it can be a combination! Anything you'd like to see me write, I'll do my best to tackle! Who knows, I might actually be proud of the end result and share it somewhere here?
    Thanks, y'all. Any and all prompts will force me to turn this into a habit, and get me to make more art
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