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Blog Entries posted by Zatth

  1. Zatth
  2. Zatth
    I convinced (and irritated) my parents to take me to Toys R Us. So at 8:30 p.m we were at the store, and I saw them!
    There they were!
    The Stars!
    I got Tahu, Rahkshi, and Piraka (Nektann). Perhaps I'll get the reamining 3 when I've paid off my toy debts that I owe... my parents
  3. Zatth
    So I'm back from working nonstop for 2.5 weeks at a summer camp we lovingly nicknamed The Island (because you can't ever get off HAHAHA WE THINK WE'RE FUNNY).
    SO NOW THAT THAT'S DONE I can resume working on my seminar for BrickFair VA, as well as that SUPER SECRET PROJECT SUMIKI AND I ARE WORKING ON.
    But yeah, I'm doing a panel on the impact LEGO has had/can have on our lives (I call the panel 'Another Brick In The Wall' HAHAHA I THINK I'M FUNNY SOMETIMES). There will be some learning, a lot of BIONICLE references (to the chagrin of pretty much any attendee of the panel who isn't a Bonkle fan), and maybe we'll all learn something about friendship once it's said and done.
    So if you're an exhibitor, and you've got the time, come over to my panel. I promise to try and make it interesting/funny/there might be a giant wormhole opening by the end of it.
  4. Zatth
    Yes. As you can see from the title, BrickFair 2012 created a kind of rebirth in me.
    I was reminded why I ever liked BIONICLE in the first place.
    I was reminded of why I joined this site in the first place.
    And I was reminded that the people on this site are some of the most creative, funny, silly, smart, entertaining, and brilliant people on any corner of the Internet and the world.
    So, beginning today, I am reborn on BZP and pledge to do more stuff here.
  5. Zatth
    BrickFair ended just two days ago, yet here is a small taste of what transpired.
    WARNING: May contain copious amounts of Sumiki, Xaeraz, and Zatth

    And yes, this also means there are Omnibus videos from past years. The madness doesn't decrease in those either.
  6. Zatth
    This is mostly for the few of you who follow A Mystery Explored, but it also applies to anyone who felt my presence or productivity decline over the past two weeks.
    I had an operation on Tuesday of last week for the removal of a polyp in my small intestine. Long story short, they snipped off a part of my intestine, sewed it back together, and I've been recovering since.
    Nothing to be alarmed over, I had great medical care, a very high pain tolerance which has the doctor and my parents amazed (and angry), and good spirits that have carried me through.
    I didn't mention anything before the operation because, well, to be honest, I was given the date the Sunday before the operation, and Monty Oum's passing was announced on a Monday. I'm not lying when I say I tried to keep myself as awake as possible after the anesthesia, making it to seeing the lights in the operation room, because my sense of mortality was that much heightened, and so only close family members, friends, and my professors knew about the procedure.
    But hey, now I'm out and recovering well! I go back on campus on Monday, and though I can't lift anything over 10 lbs for the next four weeks, my gut hasn't burst open and that's all we can ask for.

  7. Zatth
    "you win or you die. There is no middle ground."
    - Aegon the Conqueror (at some point probably)

    (In case you're wondering, yes, I did procrastinate all of my classwork for three days and turned my dorm room into a studio where I made a fully modular Iron Throne that can be disassembled and rebuilt on any dorm chair, as well as making the Valyrian steel sword Ice. Because procrastinating for Game of Thrones is always worth it.)
  8. Zatth
    [08/08/12 23:21:17] Pablo Ramírez: BEEEEEEEEEP
    [08/08/12 23:21:20] Pablo Ramírez: BEEEEEEEEEEEEP
    [08/08/12 23:21:34] Daiker: BLOOP
    [08/08/12 23:21:35] Pablo Ramírez: Pablo Ramírez set topic to "ERMAHGERD BERKFER CHET"
    [08/08/12 23:21:37] Avohkah Tamer: beep beep *drives around*
    [08/08/12 23:22:07] I'M BATMAN: beep beep woof woof
  9. Zatth
    MOC Me Maybe
    By The Zatthman
    I threw a wish in the well,
    Don't ask me, I'll never tell
    I looked to you as it fell,
    And now you’re building stuff
    Don’t build some kind of Doc Ock,
    Pennies and dimes for a MOC
    I wasn't looking for this,
    But now you're building stuff
    Your hand was holdin',
    New techniques were showin'
    Inspiration flowin’
    Where you think you're going, baby?
    Hey, I just met you,
    And this is crazy,
    But here's my picture,
    So MOC me, maybe?
    It's hard to look right,
    As you build it,
    But here's my picture,
    So MOC me, maybe?
    Hey, I just met you,
    And this is crazy,
    But here's my picture,
    So MOC me, maybe?
    And all the other guys,
    Try to build it,
    But here's my picture,
    So MOC me, maybe?
    I think you made the right call,
    To try to build me at all,
    I hope the MOC doesn’t fall,
    But still, you're building stuff
    I beg, and borrow and steal
    So you can add some more teal
    I didn't know I would feel it,
    But you’re building stuff
    Your hand was holdin',
    New techniques were showin'
    Inspiration flowin’
    Where you think you're going, baby?
    Hey, I just met you,
    And this is crazy,
    But here's my picture,
    So MOC me, maybe?
    It's hard to look right,
    As you build it,
    But here's my picture,
    So MOC me, maybe?
    Hey, I just met you,
    And this is crazy,
    But here's my picture,
    So MOC me, maybe?
    And all the other guys,
    Try to build it,
    But here's my picture,
    So MOC me, maybe?
    Before you came into my life
    I missed you so bad
    I missed you so bad
    I missed you so, so bad
    Before you came into my life
    I missed you so bad
    And you should know that
    I missed you so, so bad
    It's hard to look right,
    As you build it,
    But here's my picture,
    So MOC me, maybe?
    Hey, I just met you,
    And this is crazy,
    But here's my picture,
    So MOC me, maybe?
    And all the other guys,
    Try to build it,
    But here's my picture,
    So MOC me, maybe?
    Before you came into my life
    I missed you so bad
    I missed you so bad
    I missed you so, so bad
    Before you came into my life
    I missed you so bad
    And you should know that
    So MOC me, maybe?

  10. Zatth
    Hello, friends! Now that I'm done with a 48-page research paper I handed in for one of my classes (the one on the Sagrada Familia and the Library of Congress), and my remaining assignments are either presentations, papers, and a childcare manual, I've gotten back into trying to write and read daily, to make it into a habit again! But as a way to stop myself from using the excuse that "I don't know what to write about today", I want YOU ALL to provide me prompts!
    They can be prompts for BIONICLE short stories!
    They can be prompts for Off-Topic short stories!
    They can be prompts for poetry or prose!
    Heck, it can be a combination! Anything you'd like to see me write, I'll do my best to tackle! Who knows, I might actually be proud of the end result and share it somewhere here?
    Thanks, y'all. Any and all prompts will force me to turn this into a habit, and get me to make more art
  11. Zatth
    Today I hosted a Doctor Who viewing party at my house; specifically, in the basement where I also keep all my LEGO.
    While cleaning my building table for food, I decided to build something since I hadn't done that in a while. I saw this one piece and decided to build a Dalek eye stalk, what with Asylum of the Daleks to air in a few hours.
    After I finished it, I tried to make the circular area, to no avail. So I started goofing around, placing it on my forehead, and using it as an eyestalk.
    Then, hours later, I saw the episode.
    And the fact that I subconsciously predicted that terrified me.
    And the 15 people in the party whom I'd shown the eyestalk to.
    In other news, loved the episode. Excited for next Saturday.
  12. Zatth
    The panel was wonderful. The BIONICE team has kept us fans in mind, but also prepared for the new fans and context. I agree with (pretty much) all of their decisions on BIONICLE 2015.
    We also got to play and keep pieces from the sets. TLG is wonderful and I was so blessed to be invited by BZP and LEGO and to have this opportunity.
    Got to chill with other BZPers, and met the remaining cast of TTV. They are awesome and wonderful and boss.
    Finally, on the topic of Barnacles:
    Whether you like that it's a reboot or not, whether you like the building style or not, you should know one thing:
    Every time I passed by the BIONICLE booth, there were little children entranced by the video, awed by the Mask of Creation, amazed by the pictures and sets. That was us seven, ten, fourteen years ago. This is the new generation that will get to experience BIONICLE.
    Oftentimes it's important for a reboot. If Doctor Who hadn't done it, we couldn't have gotten as much into it. If Star Trek hadn't had TNG, it would've been tough for the fans to get back into it. And hey, maybe BIONICLE 2015 is connected to the Mataverse, maybe not. The important back is that it's returned. But more importantly, the team is aware of us. They took the history of the sets, of the story, of the fans in consideration.
    Criticizing BIONICLE 2015 is alright, criticism and discussion are crucial. But also remember that The LEGO Group is here for us. And this community is strong, y'all.
    Get excited.
  13. Zatth
    14 hour bus ride to Peoria, Illinois for a Forensics tournament. It's the first big national tournament of the year, and as a measly sophomore I don't expect much success. But I'll still pour my heart out in my performances.
    At least the theme this year is Star Wars, so I hope to get a lot of pics with Yoda. And whoever else is there.
    Also got some good reading material for the trip, plus planning for NaNoWriMo.
    I'm also showing up at our parking lot at 4:45 a.m. as Pajama Deadpool. I'm not wearing a costume for 14 hrs, so I'll just slap on my mask and leave it at that.
  14. Zatth
    Currently waiting to check out from GMIF. Wonderful two and a half weeks, as I previously elaborated.
    Tomorrow morning, drive to the Dulles Expo Center for good ol' BerkFer VA.
    Expect Xaeraz, Sumiki, and AT to carry my MOCs inside. Expect various vines and hats, maybe a pile of some sort. Expect random shenanigans, a seminar on Thursday that Xaeraz, Sumiki and I will give, and breadsticks. Many, many breadsticks.
    Expect the unexpected. Unless you can expect everything that's unexpected. In that case... um... EXPECT THINGS *smokebombs away*
  15. Zatth
    (Subscribe for more silliness other networks were too wise to put on the air!)
    Okay, fine. Zatth update: School went well, Forensics stuff is done (FOR NOW), currently summering very summer fully.
  16. Zatth
    At first I was gonna try and write comedic, but the blag title takes care of that. Rather, I'll just be thankful again for something like BrickFair.
    After so many years of BrickFair-ing, facilitated by a site like this, you realize just how lucky it all is. Being able to see friends once a year yet feel like you only said goodbye last month, being able to meet individuals who have at times been moderators and deity-like heroes, or members and usernames, and be reminded again that they are first and foremost real and wonderful and silly people. Being able to host panels and film Vines and geek out over the same toy and laugh through tears at obvious jokes and hug through tears at saying goodbye... and somehow be certain that come a year you'll be reliving much of this?
    Seriously, BrickFair is so special to me and many others I can keep saying why I love it. I'd much rather thank BZP, the Staff, the members, the lurkers, the MOCing people, the writers, the creators, the audience, and honestly anyone who has done something for BZP to keep existing and therefore the Staff and members to have reason to return and therefore BrickFair to keep happening and therefore creating smiles and memories for so many of us.
    If you ever get the chance, try to come to BrickFair and find the joy that has meant so much for many of us.
    (What's that? No, I'm not crying, you're crying.)
  17. Zatth
    So a friend of mine who knows very well about my love for puns decided to share a picture of some bread-related puns on my Facebook wall.
    Needless to say, another pun-loving friend of mine engaged me in the comments below.
    We were toast:
    Pablo: 'll have to punder on these jokes, because I was not bread to understand them
    Richard: I'm sure that you'll rise to the occasion Pablo.
    Pablo: Will I, dough?
    Richard: I'm sure you are. You're not one to loaf around.
    Pablo: All I'm getting from this is that I knead to get a life
    Richard: At the very yeast, you should keep making these puns. I can tell you're pretty good; there isn't a half-baked one among them.
    Pablo: Richard, you ain't seen muffin yet.
    Richard: I've had way worse, this is a cake walk.
    Pablo: Whatever happens, this conversation will be in'grain'ed in my memory for years to come.
    Richard: That's for sure, these aren't some simple cookie cutter jokes we're throwing around here.
    Pablo: I dunno, it feels like we've spread ourselves too thin. I hope we baguette more of these puns, or else we're toast.
    Richard: I don't think we're digging too deep, we've only just scratched the crust!
    Pablo: So you're saying we've got puns in a'bun'dance?
    Richard: Maybe not that far, but we've got plenty before we need to start scrabbling for crumbs.
    Pablo: Then let's keep doughing this!
    Richard: I don't know, I don't feel like I'm baking any records here. I may want to call it a night.
    Pablo: Yeah, we butter shut this down
    Richard: See you next time.
    Pablo: ...
    And, scene!
  18. Zatth
    Usually my life is measured by the days when I'm not in a hospital versus those when I am in a hospital or when I'm afflicted by a specific thing. Since moving to the U.S. when I was fourteen, my health had been the best it ever had been in fourteen years. In 2011, I used November to do and win NaNoWriMo, convincing myself that I could do anything, and continue writing as much as I wanted.
    Should've knocked on a lot of wood.
    Next year, as November was starting, I was taken to the hospital because I was losing weight too quickly (and my depression started to really manifest for the same time). Because of a treatment of TPN "(Parenteral nutrition (PN) is feeding a person intravenously, bypassing the usual process of eating and digestion. The person receives nutritional formulae that contain nutrients such as glucose, amino acids, lipids and added vitamins and dietary minerals. It is called total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or total nutrient admixture (TNA) when no significant nutrition is obtained by other routes.") and trying to adjust my TPN levels, I spent all of November hospitalized. Whatever, no biggie, I told myself.
    Then November of 2013 it turned out after a fairly normal year for me that I'd had blood pressure so high, I'd been having random absence seizures "( The hallmark of the absence seizures is abrupt and sudden-onset impairment of consciousness, interruption of ongoing activities, a blank stare, possibly a brief upward rotation of the eyes. If the patient is speaking, speech is slowed or interrupted; if walking, he or she stands transfixed; if eating, the food will stop on its way to the mouth. Usually, the patient will be unresponsive when addressed. In some cases, attacks are aborted when the patient is called. The attack lasts from a few seconds to half a minute, and evaporates as rapidly as it commenced.)" If you ask me about specific moments from November of 2012 to November of 2013, I have quite literally blank spaces in my memory. They discovered the absence seizures because they caused me to 'cheat' during a Forensics competition, with me not remembering having cheated, and my coaches giving me an ultimatum and threatening me off the team. A phone call later, some tests later, and I was put on way too many medications that made Nov 2013 - May 2014 the worst year for me medically since 1997.
    So after getting out of those long years of medical annoyance, I thought This year will be different! No weird brain problems, no TPN, nothing terrible to hold me back! I'll get back to seriously writing during November and it will be just what I need!
    Remember that tournament in Illinois we went to? Turns out the team didn't do as well as we should've. Because of our terrible record (we finished fourth in the nation), I tried doubly hard to focus on Forensics work, plus school work. Add to that a lack of being invited or even acknowledged by my 'friends' from the team, plus a kidney stone that dislodged itself a week and three days ago plus a laptop that got fried on Friday evening and my depression popping by again to make me Apathetic Man, and I've gotten nowhere with my writing.
    It's just annoying to me that I've decided that I love writing more than anything, and because of school/Forensics/medical stuff, I haven't written anything as satisfactory as my novel The Spark for 2011's NaNoWriMo. It's tedious, and annoying, and I just wish November would be kinder to me.
    ​tl;dr: I had a bad week and needed to vent. I guess this entry counts as writing, so at least it did me some good there :/
  19. Zatth
    I've often mentioned that, just before BerkFer VA, I spend two and a half weeks cooped up on the GMU campus. For two years, I was a camper. For the past three, a staff member.
    I've mentioned that my going to camp in 2011 changed the course of my life: it got me into the activity I do even today, it convinced me to try out for the GMU team and thus attend George Mason, it gave me friends that have lasted to this day, and it changed who I am as a person in a myriad ways.
    To say I await for every George Mason Institute of Forensics is an understatement. However, this was a very odd one.
    Unlike my first year as a staffer, with no experience or lessons to teach campers, or last year, where I was still recovering from illness and worked as a first-year lab assistant, this year was different. For the first time, I felt confident enough that I had something to teach these kids. I was the most senior member of the Oratory Junior Faculty, and worked with the other Junior Staff to divide responsibilities equally so we could all teach. I was a second-year lab assistant, with an incoming Graduate Student and coach for our team for his first year as a lab leader. I felt more prepared and confident to teach these kids.
    It helped that, during one of our nightly Performance Hours, I was able to perform my piece on Jaime Garzon whom I've mentioned previously. Being the last time I'd perform the piece, and with a sense of urgency to spread Jaime's message and story one last time, I amended the piece slightly to reflect this urgency and importance. I cried, for the first time in six years, in a performance, delivering what I think is the performance I am most proud of. Many students later approached me, saying that though they were not Colombian, they had cried and empathized alongside me. And, during the Q&A session after the four performances, the first student to talk, said, in Spanish and in front of staff and students alike, that he was happy that he saw someone else spreading Jaime's story, and, through tears, expressed hope that our country will see the end to 53 years of violence. When I prepared and worked on this piece all year long, I always expected it to be solely for United Statesian audiences. Never would I imagine my last performance would be seen by another compatriot, in what I can honestly describe as one of the most meaningful and magical moments of my life.
    As camp drew near and it unofficially ended tonight, I went through a whirlwind of emotions. Seeing students who'd arrived two weeks ago total strangers and with no speeches, to leaving as best friends with prepared performances. Seeing my teachers, now my co-workers, be vulnerable and explain why they did Forensics. To see students, like I had been years ago, have their lives change radically over the course of the two weeks. We laughed, we cried, we were vulnerable, we were powerful.
    We were human, and we saw so much humanness over a two-week period.
    GMIF is the moment of the year that reminds me who I am, why I do what I do, and what it means to be part of the human experience. And, as every year, I am reinvigorated to go forth until GMIF rolls around again in 365 days. And I will count down the days, waiting to relive these two most human weeks, all over again.
  20. Zatth
    [21/08/12 21:11:32] Sisen: if' you're already an alternate universe...
    [21/08/12 21:11:40] Sisen: does this mean Zatth is a crack in time
    [21/08/12 21:11:45] Sisen: Zatth is crack in wall
    [21/08/12 21:11:56] Sisen: someone where is the raptor for this meme now
    [21/08/12 21:12:01] Sisen: because yes
    [21/08/12 21:12:05] Sisen: er my gerd yes
    [21/08/12 21:12:21] Zatth: I AM A CRACK IN THE WALL
    [21/08/12 21:12:38] Zatth: NO, NOT PIRSONER ZERO
    [21/08/12 21:12:39] Zatth: THE ATRAXI
    [21/08/12 21:12:42] Zatth: THAT'S RIGHT
    [21/08/12 21:12:45] Zatth: GIANT SPACEBALLS
    [21/08/12 21:12:47] Xaeraz: hahaah
    [21/08/12 21:12:48] Zatth: DOCTOR WHO
    [21/08/12 21:12:58] Zatth: OR HIS AVIAN FRIEND
    [21/08/12 21:13:06] Zatth: DOCTOW HOO HOO
    [21/08/12 21:13:09] Zatth: *DOCTOR
    [21/08/12 21:13:29] Xaeraz: what about his nautical couin
    [21/08/12 21:13:32] Xaeraz: doctor hook
    [21/08/12 21:13:46] Sisen: no
    [21/08/12 21:13:49] Sisen: his best name is
    [21/08/12 21:13:51] Sisen: JON SMITH
    [21/08/12 21:13:51] Sisen: ME
    [21/08/12 21:13:52] Sisen: YES
    [21/08/12 21:13:56] Sisen: +1 Jon Smith
    [21/08/12 21:14:03] Zatth: YOU MEAN JOHN SMITH
    [21/08/12 21:14:07] Zatth: GRAMMAR WHO
    [21/08/12 21:14:07] Sisen: No
    [21/08/12 21:14:09] Sisen: Jon Smith +1
    [21/08/12 21:14:15] Sisen: John Smith 0
    [21/08/12 21:14:21] Zatth: NO
    [21/08/12 21:14:23] Zatth: JOHN SIMM
    [21/08/12 21:14:27] Zatth: WHO PLAYS THE SIMMS
    [21/08/12 21:14:33] Zatth: THE GAME WHERE EVERYONE IS THE MASTER
    [21/08/12 21:14:35] Zatth: ON MARS
    [21/08/12 21:14:37] Xaeraz: doctor whom
    [21/08/12 21:14:42] Sisen: i do'm
    [21/08/12 21:14:44] Zatth: DOCTOR SAY WHAAAAAAAT
    [21/08/12 21:15:02] Zatth: OR HIS OTHER NAME
    [21/08/12 21:15:04] Zatth: SPARTACUS
    [21/08/12 21:15:08] Xaeraz: no
    [21/08/12 21:15:12] Xaeraz: i'm spartacus
    [21/08/12 21:15:14] Zatth: NO
    [21/08/12 21:15:17] Zatth: I'M SPARTACUS
    [21/08/12 21:15:20] Zatth: BUT WE'RE NOT A COUPLE
    [21/08/12 21:15:25] Zatth: WE'RE A CUPPLE
    [21/08/12 21:15:28] Zatth: A COUPLE OF CUPS
    [21/08/12 21:15:35] Zatth: FILLED WITH CUSTARD
    [21/08/12 21:15:37] Zatth: AND FISH FINGERS
    [21/08/12 21:15:43] Zatth: AND JAMME DODGERS
    [21/08/12 21:15:45] Zatth: ALL OF THE COOL
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