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Blog Entries posted by Zatth

  1. Zatth
    I think it's a blessing and a curse to want to switch things up while simultaneously one-upping myself.
    Anywho, I've delved into mosaic building. I've made models of the Hagia Sofia, the Poporo Quimbaya, and the Cathedral of Barichara (these last two are Colombian in origin).
    So of course it makes sense that I now want to devote myself to a quasi-microscale model of a theme park in Colombia.
    A theme park which, I might add, includes a 1:25000 scale raised-relief map of Colombia, an actual Colombian destroyer that fought in WWII, a 1:1 scale replica of the Taj Mahal, mini replicas of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World, castles that depict the Divine Comedy and the 1,001 Arabian Nights, a self-titled "Museum of Man", and an entire section of the park which is a zoo.
    Please. Send help.
  2. Zatth
    DISCLAIMER: I actually liked all of the story and I think TLG is amazing, I have nothing against them and this is just a parody, nothing more. With that said:

    "The Story That I Used To Know"

    (feat. TLG)


    [bZP Fan:]

    Now and then I think of when I knew the story

    When Rahi dropped their masks but, oh, they didn’t die.

    The island setting sure appealed to me,

    Unity, duty and destiny

    But then you brought in some new guys I can’t remember


    You can get addicted to a lot of different subplots

    Like story serials on the web, on the web.

    So when I found out you did not make sense

    And you killed off half of all my friends

    Well I'll admit that I was glad it was over


    But you didn't have to just forget

    There was only one Makuta and simply six Toa

    And then you make the Mask of Life

    Too many different plotlines, yes they feel so rough

    Why did Mata Nui go solo

    Send him to some planet that we’d never even heard of

    I miss the basic storyline

    Now you're not the story that I used to know


    Now you're not the story that I used to know

    Now you're not the story that I used to know



    Now and then I think of all the times you asked us questions

    Wanting to know more about our storyline.

    But we don't wanna live that way

    Reading into every word you say

    You said that you could let it go

    And we wouldn't catch you hung up on the story that you used to know


    [bZP Fan:]

    But you didn't have to just forget

    There was only one Makuta and simply six Toa

    And then you make the Mask of Life

    Too many different plotlines, yes they feel so rough

    Why did Mata Nui go solo

    Send him to some planet that we’d never even heard of

    I miss the basic storyline

    Now you're not the story that I used to know



    The story

    (I used to know)

    The story

    (Now you're not the story that I used to know)


    (I used to know)

    (That I used to know)

    (I used to know)

    The story


  3. Zatth
    After the 'last' day of BrickFair (by which I mean that we went to the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court with Thomas (Sumiki) and his parents, then got a library card for the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I AM SO EXCITED and then got to watch 'Guardians of the Galaxy' finally), I can finally say that my energy batteries have been recharged.
    Every year I look forward for summer so I can go back to GMIF and BrickFair. In both events I get to reconnect with such kind, creative, and brilliant souls, and I adore every second I spend with them in those magical places.
    But now, the resting time is over. My three-and-a-half week hedonistic period is over, and it is time to go back to work and focus on sophomore year!
    One last things, though: Let's be honest, we are all Groot.
  4. Zatth
    Life's being life.
    As in that things are happening. Got to finish The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell and loved it, I'm getting ready for NaNoWriMo (want to win it a second time), am DMing a D&D game with some friends, got to build a life-sized model of K9 and dress as Ten alongside it (here be an example),

    am competing with the Forensics Team with two topics I love, and am getting so excited for NYCC and just to spend time in NYC with other BZPers and school/college friends.
    In terms of some bad (or less than stellar stuff), I haven't been getting much sleep. I also have had some medical scares that aren't always fun. Have a bad grade in Science, and have to do Selective Withdrawal on Arabic 250 (don't get me wrong, I love the language, but over the past year and a half I haven't had the chance to really study and understand it, and I can't afford to have my GPA suffer).
    But hopefully with one less class and more time to sleep/do homework, things will get back on track. There's good and bad patches in life, and I think I'm exiting a bad one and heading to a better one.
    ANYWHO, this was me just rambling on. NOW I PREPARE FOR NYCC!
  5. Zatth
    Yes, I apologize. I should've planned out in advance that GMIF and BrickFair would take up more of my time
    To show that I do know where we're headed (and I've just been a lazy walnut who hasn't been able to sit down and write), here are some glimpses into the next chapter:
    (i sorry, i just not have had enuff time to do stuff)
  6. Zatth
    Looks like there's not much support or hype for the Chron or Kn projects. Which makes me SAD FACE.
    On other news, I discovered Sonu Nova's weakness, which also caused his "death" (a.k.a hyperventilation, dizziness, clumsiness, and litlle-brother-answering-for-him-on the-mikcrophone-of XBL-ziness), it is the word: Shatter Baby. No idea why.
  7. Zatth
    (okay, i should provide some context. we have a vacation week starting tomorrow, and my trip will include legoland windsor on the 27th, doctor who experience and cardiff on the 28th and 29th, and then a flight from bristol to visit brickeens. spoiler alert: the trip to visit him was actually the reason for the study abroad program)
  8. Zatth
    Travel was ok, and am now staying at my big's apartment. So very excited for tomorrow, and can't thank TLG and BZP enough for this once in a lifetime opportunity!
    NOW, ON TO TOMORROW! (Or today, technically).
  9. Zatth
    So I guess y'alls enjoyed that first bit of Let's Play?
    If you've got any comment/criticisms/etc, please send them our way! We wanna make these better and funnier and entertaining...ier if we can!
    I'm also gonna resume the use of the blag. Yay!
  10. Zatth
    So I went to see 2012 today. It was a pretty interesting movie. I loved the effects, but as always, there were some downsides that can't be avoided, but that still made me bored:
    1. Characters nobody likes die
    2. Before almost all the deaths there is a sentimental moment
    3. The main characters always seem to save themselves in impossible ways
    But still, that can't be avoided. Still, overall it was a good movie.
    And if you want to know, no. I don't believe in 2012.
  11. Zatth
    [09/08/14 19:32:11] The Zatthman: Ohmigosh it's the greatest self MOC in the history of ever
    [09/08/14 19:32:30] The Zatthman: It might need a Breadstick Sword, but otherwise it is truly a thing of beauty
    [09/08/14 19:32:43] I'M BATMAN: Needs moar Galidor IMO
    [09/08/14 19:32:49] The Zatthman: ALL OF THE GALIDOR
    [09/08/14 19:32:56] The Zatthman: Dangit, we should've gotten Euripides
    [09/08/14 19:33:10] I'M BATMAN: So we could Euripit-in-two?
    [09/08/14 19:33:35] The Zatthman: I C WAT U DID THAR
    [09/08/14 19:35:30] I'M BATMAN: Follow for more exciting Galidor puns
    [09/08/14 19:36:06] The Zatthman: Will they be as Zane-y as the one above?
    [09/08/14 19:36:18] The Zatthman: Or more Gorm-idable?
    [09/08/14 19:36:24] I'M BATMAN: I have some allergies, so I'm going to take some Allegra
    [09/08/14 19:36:48] The Zatthman: Oh, Jens, that is certainly the best cure
    [09/08/14 19:36:58] I'M BATMAN: That or going to Nepol
    [09/08/14 19:37:09] The Zatthman: You'd better get cured unless you want to light up that Kek
    [09/08/14 19:37:24] I'M BATMAN: Eggcelent
    [09/08/14 19:37:44] The Zatthman: Ah, dangit, I'm gonna have to post this entire convo on my blag now
    [09/08/14 19:37:52] I'M BATMAN: DO THE THING
    [09/08/14 19:38:10] The Zatthman: ZHU LI, DO THE THING
    [09/08/14 19:38:16] The Zatthman: HI bfa
  12. Zatth
    Hey friends!
    Today is Rare Disease Day. For those of you who don't know, Rare Diseases are those that (in the U.S) affect less than 200,000 people. Nonetheless, there's over 6,000 Rare Diseases, and this is an important issue for me because I suffer from Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome Type 1. Yes, it's the reason why I seem to spend half my time in a hospital.
    These diseases are called rare, however, because we don't understand them. Because we don't get as much funding as other better known diseases. Because there's such lack of knowledge doctors don't know about them. Because so little people know about them we can be called liars, or hypochondriacs, and all because of an illness that's not well understood. And for every Pablo that that survived to this day and can live a relatively comfortable lifestyle, there are ten of me who have never been diagnosed correctly. Who have never had the financial access to support them. Who, like me, may have started in a third-wield country, but unlike me, didn't live past three due to the lack of awareness.
    I write this all today because I recognize how lucky I am. I know it sounds horrible to say, but I don't deserve it. So I use the little time I have to speak out about these issues; so that twenty years time a child with a rare disease can know, so their families don't treat them like a shameful secret that must never be discussed, so they can have one specialist that knows what they have and treats them. John F. Kennedy, Pope John Paul II, Stephen Hawking, all suffer(ed) from rare diseases. And look at what they did. How many have we lost because of our lack of awareness?
    If anything, I hope you read this and do a bit more investigation on rare diseases. As long as you know we exist, as long as you know that we are present, as long as you know that we suffer but push through, then I feel like my advocacy will have educated a bit more on this issue.
  13. Zatth
    So yeah, I'll try and do it this year. I won when I was 16, but every year after that I've gotten sick every November, and never been able to win again.
    UNTIL NOW (i hope).
    I have an idea of the novel, and since our next tournament is in Peoria, Illinois, I will have a 14-hour drive to plan characters, plot, and whatnot. I've also been forcing myself to read a lot this past month (I've blazed through The Ocean At The End of the Lane, Carrie, On Writing, Fear No Evil, Hyperbole And A Half, The Ressurectionist, and hopefully The Best American Non Required Reading of 2014), as well as been writing a bit every day. Add me on NaNoWriMo, I'm Zatth (surprise surprise), and I want buddies to write alongside.
    Oh, also life is good. Tournament season has been good, updated my major to become a Language Arts for Education teacher, been keeping up with Korra, Doctor Who, and AHS:Freakshow, and been doing better in class.
  14. Zatth
    "My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
    My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
    The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
    From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;
    Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
    But I, with mournful tread,
    Walk the deck my captain lies,
    Fallen cold and dead."
  15. Zatth
    I'm supposed to be writing an essay. How do I concentrate when you've announced movies like Black Panther and Captain Marvel (FINALLY some more representation on superhero movies), the extended trailer for Age of Ultron, the Agent Carter trailer, the rest of the movies, and the FREAKING INFINITY WARS TEASER?
    More than one hype train...
  16. Zatth
    Ended up not being able to visit Brickeens as was planned :/
    Realized the night before flying that Ireland isn't part of the U.K, and so I needed an Irish visa to visit Ireland (the benefits of being Colombian: you're internationally stigmatized due to your nationality). Had to cancel the trip at the very last minute. But on the bright side, it looks like the office in London should allow me to get an Irish visa quite quickly, so the trip is just postponed, not cancelled!
    Started as a student of New College this week. Doing a course on Shakespeare and Metatheatre, and one on the Romantics (Poetry and Prose). Also our college campus is intercut by the old city walls. So that's kind of cool, or something?
    Will be doing NaNoWriMo this year! If you're doing it as well, look me up as Zatth! Here's the (tentative) cover so that I feel bad if I don't finish it!

    Sumiki has a phrase I have stolen from him: "I can't brain today, I have the dumb." Yesterday I discovered there is a word in the English language that means exactly that.
  17. Zatth
    For the past month, when not finishing school, becoming 18, or graduating, I have been working relentlessly as a hermit in my basement on multiple projects for BrickFair, thus staving off the process of once again writing for this blag.
    So contrary to popular belief, I am not dead, just being productive... during summer.
    Anywho, yesterday I was lucky enough to go to Nathan Sawaya's "Art of the Brick" Exhibit in NYC, and thought that not only would this audience enjoy hearing about it, but it could also get me back into blagging. Who knows, I might actually learn how to post images to show pics of what I've been working on recently.
    Now I assume you guys know Nathan Sawaya, but if you don't, the image of a yellow LEGO statue breaking open its chest should ring a bell... or whatever the equivalent idiom is that applies to an image, rather than a name or a noise. The exhibition opened up a few days ago in Times Square, and I was lucky to be in the city yesterday and today. So naturally I dragged my mother and my two aunts to go to the exhibition with me.
    We were greeted by a sign that prohibited the use of cameras for photos or videos, which made me very sadfaecd, as the only place where pictures could be taken was next to a LEGO sculpture of a "man" sitting in a chair.
    However, that sadness quickly vanished as we entered the exhibition and were greeted by Nathan Sawaya's recreations of famous artworks. Pieces like Edvard Munch's "The Scream", the Lascaux Caves "Horse", and Gustav Klimt's "The Kiss" were recreated in a unique way; while the background of the image (such as Munch's sundown-background and Klimt's brown background) was modeled a-la LEGO mosaic, Sawaya built the main figures in a 3D way, and so, for example, you could examine the screaming face from all angles, and Sawaya's vision of what it would be like if it sprung from out of the painting. In other areas, famous paintings were recreated a-la mosaic. The beauty in these was not the process of recreating the arwtork (PicToBrick can already do that), but rather looking at the original and seeing what colors, building techniques, and pieces Sawaya used to remake the piece of work out of LEGO. My favorite of these was Rembrandt's "1657 Self Portrait", as Sawaya used only a mixture of three different brown and orange colors, built as a side view LEGO mosaic, to accurately portray the shadows created on the human skin in the painting.
    Later on, we were greeted by Michelangelo's "David" as the next room had famous statues and structures rebuilt in LEGO. The most imposing was a Moai head from Easter Island, to scale. It was quite monumental.
    Now these pieces were all amazing as they were accurate yet jaw-dropping representations of famous artwork, but then came the part I was truly excited for: Sawaya's own art. Up to this point for my mom, she was just going through another version of BrickFair, where a fan decided to pay homage to something that already existed through LEGO.
    I cannot hope to describe all of Sawaya's artwork present at the exhibition, mainly because much of it can be seen on the gallery of his website. And we all know how amazing it looks from those pictures. The truly beautiful part of the exhibition was that each piece was accompanied by a little message from Nathan to us about what the piece meant. So while Sawaya built a giant peace sign out of all-colored bricks, he explained that the only way to achieve peace in the world was by joining all the colors of the world together. While Sawaya delighted us with statues of three figures with a sphere, a cube, and a pyramid as a head, he explained that if everyone in the world looked the same it would all be boring, and that he wanted us to consider how the triangle, square and circle, along with the colors red, blue and yellow, were basic components in architecture or colors. In this sense, Sawaya was able to truly transform the already beautiful structures into art with a message, a philosophy. At this point I became aware this stopped being an exhibition for my inner LEGO enthusiast to gawk at and consider all the building techniques and pieces used; now it was a fantastic art exhibition, where each piece of art conveyed a different message about the artist, about human nature, about ourselves.
    I must admit I was heartbroken when the exhibition ended, and I walked out to purchase a book of Sawaya's art and a t-shirt. But to see how this exhibition had spoken not only to me, but to my family and to the other tourists, was very encouraging.
    If there's one thing I can take from the exhibition, and that you should too if you cannot attend (though, please, by any means possible try to go at least once), is the very first piece that greeted us in the exhibition officially and which is on the shirt I bought yesterday and am now wearing: a giant grey LEGO hand holding a simple 3x2 red brick, reminding us that it all begins with just one brick.
    So keep imagining.
  18. Zatth
    "Fool me once... shame on me.
    Fool me twice... shame on Zatth.
    Heeeeeeeeeeey, Watch Raiders of the Lost Rock!
  19. Zatth
    In Math class, we had to do some homework for tomorrow. This girl raises her voice and shouts the most ridiculous statement today:
    "But Mr. _________, I can't do homework today, I have to go to the Hannah Montana concert! ... and ... I also have a medical appointment."
    So some of us actually have after-school activities dealing with helping poor people, or some of us help family in other moments, or some ACTUALLY have medical appointments. Is it really smart to tell your teaher you can't do schoolwork because of a concert?
    I don't understand how she's still in that class.
  20. Zatth
    is that we can all be in the Doctor's position. You can be a very patient person, very forgiving, very caring, very courageous, very happy... but after a while, lines start getting blurred and you start changing. Even more so if you don't have people around you to remind you of who you really are.
  21. Zatth
    ChocolateFrogs inquired about the subject in the latest Meet The Staff episode, calling me "the leading face for the Spanish[-speaking BIONICLE] online community" (which is too kind; I am nothing of the sort).
    Nonetheless, it is true that over the past year I've been helping out to give back to the Spanish-speaking community. This has taken the form of a YouTube channel I started last year called El Muro De La Historia, or Wall Of History. I mention it now because I wasn't entirely sure I'd continue doing this for too long. A year later, we've got 75 subs and over 5,000 views, and it doesn't seem like people want us to go away
    The only video in English we have so far is an interview we did with Kevin Hinkle, which I think all of y'all will enjoy (thanks to Sumiki for being a lovely cameraperson)

    I hope this channel can, first and foremost, be a hub of content for the Spanish-speaking BIONICLE and LEGO community. However, I hope the channel expands beyond that main mission. When I return from Oxford I aim to start translating some of our videos in English, in the hopes of also providing to the English-speaking fans (our weekly series where we review the news in the LEGO world is one that I would love to start providing in English). I also hope to continue creating videos that not only share knowledge on conventions, theme parks, and the latest news, but also foster discussion and interest in the toyline we all love.
    Feel free to suscribe if you want, though I will warn you that the YouTube subtitle feature will not help with the videos (unless your aim is to get a laugh, in which case I will highly recommend you turn on the subtitles). I can't say where the channel will be in a year, but as long as it allows me to continue helping out the community, I will be glad to welcome whatever comes
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