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MT Zehvor

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Blog Entries posted by MT Zehvor

  1. MT Zehvor
    So I was at a Gamestop today, and I noticed at the checkout counter they had a Reach alarm clock of sorts(it was in a display case with a bunch of Spartan figures on top) that was counting down the days(only 10) to the new Halo. I forgot to take a picture of it with my cell phone, so I was wondering if anyone had seen something like it and new where it was available for purchase.
  2. MT Zehvor
    After playing video games for I don't know how many years and wasting God knows how long of my life on them as well, I've come to the realization that there are just too many spotlight hogs.
    I'd be willing to bet pretty much everyone who's ever lived knows of Master Chief, or would at least recognize him in a photo. But how many people know the Arbiter? All of his awesomeness, the energy sword in cutscenes even when he shouldn't have an energy sword, and the shoulder flashlight thingy...and yet he's never gotten even a complementary toaster. How do you think 'Thel feels about that?
    Or Luigi, who is still far cooler than Mario? All he's ever gotten is Luigi's Mansion. A freaking mansion that got wrecked in SSBB anyways. I think it's high time he got something more than a stupid mansion for all those hours being the "unimportant" brother. Luigi's Planet should be more like it.
    I could go on forever, with Ridley, Ganondorf(not Gandalf) and the other villians, but we'd run out of screen room. The important thing is that for one day, it's good to focus on someone besides the attention hogs such as Samus and Kirby(the evil pink ball of death). So from now on, August 6 is Non-Important Video Game Character day.
    Celebrate your non important video game characters!
  3. MT Zehvor
    Don't you get the feeling that some of these guys have no idea how U.S. Currency works?

    On the bright side, there's free shipping.
  4. MT Zehvor
    Well, after a bunch of people(and by a bunch of people I mean like 3) told me that I should do it(and by told I mean annoyed to death), I did decide to write an ask comedy. Ask MT....however, is still not happening.
    So instead of MT...who? Well, if you read chapter 205 of Aftermath, you know already. If you didn't, then I'll tell you now: Christmas and Cookies, the two Toa that make....christmas cookies....are doing the honors. Look for Ask Christmas(and Cookies) sometime this November.
    Also info on Aftermath's ending. The actual "story" per se, the one involving the Zehvor, and Xenon, and other stuff, will end on chapter 367, just like TBTTRAH did. However, Aftermath will not end then, as the story will shift permanently to some new characters. Sad? Maybe, but I don't want the Zehvor just being left in the middle of an epic story when I finally get bored of writing...
  5. MT Zehvor
    Time again for the MT Report.....
    Brilliant Move of the Month: Guitar Hero Metallica. Everyone knows Metallica, it's something for all the metal fans out there, and it's 10 billion times cooler than having a game with "Aerosmith"(seriously?) on your cover. Plus, those commercials("Who you callin' pops?") are hilarious.
    Stupid Move of the Month: LEGO Rockband. Are you kidding me? Just when this whole series couldn't get any lamer. They're having minifigs dancing on a stage. Who is that (outside of the 6-9 year old crowd) supposed to appeal to?
    For the record, the idea of the BZP chatroom was just behind the brilliant move of the month.
    Funniest Thing: Kagha, I, and Mangetkyou Itachi all switched usernames and confused the heck out of everyone on the BZP Chatroom. It was hilarious, except Venom couldn't take a joke, and started banning people.
    But whatever.
    Happy Face:
    Mesonak-keeps reporting every single freaking news thing ever....and gets a POBZPC thingy. Congrats Meso.
    TBTTRAH-claims 1st place at all time most posts in a comedy...again...
    Lightning Realm-Expands popularity by a huge amount with the announcement of a new epic and hosting the TBTTRAHFL Monday Night Fights.
    Sad Face:
    Al Davis-once again he epicly fails at the NFL Draft
    Mesonak-turning into Hello Kitty on the chatroom is NOT cool.
    iCab-lost about 10 Mafia games in a row or something.
    What to look for in May.....
    End of School. (Thank God)
    The Bionicles Try To Run An Apartment
    NBA Playoffs
    Tarakavaseargent @ Levacius
  6. MT Zehvor
    Ridley: 100(give or take a few thousand, I lost count)
    Little Brother: 0
    On the other hand, this has lent it's way to some great gender stereotype commentary that I wish I could upload but I can't cause I don't have any sort of video game recorder. Owell.
  7. MT Zehvor
    During E3: 2009, Nintendo released a new trailer for the upcoming game Metroid: Other M. While the name doesn't exactly sound awesome, the trailer definitely is. Unfortunately, I can't post movies here, but you can find a trailer for it on [site with forums are not to be mentioned. -Shine].
    Anyways, the trailer starts with a spaceship floating through space debris. It explodes, and a young Samus Aran witnesses the event. Samus is next seen walking through a tall, dome-shaped building before entering an office, where a man asks "Any objections, lady?", a quote used by Adam Malkovich for all of you who remember Metroid Fusion. The following scenes show gameplay footage of Samus fighting in different environments, as well as battling the reptilian Ridley. An someone in a suit appears next, raising his visor and asking if Samus remembers him. A large creature then emerges which looks very similar to Mother Brain, and Samus charges her cannon to fire at it.
    The final scene of the trailer depicts a blonde-haired woman in a laboratory uniform, gazing at Samus through a window. Samus is seen entering the building with the door shutting behind her. Samus comes face-to-face with the woman and murmurs "I am Samus Aran" as the screen goes black.
    That's the best description I can find, you'll have to see the trailer itself to see the pure awesomeness. Unfortunately, Retro Studios has disbanded, causing Nintendo to form a new partnership with a group called Team Ninja. I'm not that worried, the game looks awesome, and it is reported to have both 2D and 3D gameplay.
    The game is scheduled to be released in 2010 for the Wii.
  8. MT Zehvor
    For me it would be the Boost Guardian in Metroid Prime 2. That thing always seems to have my number, especially in hard mode.
    Yami might be up there if there weren't all the health recharges you can buy.
  9. MT Zehvor
    Last day as a fourteen year old. Tomorrow is my birthday...so....yay me.
    Went to the Rocky Mountain National Park today(parents totally ignored my warning about the rain cloud, so we got soaked)...and that really wasn't fun. Went to the Alpine National Park next (I stayed in the car for the most part), and then we went back. Not very exciting, except for a horrible Louisiana restraunt and and pretty good hamburger on the way back. Oh, and then there was the crazy balloon hat I got that robbed me of whatever last shard of dignity I still had left.
    Leaving tomorrow, and I'm really glad we are. This is definitely not a place I would like to live.
    On the downside, it means I have to spend the last part of my birthday on an airplane, but I can live with that.
  10. MT Zehvor
    So far I'm having trouble coming up with names that stick for this part. We'll try this and see where it goes.
    The WIN list
    Invictus: In the world of ever increasing fail, it's getting increasingly harder to take advantage of circumstances and win at the same time. But Mange found a way to do it, and you can all see:
    Score= Mange 1, QQQQ 0
    Halo ODST: EPIC WIN. MORE EPIC WIN. MORE EPIC WIN IN A BOX. (I must be new video game deficient)
    KTM: Double win? Revamped Kazi epicly to make a cool self MoC, and then he did a very nice Kiina drawing. The Antroz was a little weird though.
    SNL: I can't say I've seen it be any funnier. Especially their weekend update thing. If you aren't watching it now, you need to be.
    The FAIL list
    British Restaurants: Not only does one actually serve bacon and egg ice cream, but it was sued by a customer who got sick from eating it. Quite honestly, why the heck would anyone order that anyway? I think a person who actually is that stupid should lose the right to sue.
    Comic Maker Arguments: Really starting to annoy me. All this Xanis vs. whatever it is now. Can we just appreciate the comics for the point it's making and not just the image? It's like rating a video game on it's graphics and not on the plot or gameplay.
    H1 N1 Paranoia: Starting to get on my nerves. Everyone is so afraid of it now, and from the people I know who have had it, it's not that bad. (apparently having regular flu is worse) Everyone calm down. It's not like this is some pandemic that is going to take over the world.
    Robbers: Apparently there's been a string of church robberies on the west coast lately, none that I have known about more than Levacius' church, which was robbed last week. But the robber left his knife there, which was coated with his fingerprints. Fail once. Meanwhile, a bank robber accidentally dropped his I.D. card on the way out. Fail twice. Another robber tried to climb through a window and got his shoelace caught inbetween the two sliding parts of the window, where he hung upside down trying to get himself free(apparently his foot didn't fall out of his shoe) until the owner of the house came. And that's your TRIPLE FAIL.
    Quote of the month:

    FAIL picture of the month.
    You'll have to work(a little) for this one. Go to Google and type in "I am extremely." You probably don't need anything past the e. Results are hilarious.
    WIN music of the month.
    Noxus theme.(google it) Yay for Noxusness. (Richard Noxus, anyone?)
    Looking forward to October...
    MLB Playoffs: (Does anyone care?) I just had to throw that out there. No clue when it is.
    October 14-16: I will be gone during Fall Break on a trip to try and help one of my aunts in a messy divorce. As much as I like getting off school, this isn't going to be fun.
    October 16: National Boss Day. (LIKE A BOSS) Anyone who is a boss, celebrate! Or celebrate anyway if you need an excuse to celebrate.
    October 31: Halloween. The day I go out and shoot anyone who attempts to TP with a paintball. (I took Calvin's dad's example, only I upped the ante a bit)
  11. MT Zehvor
    The Toa Zehvor are now allied with the Toa Kendan. I have no idea what we're going to do with that alliance other than say we have allies, but I'll think of something eventually.
    As of right now here is everyone in our team:
    Me(Elected leader about a year ago)
    As far as I know, that's it(assuming Samzoraz has left us for good). Right now we're holding an election for a 2nd-in-command should I have to go away for a while. Two things:
    You can only vote for someone on the above list not named MT(duh)
    You can't vote for yourself.
  12. MT Zehvor
    Brenmac pointed out a few days ago that we are lacking a theme song. So I told him I'd ask the rest of you guys, and, since I'm(relatively) true to my word, here you go. Make your suggestions here for an official Zehvor theme song.
  13. MT Zehvor
    First off, I'm back(far quicker than I expected) and so no more supah powahs for Sonu. Sorwy.
    Anyways, two things need to be accomplished. First we need to have a 3rd in command vote(which will be up soon) and finally the final round of the best video game of 2009. That's mainly what this is about.
    The final matchup is between #1 Modern Warfare 2 and #2 Halo 3: ODST.
    Many people were crowning the sixth Call of Duty adventure as the best game of the decade before it even hit stores. And it didn't disappoint many of them, with a revamped multiplayer and a nice storyline(not great, but the gameplay more than makes up for it). The lack of vehicles disappointed some, but Infinity Ward probably made the right choice leaving vehicles out, because it would more than likely turn into a vehicle kills whoever first sort of thing. The levels were also very memorable. I highly doubt anyone is forgetting the airport or the snow level any time soon(at least until MW3 comes out) One thing it definitely did achieve: easiest Call of Duty game ever.
    ODST brought Halo back from the horrible memories of a strategy game to the 1st person shooter we all love and know. Even though Master Chief's replenishing shields were gone, the game was relatively easy, but still very fun, especially the flashback parts in general and the banshee level in particular. The ending was epic, as nearly every Halo game is(make that every Halo game), but this one was even more so. It really brought out hate in the players for the Covenant, which had kinda been watered down with the Flood becoming the main villain at the end of Halo 3.
    What disappointed about each game:
    MW2: WAY too easy, too short, and outside of the snowmobile part, there really isn't any "innovative" part.
    ODST: Relatively easy, but Legendary makes up for that. It's also annoying looking for new things to spark flashbacks.
    The Rookie: Wait, he's too awesome to have anything disappointing about him.
    My vote: Maybe a little surprising, but...
    ODST. It isn't so much what MW2 did wrong as it is what Halo did right. Every single flashback level was amazing, the final run on the highway was epic, and the ending is probably on the top 5 that I've seen all time. Amazing game, even more so than MW2.
    Everyone VOTE now!
    ODST: 1, MW2: 0
  14. MT Zehvor
    Until the sequel to my favorite game of last decade.
    Too bad it has to come out on the DS.
    Okamiden, we eagerly wait your arrival(or me and Koth do at least).
  15. MT Zehvor
    While the road to Super Battle 3 continues, we're taking a pause to look back at what happened in Week 1 of the TBTTRAH Fighting League and then looking ahead to Week 2.
    Division Standings:
    Mr. Matoro(1-0)
    5 Mask(1-0)
    A look back:
    The season started out for Tarakavaseargent, Mister Matoro, and Hovoki as we all expected it would: with a fairly easy win over a newcomer. However, others such as Sonu, Brenmac, and XTRM stumbled a bit, all losing to newcomers, except for Brenmac, who lost to Rahkshiking in the Fiery Volcano. Levacius' win over Mesonak was a bit of a surprise to some, but since the fight was in Boxtus(definitely pro-Zehvor) it was more of a home fight. Which is what it should have been, given that it was (Mesonak @ Levacius)
    Mesonak gets another shot at Levacius later in the season.
    Easiest call: Tarakavaseargent over Burningair. Burningair has been in one battle before this and lost pretty handily.
    Biggest blindside: Frostbreeze over Sonu. Frostbreeze, like Burningair, had never won a battle before, and so when he pulled off the home upset of Sonu, a few people kind of wondered what happened. Unfortunately, the fight wasn't broadcasted, although it mainly had to do with Frostbreeze freezing Sonu....again....and again....and again....
    A look ahead....
    Fight of the week: MR. MATORO(1-0) VS TARAKAVASEARGENT(1-0) Monday Night, The Lightning Realm
    Guess what? It's the second MNF of the season, and it's in the Lightning Realm. Two week 1 winners who have never met before go head to head in Levacius' blog for a little bit more than bragging rights. Both of them are looking for revenge on Omega Turtle, who defeated Tarkavaseargent in the Elite Eight and Mr. Matoro in the Final Four on his way to defeating Levacius in Super Battle 2.
    Runner up: BRENMAC(0-1) AT SONU(0-1) Friday Night, Boxtus Arena
    Desperation one week into the season? It is in the highly competitive East Division, where 3 out of 4 fighters made the sweet sixteen last year(Calypso wasn't here at that point). Falling behind, even by one game, isn't an option. It's even worse for Brenmac, who definitely needs to win at home against Rahkshiking in a few weeks to maintain pace.
    3rd place: LEVACIUS(1-0) AT FROSTBREEZE(1-0) Saturday, The Realm of Shadows
    Frostbreeze's award for pulling the biggest upset of the week? A fight against Levacius, last year's Super Battle loser. It's time to prove whether or not the huge upset was a fluke or not. No ice cold Pluto to freeze a fire Toa this time.
    Honorable mention: RIDLEY(0-0) AT OMEGA TURTLE(0-0) TBD, The Burning Blogg
    Sonic League action kicks off sometime this week when Ridley, a newcomer who so far hasn't done anything besides make Samus and Chief feel worthless, takes on the defending Super Battle champ Omega Turtle, who, by the way, knocked off 3 of the fighters in the division lead right now on his way to the championship.
  16. MT Zehvor
    Well, my computer is apparently broken for now(I still don't know why), so for the time being, I will be missing from BZPower. Maybe a few appearances here and there, but nothing big. Possibly even an Aftermath chapter if I have the time. I'm assuming we should be able to get a new computer by next week, but no guarantees.
    Anyways, Zehvor adjustments are as follows. Sonu is the temporary leader, with Assassin temporary deputy on Sundays(cause he isn't here on other days due to Lent). I'm assuming there won't be any problems that would require a deputy within the next week, but you all are welcome to appoint a temporary one if you feel the need.
    Hoping I'm back relatively soon. Bye all.
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