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Republic Commando Fixer

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Posts posted by Republic Commando Fixer

  1. Mine is either Thor or Captain America! What are your favorite(s)? :) I don't this Hawkeye and Black Widow are really "Marvel" characters but they are freaking amazing! Hawkeye and his bow and pretty EPIC!RCF

  2. @ Dorek, Yes the camera work was pretty bad. But the only reason why was because they wanted to make it child and family friendly.

    I haven't seen the film yet, but I've read the first book. I can see why they would do something like that, but I'm going to raise the question of whether they should be trying to make a movie like this "family friendly", given the content....
    What "content" are you talking about? The premise of the books it totally fine. Everyone is saying how inappropriate it is for children and young teens etc. But in reality there are MANY worse movies and books out there that kids are reading. So I think people need to take a chill pill on the Hunger Games as a series and calm down a little bit. RCF
  3. @ Dorek, Yes the camera work was pretty bad. But the only reason why was because they wanted to make it child and family friendly.@Emperor Kraghh, In the right sitiuation less can be more. I would say see the movie first, then read the books. All my friends and I read the book first and we had out expectations really high. The movie was so close to meeting them though! So just for kicks try it that way! (:RCF

  4. Oakley makes the BEST sunglasses ever! Next to Ray Ban! I currently own three pairs of Oakley's. The Jury, Flak Jacket (polarized) and all white Gascan’s. I plan to sell my Jury's and get the women's Radar's. White Chrome with blue iridium lenses. Does anyone else think Oakley is amazing?RCF

  5. Ok guys so I just saw it again for the 2nd time and it was even better then the first time!!! I was able to see things that I didn't the first time I saw it! I would highly recommend to seeing it two times!!! I'm still on Mocking Jay chapter 8 to be exact. I CAN'T get into it like the first two! I read the first two books in 3 days! I have had Mocking Jay for a month now! haha Anywho I'm starting to LOVE the career tributes (Districts 1&2, Marvel,Glimmer,Cato and Clove) Cato is my favorite career and he is a hottie!! Clove is pretty BA with her throwing knives! Marvel is just a cutie and Glimmer is pretty chill. Do y'all like the careers? RCF

  6. @ Purple Bouncy,Ok so I agreed with you on 2/3 of what you said... Why did Peeta suck horriably? What was "bad" about him on the movie? So what if we want to say "Team Glale" or "Team Peeta"? Granted people went a little crazy about Twilight with shirts,tatoos etc. But atleast this movie has some morals and ethics to it rather then Twilight.@ Pantera,How DARE you compare Katniss to Bella! :P Why in this freaking earth would you say that? Also asking people to hate you is rather lame... :P Also why was the first book BOAING???Oh yeah and what do y'all think about them splitting the 3rd book movie into two parts? I think they should do it to Catching Fire rather then Mocking Jay... Wbu?RCF

  7. Just saw the movie, and it was fantastic. First time I've seen more added than taken away from the source material, and even then, it was one of the most accurate movie adaptations I've ever seen. Music was really good, too. And the casting was perfect. Lenny Kravitz was great as Cinna, and Stanley Tucci absolutely ate up his role as Caesar Flickerman. Woody Harrelson and Elizabeth Banks were great too.But Jennifer Lawrence was perfect. I can see why she was nominated for best actress in Winter's Bone, even if I didn't see that movie. Her last scene with Rue was particularly well done. That camerawork, though... Good Lord. The slow scenes were pretty good (pretty much everything between the Reaping and the Games, and for the most part the camerawork in the Games), but the very beginning and the action scenes were beyond dizzying. The hallucination scene was at least justified -- and ironically, I had an easier time watching that than most of the action. The only exception was the forest fire scene. But at the end, when they're fighting Cato on top of the Cornucopia... I had no idea what was going on. Didn't help that two out of the three people were the only two blonde guys in the movie.Also, the score was beautiful.

    Yes Jennifer was PERFECT for Katinss! I told my mom that she was going to be playing her and my mom thought Jennifer was going to be a horrible Katniss. But after the movie that all changed! Yes the fire scene was pretty shaky and the part with Cato and mutts was pretty bad! Hopefully for Catching Fire they will have better camera motion! :P Also I hear that they want to split the 3rd movie into to two. What do you guy’s think about that? I would like it even better if they did that for Catching Fire rather than Mocking Jay. If I had it my way I would rather have all three movies split into two just so that we could get the whole book in! So lemme know what y'all think about that!RCF
  8. @ToaOnarax,I really LOVED the books! But I thought the movie was amazing! I ejnoyed them both!@TahnokVal123,Granted the camera work was kinda bad the only reason they did it was so the it wouldn't get a rated R rating. Like for example in when Glimmer got stung by the tracker jackers they wanted to make it so the adults could see all the swelling etc but that it would be OK for the younger audience to see it too. The hallucination gave me a headache. Yeah that part was pretty bad! :P I had to close my eyes at on point! haha@ ~JC~C'mon you know what I meant!RCF

  9. @ Balta, The movie was really really close to the book! I just saw it yesterday. I thought that movie was freaking amazing! Everyone was saying violence was horrific, acting was bad, and that the whole movie sucked. I however couldn't dis-agree more.There was hardly any violence, acting was actually pretty good and the movie didn't suck. So to all the haters out there JUST GO HOME!!! This movie was awesome! The actors did an awesome job. ESP; Jennifer (Katniss) and Josh (Peeta) They portrayed the characters very well! And the fact that everyone is making such a HUGE fuss over "all" the violence in the movie is quite lame. Oh and another thing is that they are saying younger kids shouldn’t see the movie. Don't tell me you haven’t let them see Twilight, Crime shows or any other shows with wayyy more "bad" stuff. So just be consistent!RCF

  10. I've read only the first book so I can't comment on much, but from what I've read, it's actually pretty good.

    Yeah, the first book is pretty good, but it's all downhill from there.
    Really? I thought book 1 and 2 were the best. I've just started book 3 and it's not that bad either. Granted book 1 is the best. Book 2 is still pretty good!RCF
  11. This series is absolutely boring. The first 50 pages or so of the first book just sucked. It was a pain to even try and get through it so I put it down. After reading a brief synopsis...I have to say that not a single part of it is unique at all. It steals completely from Battle Royale, an older book with nearly the same exact plot.The movie looks awful too. The acting is...horrendous, from what I've seen.Also, before anyone tells me to try again, just stop. I've tried to read it eleven times, I think. If a book fails to capture me in the first 50 pages, why's it worth reading at all? And again, it's unoriginal. I can't stand when people fall in love with pieces that copy from older pieces instead of the older pieces themselves.-SK

    What if we have never read the Battle Royal books? I myself have not. Would you still get upset at people like me who have not read those books? Also you said the movie looks awful and that the acting is horrendous. Which parts in the tralier look awful and what acting parts look horrendous? I have seen all the trlaiers tons of times and I certaily don't think that the movie looks awful and I think their acting is just fine!You said that you tried the fist 50 pages and they sucked. Everyone that I have talked to can't put the book down. What was it that you saw or read that made it suck? Just trying to understand! :) P.S THE MOVIE COMES OUT TODAY!!! :D I get to see it in two days! Can't wait!!! <3RCF
  12. I started out not thinking much of it; like, I watched the trailer and it didn't strike a chord in me. But then I read the series in under a week, which is highly unnatural for me. When I finished, I sat around in a daze, feeling like I had just lived through the whole scenario. It really appealed to me, and there's so much content and things that the author leaves you to figure out on your own.I'm so excited for the movie this Friday! The casting is amazing, the scene snippets I've seen so far look and feel right, and the interviews with the actors are just great. :) I also received a Mockingjay pin replica, but it broke so I'm wearing it as a necklace. Janus keeps telling me that doing so makes me a trendy Capitolist. Hahurr.

    You have a point, but then again it's not hard to be better than Twilight. :P :w:

    Haha some of the Twi-hard fans would disagree! :PAnywho I'm on chap 15 of Catching Fire. And i'm pretty ticked of that all is happend in the past 3 chapters... Were any of you guys mad also?Oh and Team Gale? or Team Peeta? :PRCF
    Hahah, Hunger Games seems to be beating back Twilight's popularity, at least a little bit.I chewed through Catching Fire too fast to be mad; I just wanted to know what happened next. But my dad was kind of irritated with what happened in that one.Also, Team Peeta. XP
    I finshed the first book in 2.5 days. I could not put it down! I'm almost done with Catching Fire. I believe i'm chapter 25 or 26. Three days till it's out in theatres!! I can't wait! The cast is absoluty fantastic. Liam,Jennifer and Josh do such an amazing job as Gale,Katniss and Peeta! I've seen the tralier like 30 times already! I have also seen a bunch of little clips and they are amazing! Pshh I bet Hunger Games is going to crush Twilight and Harry Potter (Yep you heard me right). The box office think it's going to make anywhere from 75 Million to 150 million on the opening weekend! The fan base is freaking HUGE!!! Team Peeta huh? I'm so torn between which one. But I have to say Gale! I mean I want a man like Peeta but Gale is PERFECT for Katniss! :) I do believe the world will be talking about the Hunger Games for a while! :P RCF
  13. You have a point, but then again it's not hard to be better than Twilight. :P :w:

    Haha some of the Twi-hard fans would disagree! :PAnywho I'm on chap 15 of Catching Fire. And i'm pretty ticked of that all is happend in the past 3 chapters... Were any of you guys mad also?Oh and Team Gale? or Team Peeta? :PRCF
  14. Because that's what hipsters do!But yeah, the series seems to be getting a lot of hate here. Kinda sad. You'd think the target audience would actually lap up the violence and whatnot. But I guess the romance bits killed it for some people.Regardless, only like, two weeks until the movie. I'm excited.

    I could see how the "romance" could kill some of the guys off! But I know for us girls we love that sorta thing! Lol I agree the first book and was pretty violent. I'm pretty sure the makers of the movie were having a hard time trying not to make it rated R because they wanted the young kids to able to watch it as well as adutls and teens. They still wanted to have violence in the movie(s). I personally am super excited about seeing it. I mean c'mon guys we should give this series more credit then Twilight! :P Yes they both have romance but at least in Hunger Games they aren't any sparkling vampires named Edward! RCF
  15. Man, I can't even say how the "I read them and they were good, but now that everyone likes them I think they suck" mindset is terrible. The series isn't perfect, and yeah, it is probably overhyped. I wouldn't really know. But that kind of talk reeks of condescending hipsterism. There is no reason to rip on something simply because it is popular (Unless it's irredeemably terrible, which isn't quite the case here).That said, the series is definitely no masterpiece, but that doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable, especially for a YA series. (And hey, at least it's not Rick Riordan. That gives it a lot of points.)

    Anyway, about Lloyd's comment on the series having no moral-- I have to disagree. To me it seemed like a pretty clear-cut "Power corrupts" type of theme, with a dash of other things here and there. And the way I see it, the part at the end with the whole of them condemning Capitol children to the 76th Hunger Games was just symbolizing how much the experience screwed all of them up. It's not like she was going to go "Oh hey, my sister and friends got blown up or eaten by mutants, but I'm gonna live and forgive right about now." The entire point was that Karissa was deeply flawed, unresolved and kind of a pathetic mess, emotionally speaking. The reason this all started is hate and resentment towards the Capitol, which she also had in plentiful amounts, so the decision at the end seemed to me as reasonable. (Not a good decision, not justified, but not unfathomable)

    Or at least that's how I see it. *shrug*

    Rick Riordan wrote the Lighning Theif series right? Well I didn't think those were bad at all. If something is popular why would you hate it? Jw.RCF
  16. Another problem with these books is the author's very apparent fashion obsession, which really makes the plot drag and throws you out of it. A lot of critics complain about this, actually.Part of the problem with the movie, from what I can tell, is that, unlike Battle Royale, they seem to be making the adaptation more kid-friendly, when they really should be keeping it on-par with the book, if not upping the ante on the violence. If I was directing it, I might even go ahead and up it to an "R," in order to really do the book's message justice.

    I don't mind that the author is "Fashion obsessed" I think that shows that she has some class, if you will. Why don't you like that?RCF
  17. Have read all 3 books, they are really great. Mockingjay is the absolute best, though.I hope the movie is as awesome as the book. I really do.

    Mockingjay really? All my family and friends said that that one was their least favorite! I have yet to read. Can't wait!RCF
    *Shrug* I guess I can see why that would be, seeing as how the very ending was sort of predictable, it suffered from a few anticlimaxes, was pretty depressing, and a few other bits here and there. I still felt it was the perfect conclusion, though. And the entire suspense and trauma was executed very well, imo.
    I'm not saying you can't chose that one if you know what I mean, I was just surprised that one was your favortie! like I said all my friends and family said it was there least favorite! But I guess i'll have to wait and see once I get there! :) @ BENLUKE-116, Have you read the books? :)RCF
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