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~Lord Zahaku~

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Status Updates posted by ~Lord Zahaku~

  1. afternoon? no, evening

  2. Alright, next time im online ill send a friend reqest your way ;)

  3. Alright. lookin foward to seeing you online then

  4. Awesome! Funnily enough, I just got a new chapter of my own epic. Ill check your out in a bit, a little busy right now.

  5. Because plain old Ballom will always be the best :D

  6. Can I be on your awsome List? :)

  7. Depends on the kind of cheese I guess.....

    Son? lol! I'm older than you.

  8. Dont know... I guess I just on your profile and realised I had never added you in the past.

  9. Dont worry Zahaki! I just realised BZP was back online, expect a review of chapter 1 later today :)

  10. Good to hear, Im great. School can be a bit stressful though sometimes. What you been up to recently?

  11. Happy b-day, i might send you a pm later but youll probaly see this

  12. Happy Birthday Ballom!!! Hope you have a good one.

  13. Happy Bithday Ausar!!!!!!!

  14. Hey ZahakI, lol, ive been alright so far. Been doin exams which are nearly over thankfully. How have you been?

  15. Hey Zee, its been a while since we last talked, how been doing man?

  16. Hey, did you get my last PM?

  17. Hey, I tried to add you on MSN using that email address at the bottom of this page but I dont think it worked or you didnt accept, either way.

  18. Hey. Do you still go on xboxlive?

  19. Hi! Man it sounds like you only like bzp and bioncle. That pretty funny

  20. Hmm, If you need any help with a title. Sometimes its good to go with something that ties in with your story rather than something which just sounds epic.

  21. I am the Lord and Master of all.

    1. Zahaki


      I Challenge you for that title!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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