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Alex Humva

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Posts posted by Alex Humva

  1. IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    The meeting had been dismissed, everyone going to collect their gear while the pilots suited up. As the Kestrel began its descent, the three fighters dropped out of the ship, hitting the atmosphere and beginning to bleed speed as the Kestrel entered a trajectory for the landing zone. Within thirty minutes the craft had landed, the Colonel stationed out in the sensor room while everyone loaded into the halftrack. Devas was at the wheel, as usual, and it began its trek towards the facility at a moderate pace.


    "Good luck," the Colonel's voice came over the comms. "I'll be in touch, watching the sensors for any movement; Captain Harken's armor will provide signal amplification in the event that something attempts to jam our comms. Search quickly and efficiently and we'll be out of here before sundown."

  2. IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    "We just went over this spaceman, if the halftrack isn't there to haul you back to the ship, you drop everything you don't need and you run like the devil himself is chasing you."

  3. IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    "We will be landing two hours after dawn; the time schedules have been drawn up for your visor links. We will have approximately seven hours to work before sunset; as for your tablet, there should be an appropriately sized one in storage."

  4. Well, depends on your definition of fun. But yeah this is a more plot-centered episode and due to the fact that the ten lifesigns down on the planet have been there for a long while, it's not conducive to introducing PCs. Secondary characters will probably come up next time skip, though first people need to get their profiles in order. Still working on your concept, incidentally Av, I'll figure something up soonish.

  5. IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    "Truly, the Zoltan influence knows no boundaries." The Colonel momentarily passed over Souper, though the slug could probably pick up a focused stream of thoughts from the Colonel, translating to leave it to the scholars to figure out. "What sort of supplies, Mr. Zhanar? Anything we could make use of?"

  6. IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    "Our pilots will definitely keep an eye on the ground below. Hate for some alien lizard to make a surprise appearance on us." And again to Souper. "Your contract will be paid by Confederate authorities if we don't return, don't worry." And to Zhanar, "Our charts identify this world as Kepler 1077d. I don't believe it has a proper name."

  7. Plasma or kinetic is decided by what clips you put into the rifle, so it's really personal choice. We have assault rifles, shotguns, submachine guns, and of course swords because honorable melee is a thing in the future.

  8. IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    "The teleporter can be used in an emergency, aye." The Colonel turned to Souper. "I'm not asking you to cure insanity. Your empathy still works, does it not? You can provide some level of comfort. Having you present to avoid ambush is my top reason, however. If there's something lurking down there, I want to know it the moment you do. You can also broadcast updates to the fireteams, if communications go out."

  9. IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    "Point noted; you'll go with group Europa, Mr. Zhanar." The Colonel turned to Souper. "Your psychic abilities are very handy, Mr. Souper. Foreseeing ambushes is just one of the many ways you can be of use on the ground. I suspect these individuals will be traumatized from their time on the ground, you'll be there to give them relief." Then she turned to Harken. "The Kestrel will be four hundred meters away from the facility. If the halftrack isn't present for protection, call in air support and run like it's graduation day at boot camp."

  10. IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    Four days later...


    The collective crew of the Kestrel, minus the pilot, stood in the hanger bay, huddled around a central holoprojector the Colonel had wheeled out. It was a rare sight to see everyone awake on the same shift, but the times called for it. The Colonel appeared through the crowd, walking up to the projecter, Major Daniels by her side. She gave a quick glance around, then tapped the table, the lights dimming and the projector coming on.


    "As some of you are aware," she began, "we have entered orbit around the fourth planet in this solar system. The reason for this is that we've picked up an old Confederate transponder, an outdated model that hasn't been used for nearly thirty years. It's coming from what appears to be an abandoned facility," the map appeared on the projection, "presumably some sort of old research outpost. More importantly, though, there's lifesigns; seven human, three Engi. We've also picked up an FTL crystal stockpile, something we could dearly use on this mission." The projection zoomed out, revealing an open plateau and some surrounding mountains. "The climate of this planet is temperate, but we've been picking up anomalous lifesigns in the forests. The computer says they're sleeping, meaning that we shouldn't be in any danger during the day. Due to the amount of the complex we need to cover, and the amount of material we need to move, the Kestrel will be making an atmospheric landing. Major Walker, you, Spaceman Landes, and Warrant Deuce will be running cover for the Kestrel while she's grounded. If we have any Mantis company, I want to actually be able to leave the planet in one piece.


    "The ground team will be split into four groups: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Group Io, you'll be headed by Captain Harken, with Spaceman Errogaven and Spaceman Taylor accompanying. You'll be searching the inner room of the facility; we've detected anomalous readings, what looks like a mining shaft. It may lead to an underground facility, so be thorough for any entrances. Group Europa, you'll be headed by Captain Sindorin, with Spaceman Geist and Spaceman Au accompanying. You'll be handing the transfer of FTL crystals in the south section of the facility. Group Ganymede will be headed by Lieutenant Skinter, with Sergeant Kharon, Spaceman Kelezagg, and Mr. Souper accompanying. You'll be looking for the lifesigns, in the north-west portion of the facility. Group Callisto will be headed by Major Daniels, with Captain Overchkin, Adviser Halik, Lieutenant Sarany, and Spaceman Liu accompanying. You'll be investigating an external communications station, try and figure out what the last broadcast these people sent out was.


    "You'll all be riding in on the half-track, but it'll be making frequent trips back to haul the FTL crystals. A map of the complex has been uploaded to all your visor profiles, and your weapons are ready in the armory. Any questions?"



    A little idea of what the complex is shaped like.

  11. IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    "You know what you've done, Adviser? I'm going to have to keep these two Rockman in the mess freezer, just in case I need to thaw one out next jump as a sacrificial offering, all because some wise-cracking Vendarian thought it'd be a good idea to tempt the Lord and make Him have some Rock god try to eat our ship." The Colonel raised an eyebrow. "Laser surgery should get your foot back in working order. Worst case scenario, we have to give you a new one."

  12. Hooray for plot movement. So I think I'm going have another brief time skip, to get everyone back in fighting shape. I promise to stop time skipping so much at some point, don't want to use up the entirety of this six month mission in time skips after all, but we do need breathers for people in-game to recover. This next mission should be a lot more involving, though, on everyone's part.

  13. IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    "Right. I'll need to work up a demerit list, figure out who deserves to scrub this mess up. If you would please, get Halik to medbay and then haul these corpses to the hanger to be spaced with the rest of their comrades." The Colonel grimanced. "Hopefully our next jump is less eventful."

  14. IC [Rockman pirate]


    The Rockman's fate was unceremonious and very bloody; headbutted and stabbed in the eye, it thrashed about as the Vendarian continued to jab inward towards the brain, until both eyes were gone and the creature fell backwards, unable to cope with the botched lobotomy anymore. This did have the unfortunate effect of several hundred pounds of Rock falling on Halik; her reflexes were deft, but her boot was still caught, crushing her foot until Harken pulled the mass off. Probably need some micro-surgery.


    The bulkheads slid open to reveal the Colonel, and a wounded Spaceman Taylor being hauled off. Looking around at the mess, Ojeda raised an eyebrow. "Harken, in the future, we should install bolts on our airlocks. You know, just buy a steel bar or something, stick it in there, keep people from coming in unless we want them to. Injuries?"

  15. IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    "For once, I'd like to go a jump without someone getting put out of action. Run a physical on Landes, make sure there hasn't been any head trauma or such. I want her back in fighting shape within three days, her presence was missed out on the battlefield. Same time frame for Skinter." With that, the Colonel walked out, her pistols drawn as she began heading down to see how the fight between Harken and the Rockman was progressing.

  16. IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    The woman had walked off the bridge, cringing at the bloody mess on the floor involving a Mantis and a Rockman, and walked into the medbay, giving a quick glance around.


    "Doctor, status of your two patients?"

  17. IC [The Computer]


    "Internal sensors have recovered, Captain Harken is currently engaging the remaining boarder. I have successfully overridden the bulkheads, a security detail should be there shortly to assist."


    IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    "Alive, though in what condition exactly, I don't know." She switched the comms. "Haul them to the hanger, Mr. Ovechkin. Keep the Engi carcass though, I'm sure the Engi government would like to have such a creation returned to them."

  18. Yeah, not so much grafting as a week or two of accelerated cell growth. It's a somewhat intensive process, reason why you need to go down to a place like Rio to get it done.


    Engi live around ~120 years, about the same as the average human lifespan in this time period.

  19. OOC

    Worth noting that the big things nanites do is form scaffolds and try to stop the bleeding; in Ashley's intestine case, the nanites formed the scaffolding while stem cells were applied to repair. In Can's situation, for the burn you'd probably have nanites to remove the offending acids and toxic byproducts of it, then stay in place to ward off infection while the computer cooked up some skin to graft back onto it. The bone is just going work like it does today; you set and cast it and the nanites keep the bone together while the body regrows the bone, probably sped up via some future tech.


    IC [Quartz]


    The Rockman had begun to crawl down the hull, people apparently thinking him to be dead but, in fact, just blinded and in severe pain.


    IC [Colonel Ojeda]


    "Mind the pirates on your way out, they're getting spaced."

  20. Swarm fighter? It'd make sense for an Engi to have something like that. A fighter that serves as a central nexus for a bunch of smaller drones attached to it, each specializing in something. Via neural linking, they all react as one organism and can all cooperate to get a task done.

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