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Alex Humva

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Status Updates posted by Alex Humva

  1. A insane technopath with knowledge of the multiverse. Oh, did I also mention he can't die?

  2. Oh, and Steven is with them. Kiss your life away.

  3. I'll go to death smiling. 'Cause here comes the Institute agents, which I freed.

  4. You think you have me? Area 51 is also host to a bunch of Outbreakers, mainly Institute ones. I'm sure they'll love to play with you after you get done with me.

  5. Good for you; however, it is also made of acidic substances that burn organics. Any cell it can touch will be destroyed.

  6. It is a blood-sucking beast that cannot be stopped.

  7. Do you even know what The Blob is?

  8. I'll slick The Blob on you.

  9. Area 51 isn't heavily guarded for no reason.

  10. Touch the mop, and you'll be in a world of pain.

  11. Inglés es estúpido. Período.

  12. Pfft. I am the Admiral of Fleet 51. I can't suck as an Admiral is I govern Fleet 51.

  13. That's right, scream. I like torture. :D

  14. Pluto? That worthless hunk of ice? Sorry, but I hired the Mi-Go to blow you up.

  15. Just because English is a stupid type of human speech doesn't mean I can't blow up the universe.

  16. You must use petty things like time limits to beat your opponents, when I know how to prompty end the universe.

  17. My friend, the moment Russia detects a nuclear launch, they will fire their nukes. Then the Brits will. Then the Germans. And soon, the world will fall into nuclear holocaust.

  18. All very clever; however, my house is well guarded. If I blink, the entire city will blow up from that nuclear missile in that military base.

  19. May I point out you are two milimeters away from a trip wire, and if you so much as twitch, you will be blown to kingdom come?

  20. Please. I already rule it. You owe me ten bucks.

  21. Stop talk'n nonsense, private. Get back to scrubbing the decks.

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