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Status Updates posted by ChocoLvr13

  1. Tick






  2. The clock is ticking...

  3. Have you found out what it means yet?

  4. I've noticed that. Many times.

  5. So can I, I just won't.

  6. Whatdaya mean my viewing topic is stuck?

  7. 'Course I watch the Report! I have the book, too!

  8. Hey, I'll be able to catch you up on the storyline if you need it.

  9. Don't be dissin' the polar Bears!

  10. Hey, Polar Bears are awesome!

  11. Yes. I loved Wall-e. Saw it once with my Uncles, my Mom treated me to see it again, and we might see it at our local drive-in along with Hancock. I like movies, as you may be able to tell.

  12. ...From what your blog says, you are faking your age.

  13. Turakii, that is an awesome avatar you've got there.

  14. Hmm, good choice, then.

  15. ...Iranu...Avohkii?

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