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Year 16

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    Tennessee, U.S.A.
  • Interests
    Well, this one should be obvious. I have been collecting BIONICLEs since 2003, and though I was a bit late to start collecting, I now have a fairly large collection.
    I am a winner of the BIONICLE Dark Hunter Building Challenge, and my winning model's name is Spinner, found in the Dark Hunter Guide book. I was also one of the winners to the LEGO Multi-Model Building Challenge, and my winning model's name is BIO-Force Centurion. I am also a winner in the LEGO Castle Building Challenge, and my model's name is Skeletal Battering Ram Ultima.
    I enjoy MOCing a good bit, and when I get going, it's rather hard to stop!

    Ah, I love a good book. My favorite genres of reading are sci/fi, fantasy, ancient, and theology

    I must begin with my all-out favorite book in the whole world: the Holy Bible. God's word is priceless, and we must never forget that. :)

    However, here is a list of my favorite fiction books:

    - Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien
    - Narnia, by C.S. Lewis
    - Redwall, by Brian Jacques
    - Bionicle, by (who do ya know?) Greg Farshtey
    - Harry Potter, by J.K. Rowling
    - The Inheritance Trilogy, by Christopher Paolini
    - The Circle Trilogy, by Ted Dekker
    - The Dragons in our Midst series, by Bryan Davis

    I am not a big fan of TV, but I do enjoy a good game. Here is a list of my favorites:

    PC Games:
    - StarWars: Republic Commando (Beaten on Hard at least twice)
    - StarWars Battlefront II
    - Myst III (Beaten)

    Gamecube Games:
    - Metroid Prime (100% completed, including Hard mode)
    - Super Smash Bros. Melee
    - Super Mario Sunshine (100% completed, with my sister)

    I enjoy a good action film. Here is a list of my favorite ones (or series):

    - Harry Potter
    - Star Wars
    - Eragon
    - Narnia
    - Lord of the Rings
    - National Treasure
    - Pirates of the Caribbean, Curse of the Black Pearl
    - Batman, the Dark Knight
    - Spider Man
    - X-Men
    Oh, and the Bionicle movies of course!

    In school, my favorite subjects are Math and Science. I'm in 11th grade, and I hope to be an Engineering major one day.

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  1. Thank you MoJ! And sorry Nara! :(

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