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Blog Entries posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. GreenBioGuy
    I guess I can has!
    Well, I'm a avid Mac user, but there comes a time when one would like to have your old PC games to play all portable-like on your laptop, so I went and downloaded Windows XP onto my Mac using Boot Camp (yes, you can do that; nifty, huh?). The copy of XP is the one my family has downloaded on our iMac downstairs in the school-room (I home-school, for you people who haven't read my Bio content block), and we rarely ever use it.
    Anywhoo, I attempted to install and play several of my Star Wars games including Lego Star Wars: The Video Game and Knights of the Old Republic. Unfortunately, neither of them would work due to an insufficient graphics card (something about pixel shader 1.1 support and insufficient 3D graphics). I made sure to update all of the latest drivers for Boot Camp and any Windows updates that I could, and yet it still wouldn't work. They work fine on the family iMac, and I am using a MacBook which came out at about the same time as the iMac I believe... way after these games were released for sure. Does anyone have any thoughts on a way that they could be made to work? I installed the latest version of DirectX... Perhaps my version of laptop just wasn't built for Star Wars gaming...
    However, I was able to download and play Myst IV: Revelation! I am assuming by looking at the requirements that my 10th Anniversary Myst Pack (Myst, Riven, and Exile included) will work fine as well. I am very happy with this because I haven't played these games in ages and will be quite fun to play again (I have beaten Riven and Exile, nearly beat Myst (don't know why I never finished) and only got partway though Revelation). I am thinking that my sister and I will play them through in order for the summer. Our vacation begins Friday!
  2. GreenBioGuy
    (A Glatorian I has)
    So, guess the color anyone? ...
    Green you say? WRONG! Mwahaha! I gotcha thar!
    It's white. And blue. And spiky. It's Strakk! Why Strakk you ask? One word: Certavus. Yep, I am planning on entering, and I needed some ice themed pieces, so... you get the picture. I wanted to get Metus as well (super cool snowflake thingy! ) but Target didn't have him (for once, couldn't you have them all?! :angry: ). I'm still gonna be lookin' for his little Agori companion, as I would love his ubber cool mask... er, helmet I mean.
    As to my thoughts on Strakk, he's ok, but I really dislike the fact that he has a mega sized axe, shoulder armor, and then a rather small head that juts out annoyingly far. Also, his color scheme is a bit mismatched. Two shades of blue? It's cool, but dark blue just doesn't associate with ice to me. Oh well. I don't really like him as a set, but he's got some nice pieces. His hands, armor, and Thornax launcher to name the main ones.
    Interestingly, in just about every other pair of pages in the instructions, all of the dark blue pieces are depicted as purple. It was so annoying reading it, seeing as those pieces looked rockin' awesome in purple! Get the colors right LEGO! Has this happened to anyone else? Also, his helmet has an interesting stripe of blue running down the middle of his face...
    Also, as a little FYI, I know that I said I was taking a break from around here, but I just wanted to come on and tell ya'll about my most recent purchase. I'm still... breaking... or something...
  3. GreenBioGuy
    Yesssss!!! I have FINALLY gotten Metus!

    Do you want to guess what shipping is for a little Agori on LEGO.com + tax? All told, the total would have been about $13, the price of the Glatorian themselves. Rest assured, I did not go by that route! Rather, my mom found him this morning in Target. And thus, she got him for me! (I still have to pay for him of course. )

    So anyway, I now have the helmet for Certavus. I've tried it on, and I gotta say: I like it. I'm hoping to have him up some time next week during the break. He still needs a few tweaks, and I also need to send pics to a few select friends here on BZPower to ask for their opinion...

  4. GreenBioGuy
    Made you look!

    jk. But on a serious note, I have some thoughts on the recent happenings around here.
    I hope to write up a good blog entry here sometime in the near future...

    Strike that. First of all, it sounds noobish.
    Secondly, I don't have the time to write a big blog entry nor to I want to get mixed up in this business.

  5. GreenBioGuy
    ... according to MoCing level, what would you say if I asked you to rate me from 1 - 5? I would have to say... 3.5.
    BTW, I believe that I have decided upon the rules for the blog contest, and the starter blog entry should be up earlier on in the week!
  6. GreenBioGuy
    Well guys, the voting for the MoCist Duels contest is over, and our duelists are tied! How do you suggest I break the tie? Make the voting go on for a day longer? I am open to all suggestions!
    Oh, and I would like to thank all of you who have voted in the contest, I have gotten alot more participation than I was expecting!
  7. GreenBioGuy
    Guys and Gals, I am wondering if I should change my user name. I really like the one that I have, but I thought that it would be good to have a simple one or two word name, like Tufi Piyufi, Darth Vader, Blue Diamond or Cajun. ~GreenBioGuy~ is neat, and it seems to roll off of the tongue, but it is also a bit complicated and long.
    So, do you think that my name is good the way it is? Or would it be a good idea to switch to a more simple name that is more straight forward (and doesn't have any symbols in it)? I now that my name may be perfectly fine the way that it is, but it might be better if it were simpler. Oh, and I'm sure that you guys would get used to it soon.
    If I change, I don't want something too drastically different. I would probably still have a name that had to do with green, and my theme would still be green. I want people to still be able to recognize me! Or, I could switch to some other them. I thought of "Falcon" or "jMan". The "jMan" comes from my real name and the fact that I really like Macintosh. Green Emerald is an option, as would be Green Apple (because I like Macs). I dunno. I'm just thinking out loud.
    I am all for your input!
  8. GreenBioGuy
    My family and I have arrived in Wake forest and we will be here for the next week (I believe we leave on Saturday morning). For those of you who didn't read my last blog entry, my dad is here to teach at Southeastern Baptist Seminary. Prayers would be welcome for my dad though; he did not sleep well at all last night, and considering that he will be teaching for about eight hours a day he's gonna need alot more rest. Please pray that he will be able to get to sleep faster and sleep more soundly for the remainder of the week (I think that he was just wired because of his teaching) Thanks!
    What have I been doing though? Well, for the most part I have been reading Showdown by Ted Dekker (if you've never heard of him, you have to look him up! You will love his books if you like good, solid, christian fiction/fantasy. His plots will twist themselves around your brain until you're dizzy! He is an amazing writer!) In addition, my sister and I have been playing through Myst IV: Revelation like crazy. We are approaching the end already (I think)
    Oh, and I also purchased a used copy of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes the other day! While the box is pretty banged up, the disk is in near-perfect condition. Sadly though, I failed to bring my Game Cube, so I'll just have to wait until I get home to play it... Ah well.
  9. GreenBioGuy
    Ok, first things first. How exactly do you place two capital letters right after one another in a blog title without the second one being a little letter? Thanks for any input.
    Now, on to the news! My family has officially arrived in DC, and we will be here for the remainder of the week. Today we went to the Udvar-hazy Air and Space Museum in the morning and had a blast there looking at all of the cool planes, missiles, space probes, and of course the Enterprise. This afternoon we went to the Museum of Natural History which was neat, even though they tried to smear evolution in your face at every chance (which is understandable for an organization which believes that and has supposed "evidence" for it) That's the only part that I disliked about it, but besides that I really enjoyed it. I am SO tired right now though, I'm not sure if we will be able to take a week of this! I just need to get some good sleep...
    In other news, my parents have given my sister and I consent to purchase a Wii! My dad and I just ordered it not 5 minutes ago actually. For the extra game, we are going to start of with Smash Bros. Brawl (at long last!). I'm quite pumped, although this is still a bit of a hard decision for her and I to make, seeing as it's so much money. Ah well; we have been wanting it for a long time and we now finally have the money. I believe we should have a blast with it. If there are any of you guys out there who are Brawl fans (or Wii Sports players), the please let me know and we can exchange codes! I won't be able to play until we get home though (we are having it shipped there).
    I've gotta go get ready for bed now, and I believe my internet access will be limited over the week due to the fact that you can only access it in the lobby for free (silly hotel charges; don't they know free wireless is standard now?!). Man, I'm gonna have to scramble when I get home for BBCC #54. Getting a new Wii won't help either. =P
  10. GreenBioGuy
    I hath seen it. Doth I recommend said movie to thou? A resounding YES. Why? Read on, but thou must be warned, brave traveler, that much information is about to be disclosed to thou ears. If thou dost not wish to have said movie ruined for thyself, then read no further.
    *electric warping sound*
    *pops back into the 21st century*
    Hey guys! Well, my dad and I went to see Indy last Thursday, and I thought that I would write a little review.
    To start off with, the movie was a lot better than I was expecting. It was at least as good as the first Indy movie, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Why do I think this? Well, the movie has alot of great action scenes, there was a good spattering of humor in it, and it was just like classic Indy. I really liked the beginning that was in and around the Warehouse (though Indy surviving the Atomic blast was really far fetched, though funny) as well as the jungle battle/chase/duel. Those ants give you the creeps though. Mutt, I mean Henry Jones the 3rd, was one of my favorite characters. He was jumpy and nervous at the beginning, but you could really tell that he matured over the course of the movie. I especially liked his interaction with Indy, there was some good humor there. The producers also did a good job of using Ford's age to their advantage, which lead to a good bit of the humor. Oh, and one more thing, they had a really good villainess. Irina was one tough gal, she fit in perfectly, and she was so different than all of the other bad guys in the previous films.
    Of course, the whole alien thing was... different. And while I do not agree that aliens exist, it was good for the movie. The fascinating thing about the Indy movies is that you have the Ark of the Covenant, some pagan stones, the Holy Grail, and now an alien skull as the object of Indy's search. And in each of these movies, each of these artifacts actually contain power, in other words, the stories behind them are real and true. However, the theology behind them conflict. You have two artifacts that are from the Bible, and yet two others that are pagan/non-theistic. I just found this interesting to think about. What do you say?
    So in other words, the actual artifact that Indy was searching for, and the tales and powers behind it, weren't good at all. However, the movie was very, very good over all. There was a great variety of types of scenes: action, fighting (fists, swords, guns, you name it), hunting, solving riddles, spooky graveyards in the dead of night (I never can figure out why the characters in movies have to go at night to the graveyards), raging rivers, jungle chases, and of course a dimensional rift and a flying UFO. What's my final word? Go see it!
  11. GreenBioGuy
    I just wanted to remind you guys to vote in the final round of the MoCist Duels Contest. Roa and DV are tied, and we still need someone to break that tie! The voting shall continue throughout the rest of the day as well as all of tomorrow. The final Duel results shall hopefully be posted up Saturday morning.
    New to the contest? Click here.
  12. GreenBioGuy
    Guys, this is your last chance to vote in the last round of the MoCist Duels Contest, held here in Emerald Bricks. The voting is rather close, so we still need some more votes! The voting ends tonight, and I should be able to get the results blog entry up tomorrow morning.
    New to the contest? Click here.
  13. GreenBioGuy
    Set #4993: Cool Convertible Pieces: 648

    Yep, that's right; it's not technic! Heh, I haven't purchased a system set in years. The reason for my purchase of this set was due to an upcoming project that I'm wanting to work on which involves the colors of purple and white. Obviously, this set was for the latter color requirement. It was really interesting; I found myself walking around the ubber-cool LEGO store looking for sets based on content and pieces as opposed to theme for the first time. I considered getting a Star Wars set or perhaps Racers or even one of the new Power Miners sets. I decided against these due to either price or (especially for the Power Miners) the colors weren't what I was looking for. My eye settled on the Convertible mainly for its larger quantity of white curvey pieces and small connection parts; it should prove helpful in MoCing.
    The LEGO store was pretty sweet overall, and the LEGO sculptures were nifty too. I found the sale section Neaku, but they pretty much only had the Star Wars "Twilight" ship available; which, granted, was on sale for $50 (normally $100). I wasn't the least bit interested in it though. Oh, and they had the main Indiana Jones set on sale too (I'm not sure how much though). The store was all you guys hyped it up to be!
    My plan is to build the set as soon as I get home but then I put it up on display until I get enough money to put in a good-sized you-know-which-site order (which will probably have to wait until my birthday, which in turn is at the very beginning of August). I'm rather glad that it's gonna have to wait until August though; I'm busy at the moment with other things. Personally, I'm pumped about just building the thing as I haven't actually built a large LEGO set in quite some time.
    Oh, and Blue Fire, my family had deep dish pizza this evening for supper, and it was superb! In addition, the weather was beautiful! It was perfect for walking around the city indeed.
    Just thought I'd mention what I got (did I choose well?), and I may be able to post more about the trip sometime this week...
  14. GreenBioGuy
    Greetings BZPower members! I am happy to present to you my first real blog entry. I am going to use this entry to introduce myself.
    Well, to start off, my name is Joshua. I would give you my last name, but I have been advised not to do so. I am sure that you could figure it out if you really wanted to though. Anyway, I am 15 years old, and I shall be 16 in August (driving! yippes!). I am a rather tall (six feet and just under 3 inches) skinny boy that has a thick carpet of (short) brown hair.
    As to my personality, I can be a real goof off, but I can also be quiet, attentive, and respectful; all depending on the situation. I tend to think more logically, and I hate to jump to quick conclusions. I love adventure and action, and you can often find me blowing the heads off of some imaginary foe down the hall. I tend to be a perfectionist (meaning that I have to have all of my ducks in a row). Often times, this can be impending and negative, and I hope to improve. I am also very organized. I have all of my LEGO pieces sorted out in plastic drawers. My room is really never a mess unless I am in the middle of a Bionicle building project. My closet is a little more disorganized, but that is probably because I can't see it. (I can't stand to see a mess). I also have the personality of a leader. Sometimes this is a good thing, and other times (ok, most times) it isn't. If I am not careful, I can be rather bossy to my sister, as well as others around me. I have this impulse to be in control, and I often times have to slap myself in the face mentally and tell my self to just let go. I am also a hard worker, and I try to be diligent (usually, I am). I generally do not mind physical work outside (providing that it isn't 87 degrees and 90% humidity), and I don't usually complain. I also enjoy learning, and thus, school. I must admit that I don't love school, but we must all remember that it is a blessing. Many children around the world can't (and would love to) read. I love helping others, and I think of myself as having a servant's attitude. I am (most times) ready to help my mother with the dishes at night or to help my dad in the yard.
    I live in west Tennessee (between Nashville and Memphis, see if you can guess where) with my mom, dad, and sister. Sure, we bicker at times (my sister and I that is), but generally we get along really well. Oh, and she's 12. We live on a five acre plot of land out in the country. Lot's of trees. We also have a large pond in our front yard, which is about an acre large. We also have a small row boat that we take out occasionally and ride in on the water. Well, I say that we are in the country, but more and more houses are being built out our way. But there is a very large area of forest behind our property in which I go to explore very often in the fall and winter. Being in our location, we get high humidity, poison ivy (of which I am allergic), snakes (copperheads), and mosquitoes (I hate them. period. But for some reason then seem to love me...). We also have about 20 blueberry bushes in the backyard, from which my dad says that we shall likely harvest 80 gallons or so this year. We have also built about a dozen or so raised beds in the backyard. Beds to grow produce in that is. We have just about every kind of vegetable you could name. Not to mention a ridiculous number of tomato varieties (not that that's bad, I love tomatoes). Speaking of food, I am not a very picky eater, just to let you know.
    Because we have such a large yard, It takes approximately three hours to mow. Yuck. Oh, and we have one dog and a cat. The dog is a chocolate labrador (my dad says that she is one notch above dead, she does just about nothing besides eat and sleep. She is getting old).
    Let me give you a little history of how I got into Bionicle. Let's see... Back in early 2003 I had an interest to start getting the LEGO Magazine, I don't remember why though, I didn't even know that a Bionicle comic came with the magazine. Interestingly, I had, for some reason, always thought of the Bionicle sets as "bad", and I would always avoid that section of the LEGO catalogue. I was ten years old at the time. Anyway, my first Bionicle comic was #11, "Who Will Stop the Bohrok-Kal?". As you can imagine, I was pretty clueless about the story, seeing as I jumped in directly at the climax for the Nuva/Kal section of the story. I recall thinking to myself, "who are these guys with the weird heads?". After I talked with my parents about it, I checked up on the rest of the story, on the web and in the books. Soon I had figured out more of the story and my first Bionicle set was Tahu Nuva. I remember putting him on his surf board and making him surf all over the house... ah, good memories. Anyway, Gali soon followed for easter, Onua came next, and then my collection exploded from there. I will let you know, that I have very few sets prior to '03.
    So, that is how I got into Bionicle. How did I discover BZPower? Well, my dad and I were searching for an Ultimate Dume set back in '05 (we couldn't find him anywhere), and we found BZPower in Google. I now knew that the site existed, but it wouldn't be until two years later that I would actually join. Last year I had started looking around on BZPower and it looked really neat. I asked my dad, and he let me join. Since then, I have gotten into the swing of things pretty well, and I think that it is a great site.
    I think that that is enough to start off with...
  15. GreenBioGuy
    Do you find it amusing? Stupid? Clever? Overly-Not-Green?
    lol, it's from the movie Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. He's the main little kid, Eric. This face is classic, and cracks me up! Not to mention that I really like that movie...
    That is all.
  16. GreenBioGuy
    I made it into the FINAL FINAL Poll by just 2 votes!
    I'm not so sure that this is a good idea though (the extra poll, not my making it in ) It's liable that the results will change, in which case people will get upset and blah blah blah...
    Humph. BZPower has been rather annoying and stressful as of late.
    In other news, I got my second parts order in yesterday (you hit it right on the nose ~BD~, one week!), and the parts and in perfect condition and work wonderfully for the MoC. I have finished the legs, torso (for the most part), and the feet. I'm gonna work on the arms next. And then (in true GBG fashion) the head will be last.
    It's gonna be close for the entry period, but I'm sure I can pull it off.
  17. GreenBioGuy
    What's up with Majhost.com? I can't get on it, and none of the pics from the site are loading here on BZPower. I would like to upload my navigator images, but I can't at the moment. Does anyone know? I hope that they come up soon, seeing as my blog contest will start next week (if maj still isn't working, I probably won't start it then). Are there any other image uploading websites out there?
  18. GreenBioGuy
    The member selection poll for the MoCist Duels contest is now up! Our contestants are:
    Dr. Keerahk
    Darth Vader
    Bundalings the Bunny
    Roa McToa
    ToM Dracone
    I decided to go ahead and post the poll, even though the deadline is not until tonight, due to the fact that I believe that everyone has entered that wanted to, and so... yeah, I posted up the poll. If someone wants to enter last minute, then that's fine.
    I further descided to place What? on the list even though he did not sign up in the entry form, simply because he had said that he wanted to participate in the original proposal for the contest. He just hasn't been as active around here apparently, and thus has not gotten my last PM that I sent to him.
    It is a pity that ~Blue Diamond~ or ChocolateFrogs could not join us, but I understand perfectly. I know what it feels like to be busy. Perhaps next time.
    So anyway, those are our contestants, but only two of them shall compete in the duel. Which two? Well, you guys shall have to decide that for yourselves! Anybody is welcome to vote in this poll. The purpose of this poll is to choose the two members which shall compete in the MoCist Duel. You may vote for as many of the members as you wish, but remember that only two of them shall continue on.
    In the case of a tie for 1st place, the two members that tied shall be the duelists. In the case of a tie for second, I guess that I shall just have to post up another shorter poll to choose between them, but it would only last for a day (unless you guys have any other suggestions).
    So, get over to the polls and vote! Er, please? The poll can be found here. New voting here.
  19. GreenBioGuy
    The member selection poll for the MoCist Duels contest is now up! Our contestants are:
    Distorted - 3
    ChocoLvr13 - 2
    ~Ballom~ - 2
    Draco Cyanopterus - 8
    Reoki - 1
    -Zip- - 1
    Nara - 1
    Shadows in the Light - 1
    ((Primus)) - 4
    Ecto - 3
    The Alchemyst - 2
    ToM Dracone - 5
    Arpy - 7
    55555 - 2
    (the numbers to the right of each name represent the number of votes for that member)
    Updated: 8/20/08 10:41 AM (CST)
    There are fourteen of you total, but only two of you shall walk compete as duelists! Which two? Well, you guys shall have to decide that for yourselves! Anybody is welcome to vote in this poll. The purpose of this poll is to choose the two members which shall compete in the MoCist Duel. You may vote for as many of the members as you wish, but remember that only two of them shall continue on.
    In the case of a tie for 1st place, the two members that tied shall be the duelists. In the case of a tie for second, I guess that I shall just have to post up another shorter poll to choose between them, but it would only last for a day (unless you guys have any other suggestions).
    Please place your votes here! You may vote for a maximum of four people and a minimum of two. I will post a separate blog post to keep up with scores. I will just keep up with polls here.
    Edit: The polls run from 8/19 through the evening of 8/20.
  20. GreenBioGuy
    Hey guys! Sorry for the poll getting closed, I just should have read the rules. I have learned my lesson.
    However, moving on, I shall now conduct the voting from my blog now. To vote simply leave the names of the two members that you want to compete (Just two please) in a comment. Everything else is the same (see the blog entry before this one).
    Our contestants are:
    Dr. Keerahk
    Darth Vader
    Bundalings the Bunny
    Roa McToa
    ToM Dracone
    So, go ahead and vote!
    I vote for What? vs. Dr. Keerahk
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