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Blog Entries posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. GreenBioGuy
    For the first time, I'm operating on micro-scale, or medium-scale perhaps. I'm about 75% complete with one part of my entry; I'm thinking of having two units to do battle. Yes, they are not humanoid in any fashion; think small, treads, and blasters. Get the idea? Now, back to work.
  2. GreenBioGuy
    ^^^ Click Here Please! ^^^
    So... what are you waiting for? Go check it out!
    We really would love for more people to sign up to be critics,
    and if you have a MoC you'd like reviewed, then please enter it onto the list!

    ( ( ( ) ) )

  3. GreenBioGuy
    I believe that one of the lessons that I learned with the recent happening over in BBC is that I have been siphoning too much of my time into BZPower. I put so much time and emotional energy into the contest, but then in a matter of minutes all of my hopes went kaput. It showed me that it all really just doesn't matter that much ultimately. As such, I have decided that I am going to take a break from BZPower this week. You can still leave comments or send me messages, but don't expect replies until Saturday.
  4. GreenBioGuy
    Well hi Guyz!
    My, it's been so long, I don't quite know what to say... BBCC Entry perhaps?

    Basically, I just popped on BZPower last Thursday out of curiosity (because I hadn't been on in a good while) and checked the BBC Forum for a contest. Sure enough, #56 was under way and I found the theme intriguing. I checked the deadline, and found out that (what-do-ya-know) it was three days away. I dropped the subject mentally and went on my way. Well, on Friday I got sick (nasty sick, I won't go into it), so I had a whole bunch of spare time on Saturday (and low energy too) which motivated me to try a doodle MoC for the contest. I actually had the "railing" for this thing already built; I was originally going to make some sort of serpent-like beast out of it. I then got the roller coaster idea, added a bunch of red and blue pins, build the cars, and added the supports. It's not overly complicated, but I thought I'd enter for the fun of it. And hey, who says an entry has to be overly complicated to get far (or for that matter, it doesn't have to be a huge beast or an awesome looking humanoid). I'd love your thoughts (no matter how small) on my latest doodle.
    As to my other project, it's kinda got the pause button pushed on it at the moment; Come Christmas-time I'm sure I'll pick it back up again. I find it amusing that this is exactly what happened last year with Skotraxx; I started in the summer, finished in January. As I think I've said before, my BZPower interest comes and goes in waves. I have two technological interests that take up a fair amount of time, and I can't do both simultaneously: BZPower/BIONICLE and video games. When I get bored with one, I switch to the other. School and LIFE also play a huge roll in limiting my time here (I'm sure that many of you know what I mean). All this to say, I still love BZPower, I just haven't had the time lately to build and thus not the time to enjoy the site. I have no idea when I'll be back on in earnest, but for now you can count on my presence during the contest period.
  5. GreenBioGuy
    Whoopdy-do and all that good stuff for placing 2nd! Yay!
    My, I had absolutely no expectations to make it as far as I did in BBCC #56; I am pleasantly surprised. Thanks everyone who voted for me!
    Also, I'm not a bit surprised at the results; I knew that 55555's motorcycle was going to win the first time I saw it, not to mention I feel that he deserved it.
    lol, I'm glad to have gotten the place I did; in all of the past contests when I've placed in the finals, I've gotten 5th! (I was considering that if it happened again I would re-name myself Mr. 5th)
    Now to wait and see what the prizes will be...
  6. GreenBioGuy
    Got a quick question for ya.
    I'm planning on ordering some parts from (the you-know-which site), and the only shops from which a certain piece can be attained are located in the Netherlands. Considering that the deadline for the contest is a little over two weeks away, do you think that the pieces would have enough time to arrive on time? I know that it differs with each seller, but what has been your experience in the past? (for those of you who have ordered from this site)
    Thanks in advance!
  7. GreenBioGuy
    Clicketh here.
    Yay: new sets for MoCing!
    I don't own Malum, and Pridak's white pieces should come in handy with my upcoming MoC project. I'm excited, because it's white and dark red, which Malum and Pridak happen to be... Thanks Steve Witt for the sets!
    Thanks again to the staffies for hosting the contest, and congrats to all of the other winners.
    Oh, and thanks to all who voted for me; I had no idea I would get this far...
    lol, and to think I wasn't being all that serious when I entered.
    All in all, I am very pleased with the results and I had a great time with the contest.
    I am going to see if 55555 would like to trade Krika for my Gorast though (more white, you see).
    Until BBCC #57!
  8. GreenBioGuy
    Well, I'm home from DC! *waves frantically*
    Yep, it was a very tiring week, but totally worth it. Here are some highlights:
    - The museums. We visited many of the Smithsonians (yes, it's plural), and while I enjoyed some more than others, they were all very interesting. One thing which was very fun was we went to see Night at the Museum 2 at the IMAX theater at the Museum of Natural History! At first, I wasn't so sure of how the movie would be. However, at the end, I really wanted to see it again. The movie was very, very fun and enjoyable (if a little dorky at some parts, especially the beginning). Some of the scenes were very creative in how the directors worked in little jokes involving characters from the actual Smithonian museums as well as historical figures period. It was truly a fun family movie, and I highly recommend you seeing it. Anyways, we also saw the National Art Museum; that was really neat.
    - The monuments. These included the Washington monument (though not up close; not that that made a difference or anything though!), the Lincoln Memorial (my favorite), as well as the War Memorials. The World War II memorial was especially moving.
    - Tennessee Tuesday. You are probably wondering what this is. Well, basically put, every Tuesday the two Senators for Tennessee (Senators Alexander and Corker, I believe, who are both Republican) come to meet with anyone from Tennessee who would like to meet them. There are donuts, juice, and coffee (of course). There were actually quite a few people there, more than I was expecting. Anyway, you also get your picture taken with them after meeting them. This is also a time which they take to talk to their supporters about what there plans are; most of what Mr. Alexander had to say was about climate control stuff. My family was specifically wanting to talk to them about some concerns we have with where the International Law is heading (specifically pertaining to the subject of parental rights), as well as the need for a constitutional amendment protecting said rights (please do not turn this into a political argument). Sadly, they were to busy with other people. However, many of their representatives were there, and we had great success speaking with them about the subject! They were very attentive and responded well. It was neat to be involved in it all...
    I believe those are the main highlights of the trip. Oh, and we also rode the metro alot (which was fun) and walked approximately 30 miles over the course of the whole tripe (that includes Mt. Vernon and Williamsburg) ... good exercise!
    Other random stuffz:
    - My sis and I completed Myst IV: Revelation on Friday. We only had to look up one tiny hint in the course of the whole game. We had actually solved this one part, we just didn't know it. There was one particularly hart part (the one with Sirrus' frequency throne, if you've played it before) and we were about to give up and look it up online. My dad didn't want us to though, and so we kept at it. Eventually though, we solved it! Man, I love that feeling of being accomplished in solving something on your own! If you are not familiar with the Myst series but enjoy good quality mind stretching puzzle games with a plot to them (no action/fighting involved), then I would highly recommend Myst. You don't have to play them in order, but it's best that way due to the fact that they are linked according to plot. I will warn you though: the old one lack good graphics and controls (they were some of the first computer games every created). However, the puzzles are still there and strong, so it's still totally worth it! I know that you can get them in anniversary packs for less than buying them singly.
    - The Wii shipped yesterday, and the estimated arrival date is this Wednesday! Yayzorz! Brawl here we come!
    - The deadline for BBCC #54 is Tuesday! ... Ack! Ok, time to get to work. I plan on doing alot of building tomorrow, although I'm not sure of what I'm going to build. I don't want to do a humanoid though; I want something unique, something which will stand out and shine... something to beat the system. But what? I'll think of something though... hopefully. :blush:
    - I started playing Metroid Prime 2: Echoes today. Pretty sweet; I'm lovin' the gameplay and plot thus far: it's very sinister and mysterious. The multiplayer is pretty fun too; I just wish my sister was as into it as I am.
    Heh, I've got a ton of personal stuff going on too (catch-up school, driver's permit test, e-mail catch-up work, beginning to write my trilogy, among other things). Prayers would be welcome in this area.
    One big thing my family's got going is we are going to completely clean up, rearrange, and fix up our playroom (also known as the rec room, but with a "w" right now ) We are hoping to get a new (digital) TV soon, and we also want to make the room all around organized (it's a mess at the moment). That will be fun, but it will also take alot of time. The main thing that I need prayer for at the moment is that as I work towards making progress in many areas I will also have some good off-time (it is summer vacation after all) I need prayer for balance... I don't need to over-exert myself.
    I think that's all. Now to finish unpacking...
  9. GreenBioGuy
    What is this Project Fusion I speak of, you ask? Well, as a few of you know, at the end of last summer I made a large parts order and planned on using it on a humanoid robot, my inspiration being DV's Transtech Shockwave. My goal in building this MoC has been to expand my building experience into the fusion world (I think I may have overdone it on the lower legs though :/ ), and build a sweet robot fellow at the same time. Thus, the personally dubbed "Project Fusion" (for lack of a better name).
    Color scheme is white with dark red as a secondary color. Prior to the break I had the "foot" (which is actually a wheel) and a lower leg finished. Over the break I built a completely custom torso which I am extremely happy with. I have a good idea for a head, and I now have a preliminary arm done. In addition, I've mostly completed the leg design (it needs tweaking though). I'm sorry, but I don't have WIP pictures taken and I don't plan on it anytime soon. My break is over now, and I am going to let my LEGO building rest for a week or so; I get a better boost of creativity afterwords, it seems, if I rest for a bit.
    Personally, I think he's looking quite good, but I'll leave you guys to pass judgment when I finish him.
    Also, I need a good name for him. Got any ideas?
    In real life (lol) I had a wonderful break; it was both restful and productive. I finished reading Ted Dekker's Lost Books series (awesome author btw; I would highly recommend his Circle Trilogy), and I finished Metroid Prime 3 (which I loved). My non-profit met it's goal of 24k for three wells in Sudan, so I had a great break overall!
  10. GreenBioGuy
    I reached 1000 posts today replying in my Certavus topic. .:Toa Velox:., Major Marvelous, and ChocolateFrogs, I responded to your comments in detail if you are interested in taking a look at what I said!

  11. GreenBioGuy
    Well, this afternoon I got Turaga Starz Taka on impulse. I was actually looking to see if they had any Atlantis sets yet (I had no idea when they were being released). They did not, and I moseyed on down to the BIONICLE section and saw the starz sets just sitting there as happy as could be. My eyes fell on Taka, and it occured to me that he was white and my current MoC project is white themed as well. Upon inspecting the included pieces, I came to the conclusion that the purchasing of said set could be advantageous to said MoCing project. Thus... I got him, mainly for the white shoulder armor, new feet (thank goodness for those axle holes on their underside), and the new intriguing chest piece.
    Besides the new pieces, he's basically... an Avtoran who has stolen Taka's mask (how dare he?!). This kinda makes a good Turaga Taka, but not a Nuva re-make. I don't want to repeat what everyone else has said though, so I'll stop there.
    I can tell you one thing, he'll be busted quite soon.
  12. GreenBioGuy
    Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated my blog with the winner of my contest, but the winner is Arpy! I have just been rather busy lately, and have not had the time to do this. I will get the trophy up as soon as I can.
  13. GreenBioGuy
    Wow... it seems like just the other day that I joined up... Still, I'm a whole lot "younger" compared to alot of you guys!
    Hmmm... I hope to do some MoCing soon.
  14. GreenBioGuy
    I completely missed the BBCC #50 voting! HOW COULD THIS BE?!?!?!
    ARG. What a bummer. It just came and went, and I completely forgot about it! :annoyed2:
  15. GreenBioGuy
    I received my first parts order today!
    The new trans-blue bohrok eyes looks swell on Certavus, as do his other new white accents.
    The other parts are nifty too, and I hope to put them to good use on my Robot.
    Seeing as I don't have the time at the moment, I can't upload pics, but I plan on it later in the week.
    Heh, they shipped like Saturday...
  16. GreenBioGuy
    (A Glatorian I has)
    So, guess the color anyone? ...
    Green you say? WRONG! Mwahaha! I gotcha thar!
    It's white. And blue. And spiky. It's Strakk! Why Strakk you ask? One word: Certavus. Yep, I am planning on entering, and I needed some ice themed pieces, so... you get the picture. I wanted to get Metus as well (super cool snowflake thingy! ) but Target didn't have him (for once, couldn't you have them all?! :angry: ). I'm still gonna be lookin' for his little Agori companion, as I would love his ubber cool mask... er, helmet I mean.
    As to my thoughts on Strakk, he's ok, but I really dislike the fact that he has a mega sized axe, shoulder armor, and then a rather small head that juts out annoyingly far. Also, his color scheme is a bit mismatched. Two shades of blue? It's cool, but dark blue just doesn't associate with ice to me. Oh well. I don't really like him as a set, but he's got some nice pieces. His hands, armor, and Thornax launcher to name the main ones.
    Interestingly, in just about every other pair of pages in the instructions, all of the dark blue pieces are depicted as purple. It was so annoying reading it, seeing as those pieces looked rockin' awesome in purple! Get the colors right LEGO! Has this happened to anyone else? Also, his helmet has an interesting stripe of blue running down the middle of his face...
    Also, as a little FYI, I know that I said I was taking a break from around here, but I just wanted to come on and tell ya'll about my most recent purchase. I'm still... breaking... or something...
  17. GreenBioGuy
    I have made an interesting observation. I was just posting in the Forums but after doing so my post count stayed right at 964, the number it was before. Why is this? Could it be because of the recent wipe of info around here? BZPower isn't picking up a surplus of new posts, so it's not raising my number? Not that I really care about post count, I am just curious.

    Figured it out.

  18. GreenBioGuy
    I'm wondering exactly how much of my Certavus entry must be custom. I've seen several other members (the good ones) make heavily customized body parts. I didn't do that because I felt that I wanted Certavus to look set like and yet still be very different from the other Glatorian. Ordinarily I would want a customized body/parts, but for this contest I'm thinking that it would be better to hold off.


  19. GreenBioGuy
    ... was just placed this evening.
    Yay! I am moving up in the world!
    80 pieces, 24 lots, $5.60 ( order A )
    4 pieces, 1 lot, #1.20 ( order B )
    Order A is coming from Washington, and order B is coming from the Netherlands. I'm not sure if the latter will make it here in time, but I'm willing to risk it (it's only for color anyway, I can build it with black) The order is actually mostly black pieces with a few lime ones and several white ones for replacing gray pieces on Certavus (just for my sake, I can't change it in the contest of course). CF, you will be happy to know that I am getting trans medium blue bohrok eyes to replace the light blue ice ones on my Certavus MoC!
    I will post pics when I get 'em in...
    Also, yes, it's LIME people. Personally, I think it fits the MoC perfectly.
    Sorry if it doesn't "strike fear" into ya, but that's just the way it's going to be...
    Yes, I do indeed want to branch out into knew color schemes, but that will have to wait for next MoC. (I'm thinkin' blue/yellow, orange/somethin' else, purple, or... teal!)
    The main reason I'm doing black for this entry is because of the size. The only color that I posses alot of is black. Thus...
    Also, the lime pieces I've got work wonderfully with the build.
    And I like lime and if this is gonna be canon something or other then I would like to have some lime in it.
  20. GreenBioGuy
    AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! *runs around in frantic circles*
    The Polls to BBCC #52 are up! No, that's not the bad news. The bad news is: I'M NOT IN THE POLLS! Anywhere. That's right, and I can't find Roa's entry either! It seems that Smeag left out ten or so people. How can I tell? There are only 10 polls, and there are 111 entries. With no more than 10 entries per poll... you do the math. we're short a poll people. :angry:
    I really hope this gets fixed...
  21. GreenBioGuy
    My family and I have arrived in Wake forest and we will be here for the next week (I believe we leave on Saturday morning). For those of you who didn't read my last blog entry, my dad is here to teach at Southeastern Baptist Seminary. Prayers would be welcome for my dad though; he did not sleep well at all last night, and considering that he will be teaching for about eight hours a day he's gonna need alot more rest. Please pray that he will be able to get to sleep faster and sleep more soundly for the remainder of the week (I think that he was just wired because of his teaching) Thanks!
    What have I been doing though? Well, for the most part I have been reading Showdown by Ted Dekker (if you've never heard of him, you have to look him up! You will love his books if you like good, solid, christian fiction/fantasy. His plots will twist themselves around your brain until you're dizzy! He is an amazing writer!) In addition, my sister and I have been playing through Myst IV: Revelation like crazy. We are approaching the end already (I think)
    Oh, and I also purchased a used copy of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes the other day! While the box is pretty banged up, the disk is in near-perfect condition. Sadly though, I failed to bring my Game Cube, so I'll just have to wait until I get home to play it... Ah well.
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