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Blog Entries posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. GreenBioGuy
    Ok peoples, due to the fact that our Duelists are tied for the Champion status, I have decided to do a mini tie-breaker challenge.

    Duelists, your mini challenge is this:
    You must build a MoC that uses no more than 20 pieces. You can build whatever you like, just don't go over that limit. Pegs/bushings/axles do not count into the number limit.
    You now have until Sunday evening to send in your MoC, but the sooner the better. The actual voting shall last for one day (Monday).
    So, get MoCin'! I smell chibiness...
    Sorry, DV just brought to my attention that the last vote in the third round was invalid, due to it's being submitted too late. I apologize.
  2. GreenBioGuy
    Well guys, the voting for the MoCist Duels contest is over, and our duelists are tied! How do you suggest I break the tie? Make the voting go on for a day longer? I am open to all suggestions!
    Oh, and I would like to thank all of you who have voted in the contest, I have gotten alot more participation than I was expecting!
  3. GreenBioGuy
    Guys, this is your last chance to vote in the last round of the MoCist Duels Contest, held here in Emerald Bricks. The voting is rather close, so we still need some more votes! The voting ends tonight, and I should be able to get the results blog entry up tomorrow morning.
    New to the contest? Click here.
  4. GreenBioGuy
    I just wanted to remind you guys to vote in the final round of the MoCist Duels Contest. Roa and DV are tied, and we still need someone to break that tie! The voting shall continue throughout the rest of the day as well as all of tomorrow. The final Duel results shall hopefully be posted up Saturday morning.
    New to the contest? Click here.
  5. GreenBioGuy
    Greetings, BZPower fans! As you might guess from the title, I have received the entries for the final round of our MoCist Duels contest! So without further ado, let's begin!
    To start with, here is the original challenge:
    ~ Your MoC must be a re-vamp of one of the Toa Nuva Phantoka (Lewa, Kopaka, or Pohatu)
    ~ Your MoC may not be a Makuta Phantoka
    ~ Your MoC must use the original Phantoka mask as the Toa's mask
    ~ It must be obvious that your MoC is a re-vamp of one of the Toa, but at the same time, it needs to be heavily re-vamped
    Like usual, the member who got their MoC in first is presented first. Thus, Roa shall start us off!
    Duelist Name: Roa McToa (for real this time!)
    Entry name: Kopaka Nuva
    A quote from Roa:

    Entry Pic:

    Other shots:
    From the front without the blaster
    Detail of the torso
    The duo
    From the side...
    From the back
    It's Solek!
    Why, Hello Solek!
    Hop on! I'm ready to fly!
    Ooph... Have you put on weight since the last time I saw you... like thousands of years ago?
    Wheee! Um... why aren't we moving?
    Up close and personal

    Moving on to DV's entry...
    Duelist name: Darth Vader
    Entry name: Lewa Nuva
    A quote from DV:

    Entry pic:

    Another quote:

    Other shots:
    I spy with my little eye...
    And there ya go!
    It is now time to begin the voting. Please choose one of the above MoCists that you wish to vote for, and say who you are voting for in a comment in this blog entry.
    When voting, please keep these things in mind (in this order):
    - Does the MoC portray the challenge well?
    - Is the MoC creatively built and original?
    - Does it look cool/sleek/amazing?
    The voting time begins now (Tuesday, July 1st) and shall end Friday (July 4th). I shall post up the duel results and present the Duelist Champion with their trophy on Saturday. B)
    Current scores:
    Roa: 16
    DV: 17
    (Updated: 7/4/08, 8:07 PM CST)
    You guys are now free to vote for the MoCist of your choice! So... go ahead and vote!
    New to the BZP MoCist Duels Contest? Check out the main blog entry here.
  6. GreenBioGuy
    I got my Brickmaster in today. I must say, I enjoyed the whole enchilada quite nicely.
    The magazine itself was nice. There are a few pages dedicated to Bionicle, talking about the Mistika and whatnot. The new Agents comics are neat, and rather entertaining as well. The Batman comic was ok... Also featured is a two page... thingy... on the Star Wars: The Clone Wars LEGO minifigures, coming out later on in the summer apparently. The minifigs looks pretty good, especially the clones. Captain Rex has quite a few new minifig accessories on him. B) I was dissapointed in the lack of contests, there are only two. Ah well.
    The Bionicle comic was quite excellent, in opinion. It was well laid out, spending equal time on all three toa and makuta. Tahu and Gali are beginning to grow on me (Onua... not so much), and the Makuta are beginning to look like a real problem

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Takanuva is back! And... I wonder what the Codrex is? The Brickmaster exclusive set is my favorite part of the lot. It was the exclusive Indiana Jones set! While the set looks cool (I have an Indy minifig now!) it is also built well. There are some smart building technics to be found, and... of course, there is all of that dark green!
    So overall, I really liked this month's Brickmaster edition of the LEGO magazine.
  7. GreenBioGuy
    Well mates, it's on to the final round of the duel! Currently our two duelists are tied at one round apiece, and I look forward to this last epic battle! However, before we move on, please join me in congratulating the winner of our last round...

    Darth Vader! Yay!
    And now moving on to the challenge...
    Challenge number three:
    ~ Your MoC must be a re-vamp of one of the Toa Nuva Phantoka (Lewa, Kopaka, or Pohatu)
    ~ Your MoC may not be a Makuta Phantoka
    ~ Your MoC must use the original Phantoka mask as the Toa's mask
    ~ It must be obvious that your MoC is a re-vamp of one of the Toa, but at the same time, it needs to be heavily re-vamped
    The two of you have 72 hours to build your MoCs and PM them to me. In other words, until Monday evening.
    There ya go guys! I am going to start on the trophy in just a little bit... I look forward to what you shall have to present! *hopes that one of the duelists shall build Lewa*
  8. GreenBioGuy
    Hey guys! Well, apparently I received both of these entries sometime late last night. 72 hours is a bit tight, huh duelists?
    Anyhoo, We shall now begin with the round two voting...
    Here is the original challenge:
    Your MoC may not contain:
    ~ Any ball sockets what-so-ever
    With that said, I suppose that I shall reveal the entries. Draco Cyanopterus, I changed my mind, and I have decided to include the names of the builders in the voting, for several reasons.
    DV sent his entry in first this time, so he gets to go first.
    Duelist name: Darth Vader
    Description: "cargo carrying sort of flying thing for Matoran" - DV
    Entry Pic:

    Other views:
    From the front
    Just the ship
    A quote from DV:

    Ah yes, and that is part of the whole challenge of this contest!
    Now it's Roa's turn...
    Duelist name: Roa McToa
    Entry name: Guroggen the Ice Troll
    Entry pic:

    Other views:
    The back
    Lever action jaw! Closed, and open
    A quote from Roa:

    There ya go!
    It is now time to begin the voting. Please choose one of the above MoCists that you wish to vote for, and say who you are voting for in a comment in this blog entry.
    When voting, please keep these things in mind (in this order):
    - Does the MoC portray the challenge well?
    - Is the MoC creatively built and original?
    - Does it look cool/sleek/amazing?
    The voting time begins now (Tuesday, June 24th) and shall end Friday (June 27th). At which time, the third challenge shall be posted and round #3 shall begin. That is, unless Roa wins the duel.
    Current scores:
    DV: 10
    Roa: 5
    (Updated: 6/27/08,11:13 AM CST)
    You guys are now free to vote for the MoCist of your choice!
    New to the BZP MoCist Duels Contest? Check out the main blog entry here.
  9. GreenBioGuy
    Well guys, the last round seemed... um... rather unanimous in who the winner was, so I decided to move on to round two before the deadline (which was Monday). But before I do so, please join me in a round of applause for the winner of round one!

    Roa McToa!!! *Round of applause*
    Congrats Roa!
    If any of you (especially our duelists) would rather us finish the voting, then please say so. I also think that it would be good to start the round just before the weekend, so that you guys can have more time to MoC. Sound good? Very well then, let us begin!
    You guys should know the routine by now, everything is the same as the first round...
    Challenge number two:
    Your MoC may not contain:
    ~ Any ball sockets what-so-ever
    Now... get at it!
    The two of you have 72 hours to build your MoCs and PM them to me. In other words, until Monday evening.
    Just as a reminder DV, because Roa has one the first round, if she wins the second one, then she shall win the duel. So, you had better do well.
    If you have any questions, please feel free to comment them in this blog entry. I look forward to your MoCs!
  10. GreenBioGuy
    Greetings BZPower members! I am happy to say that I have received both of the entries for the BZP MoCist Duels contest* round one, built by our two Duelists: Roa McToa and Darth Vader.
    As a reminder, the original challenge was this:
    Your MoC must contain:
    ~ Green (any shade), black (only black, no gray), and silver pieces.
    ~ Only the above listed colors are allowed. If your MoC contains any other colors than these, it shall be instantly disqualified. This color rule applies to axles, pegs, and bushings as well. Thus, no blue half and half pegs or red #2 axles are allowed.
    So without further ado, I would like to show you their creations!
    Because she sent her MoC in before DV, I am going to present Roa's MoC first.
    Duelist name: Roa McToa
    Entry name: Haraka
    Description: "Le-Kavan tree cat" - Roa
    Conforms to challenge Criteria? - Yes
    Entry Pic:

    Other views:
    From the front (my favorite )
    Standing on its hind legs
    From the side
    From the rear
    A quote from Roa:

    Moving on to DV's entry...
    Duelist name: Darth Vader
    Entry name: none given (DV, if you come up with one, just tell me and I will update this )
    Conforms to challenge Criteria? - Yes
    Entry Pic:

    Other views:
    More from the side
    A quote from DV:

    So there you go! The first two entries of the first round of the first BZP MoCist Duels Contest!
    It is now time to begin the voting. Please choose one of the above MoCists that you wish to vote for, and say who you are voting for in a comment in this blog entry.
    When voting, please keep these things in mind (in this order):
    - Does the MoC portray the challenge well?
    - Is the MoC creatively built and original?
    - Does it look cool/sleek/amazing?
    The voting time begins now (Thursday, June 19th) and shall end Monday (June 23rd). At which time, the second challenge shall be posted and round #2 shall begin.
    Current scores:
    Roa: 15
    DV: 0
    (Updated: 6/20/08)
    What are you waiting for? Push that "add comment" button and vote! Er... please?
    Oh, and BTW Roa and DV, you are now free to post up your creations on the forums if you like.
    *New to the contest? Check out the main blog entry here
  11. GreenBioGuy
    Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present the first round within the first BZP MoCist Duels blog contest! 
    To start things off, I present to you our two duelists... Please give a hearty round of applause to...
    Darth Vader and Roa McToa!
    *enthusiastic applause*
    Ok you two, here's the scoop. I shall give you a list of criteria that you must (or must not) contain in your MoC. Once this blog entry is posted, you shall then have 72 hours to complete your MoC and PM it to me. Do not post your MoC either in the forums or the blogs until I have posted them myself. This way, you shall not have a chance to see the opponent's creation until the actual voting begins. Got that? Then let the first round begin!
    Challenge number one:
    Your MoC must contain:
    ~ Green (any shade), black (only black, no gray), and silver pieces.
    ~ Only the above listed colors are allowed. If your MoC contains any other colors than these, it shall be instantly disqualified. This color rule applies to axles, pegs, and bushings as well. Thus, no blue half and half pegs or red #2 axles are allowed.
    You are free to build absolutely whatever you so desire, as long as it conforms to the above criteria.
    A few notes:
    I understand that this first challenge is not as detailed or complex, but I think that they shall increase in complexity as we continue. I am very interested in seeing what our two duelists shall build with my favorite colors... Anyway, if any of you members have any ideas as to further challenges, please feel free to PM me about them. DV and Roa however, cannot give me suggestions at this time, seeing as they are the duelists.
    DV and Roa, you now have 72 hours to complete your MoC. In other words, the building time begins now (Monday, June 15) and ends Thursday (June 19). I would advise that you are not late...
    If you have any questions, please feel free to comment them in this blog entry.
    The voting shall begin once I receive both of the duelist's MoCs (So if I get them both on Tuesday, then I won't wait until Thursday to start the voting).
    With that out of the way, then I would suggest that you two get building!
  12. GreenBioGuy
    I am here to show you guys the current scores for the members selection polls in my current blog contest:
    Arpy - 6
    Dr. Keerahk - 2
    Darth Vader - 13
    Bundalings the Bunny - 4
    Roa McToa - 10
    ToM Dracone - 7
    What? - 5
    55555 - 1
    Updated: 6/15/08 7:42
    (New to the contest? Then check it out here)
    Anyway, it's looking as if DV and Roa and going to have a match coming up! We shall see... In the mean time, I would like to thank all of you who have participated in this blog contest so far. I have gotten more positive feedback than I was expecting, and I thank all of you who have entered and voted thus far.
    If you haven't voted in the contest yet, then I would encourage you to do so here.
    The members selection polls shall end tonight at midnight, and I hope to have the first round of the duel up tomorrow, as soon as possible. Of course, we are having company, and I have a good bit of work to do in the afternoon, so it may not be until later. I do plan on getting it up tomorrow sometime, so please hang in there with me.
  13. GreenBioGuy
    Just wanted to remind you guys (and gals!) to vote in my blog for the two MoCists that you would like to see compete in the BZPower MoCist Duels contest, held here in my blog. The voting can be found here.
    Go ahead and vote if you haven't already! The voting ends monday morning (CST).
  14. GreenBioGuy
    Hey guys! Sorry for the poll getting closed, I just should have read the rules. I have learned my lesson.
    However, moving on, I shall now conduct the voting from my blog now. To vote simply leave the names of the two members that you want to compete (Just two please) in a comment. Everything else is the same (see the blog entry before this one).
    Our contestants are:
    Dr. Keerahk
    Darth Vader
    Bundalings the Bunny
    Roa McToa
    ToM Dracone
    So, go ahead and vote!
    I vote for What? vs. Dr. Keerahk
  15. GreenBioGuy
    The member selection poll for the MoCist Duels contest is now up! Our contestants are:
    Dr. Keerahk
    Darth Vader
    Bundalings the Bunny
    Roa McToa
    ToM Dracone
    I decided to go ahead and post the poll, even though the deadline is not until tonight, due to the fact that I believe that everyone has entered that wanted to, and so... yeah, I posted up the poll. If someone wants to enter last minute, then that's fine.
    I further descided to place What? on the list even though he did not sign up in the entry form, simply because he had said that he wanted to participate in the original proposal for the contest. He just hasn't been as active around here apparently, and thus has not gotten my last PM that I sent to him.
    It is a pity that ~Blue Diamond~ or ChocolateFrogs could not join us, but I understand perfectly. I know what it feels like to be busy. Perhaps next time.
    So anyway, those are our contestants, but only two of them shall compete in the duel. Which two? Well, you guys shall have to decide that for yourselves! Anybody is welcome to vote in this poll. The purpose of this poll is to choose the two members which shall compete in the MoCist Duel. You may vote for as many of the members as you wish, but remember that only two of them shall continue on.
    In the case of a tie for 1st place, the two members that tied shall be the duelists. In the case of a tie for second, I guess that I shall just have to post up another shorter poll to choose between them, but it would only last for a day (unless you guys have any other suggestions).
    So, get over to the polls and vote! Er, please? The poll can be found here. New voting here.
  16. GreenBioGuy
    Seriously. Don't believe me? Head over to Apple's website and check it out. The new iPhone G3 is twice as fast as its predecessor, is thinner, and on top of that, the price has been cut in half. This new edition is starting at 8 Gigabytes for $200 bucks. Wowee. Don't forget that the iPhone is a full iPod (music and movie playing gadget), a web browser (it can do e-mail too, and has full wireless technology), and (of course) it's a phone. Sweetness. I would really like to get one eventually, but we shall have to see.
  17. GreenBioGuy
    Welcome to the first edition of... 

    Hello BZPower members! I am pleased to present to you the first edition of the BZP MoCist Duels blog contest, brought to you by the "Emerald Bricks" blog, and hosted by ~GreenBioGuy~.
    Here is how the contest shall be conducted:
    ~ ONLY those members which have placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in a BBC contest or have won an official LEGO Building challenge may enter.
    ~ I shall post a seperate blog entry that you shall use to enter the contest.
    ~ To enter, simply write your display name and the name of the contest(s) that you have won, as well as what place you achieved in that contest, in the designated blog entry.
    ~ Entry time begins now, and ends on June 12, 11:59 P.M. (Central Standard Time)
    ~ Once all eligable members have submited their names, I shall post up a seperate poll in which all members shall vote on the two members which they would like to see compete within the duel. The poll shall last from June 13 to June 15.
    ~ Once the two duelists have been chosen, I shall post up the first challenge, and thus the first round, in a blog entry.
    ~ Within the challenge I shall list the criteria for the MoCs that the duelists shall be building.
    ~ The duelists then have 72 hours, or three days, to complete their MoCs. Once they have completed said MoCs, they shall then PM them to me, along with any information that goes with them.
    ~ Once I have recieved the two MoCs, I shall post them together in a new poll, providing that they conform to the rules.
    ~ All members shall then vote on the MoC that they feel is coolest/fits the criteria the best/ is the most creative etc. This poll shall last for about three days.
    ~ The winner of the poll shall be the winner of the first round, and we shall then move on to the second round, which shall be conducted exactly like the first, with the exception of the criteria for the MoC being different in this new round.
    ~ The winner of the duel is the member which has won the most of the three rounds.
    ~ As a prize, the winner shall recieve a digital trophy which he/she may place in their blog, and they shall also be recognized as the MoCist Duel Champion.
    Seeing as we shall have mostly more advanced and experienced MoCists in this contest, I am sure that they shall conform to all of the basic rules just like in a BBC contest. Essentially, the rules here are the same as a BBC, including (unless otherwise noted) the rule for 25% maximum system pieces within the MoC. No cheating, flamming, complaining, etc. etc... Oh, and above all, you must have fun! I hope that this contest shall run smoothly, and that we shall all enjoy it enough to want to do it again!
    6/9/08 - Enter here.
    6/12/08 - Member Selection polls are up!
    The Duelists have been chosen! It's Roa vs. DV!
    6/16/08 - Round one has begun!
    6/19/08 - Round one entries received, vote here!
    6/20/08 - Round one winner chosen. It's Roa!
    6/20/08 - Round two has begun!
    6/24/08 - Round two entries received, vote here!
    6/27/08 - Round two winner chosen. It's DV!
    6/27/08 - Round three has begun!
    7/1/08 - Round three entries recieved, vote here!
    7/5/08 - Round three winner chosen. It's DV!
    7/7/08 - Duelist Champion declared, it's Darth Vader! Results blog entry here
  18. GreenBioGuy
    This blog entry is for the sole use of members entering the BZP MoCist Duels Contest. Any other comments shall be deleted.
    Please include your display name and the name of the contest that you won, as well as what place you completed in it.
    REMEMBER: Only those winners which have placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in a BBC contest or have won an Official LEGO Challenge may enter.
    Thank you.
  19. GreenBioGuy
    Well guys, I have been having problems with majhost.com lately. The pictures would not show up in the forums and/or blogs. The funny thing about it though, is that there were a few that would. I myself have a Mac laptop. I tried it downstairs on our family Mac, and it still didn't work there. Then I tried it on the older family PC, and for somereason, it worked perfectly fine. Thus, I can safely conclude that it has something to do with Macs, or rather Maj's incompatability with them. Just thought I would let you guys know.
    I am about to write up the blog contest entry now...
  20. GreenBioGuy
    ... according to MoCing level, what would you say if I asked you to rate me from 1 - 5? I would have to say... 3.5.
    BTW, I believe that I have decided upon the rules for the blog contest, and the starter blog entry should be up earlier on in the week!
  21. GreenBioGuy
    What's up with Majhost.com? I can't get on it, and none of the pics from the site are loading here on BZPower. I would like to upload my navigator images, but I can't at the moment. Does anyone know? I hope that they come up soon, seeing as my blog contest will start next week (if maj still isn't working, I probably won't start it then). Are there any other image uploading websites out there?
  22. GreenBioGuy
    Ok guys, I have gotten alot of good feedback on this contest proposal (see blog entry before this one), and thus I believe that I shall go through with it. However, there are still a few things that need to be smoothed over/decided upon:
    ~ The MoCing period. The options:
    a - 24 hrs
    b - 48 hrs
    c. - 72 hrs
    ~ Who can enter. The options:
    a - Only members that have come in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in a BBCC; or members that have won a LEGO Mag Challenge can enter
    b - Same as "a" except it would be 1st - 5th place on the BBCCs
    c - Same as "a" except it would be open to anyone who has made it into the finals of a BBCC
    ~ The trophy. The options:
    a - One trophy that only the current champion could posses
    b - A whole new trophy for each separate contest
    I also thought of a new option for the contest while vacuuming this afternoon. And that would be that instead of two MoCists going at it head-to-head, there would be teams of two MoCists per team in each duel. The members in each team would have to work together (via PM) and make their combination of MoCs be the winners. They would each get a trophy. The thing that I like about this option is that there would be no attitude of "I won the recent MoCist duel. Look at what I did." Instead, there would be a sense of teamwork, which is not found in the regular BBCCs. When it came to the polls here, the members would still present their MoCs separately, but the way that a team would win would be to add the total amount of votes that each member got for their individual MoCs, and that would be the team score. Obviously, the team with the most votes would win the round. Everything else would be the same though.
    So, What do you think about that?
    Once we get all of this stuff worked out, I shall hopefully be able to post the main blog entry for the contest as well as the first entry form (a separate blog entry) sometime earlier next week. I look forward to seeing how this will all work out! Remember, I need you guys' help as well!
  23. GreenBioGuy
    Hey everyone! I have a hankering to start up a blog contest. I have actually had the idea for this type of contest for a while now, but I didn't have a blog to place it in at that time. But know, I do! So, what is this idea that I've got? Here we go:

    BZPower MoCist Duels!!! 
    So, what exactly would these be? Simply put, they would be a one on one building duel between two of the better MoCists here on BZPower. The contest would work alot like the BBC contests, except that they would be between two members only.
    How would they be conducted? Here is a little description:
    - I would post up the contest entry form in a blog entry. This would be the official starting blog entry for the contest. Members would enter the contest by commenting in that entry, and filling out the form.
    - In order to enter, you must have either: a- come in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in a BBCC before (the higher your ranking, the better chance to have of getting in the contest), or b- won an official LEGO and/or Bionicle contest from the LEGO Magazine (or Bionicle comic).
    - Once I have all of the contestants names together, I would start up a poll that our members would vote on the two members which they would like to see compete.
    - Once the two final contestants are chosen, then the first round of the duel will begin. There are three rounds. You win a round exactly like a BBC contest, you get the most votes. A contestant wins the duel by winning the most rounds (If one of the contestants wins the first two rounds (and thus the duel), then the duel is over without ever doing the third round, unless the contestants wish to do the next one for fun).
    One round would work like this:
    - The host (myself) would present a description/premise of what the members' MoC must contain. I could tell them what to do based on color, piece number, character, a re-vamp, piece type, or even height. I could tell them to build a specific thing, or I could tell them to let their imagination flow, but their MoC must contain certain elements in it (such as piece number limitations, or color) It would be different every time, and they wouldn't know what to be expecting. For example, I might tell them to build a MoC that contains only green, black and silver, and it must be a toa (I might be more detailed than that, but that is a good example).
    - Once I present the necessary elements that the MoC must use and/or portray, then they have 24 hours to build their MoC. As you can tell, this would force them to build quickly and on their feet.
    - Once they complete it, they would them PM it to me (this way, they can't see what the other member has built).
    - After the 24 hours are up, I would then post the two MoCs in my blog as well as in a new poll (providing that the MoCs fit the description/limitations and the rules). The members would then vote on the two MoCs over the next day, and the winner of the poll would win the round.
    - Now, if one of the members doesn't enter a round (for some reason or another) or their MoC doesn't fit the limitations, then the other member automatically wins the round (unless they failed to enter either, in which case I would just to the round over)
    - The next round would start up, and then I would present a new set of limitations.
    So what happens when it's over? The winner would receive a trophy (a digital one) that they could then place in their blog/sig, and they would then be recognized as the BZPower MoCist Duel Champion. The trophy image would only be allowed to be used by the current Duel champion. The champion would then hold this trophy until the next duel. At which time, he/she could either come back and defend his/her position, or give the trophy back to be passed on to the next winner. In other words, only one person at a time can posses the trophy (another option would be to have a separate trophy for each contest). I would also need someone to make a really nice trophy image, and if anyone would like to, then please say so or PM me. Any other ideas on a prize?
    Now, I realize that many of you guys might be complaining and saying, "But GBG, that's not fair, not many of use have won a contest and thus many of us couldn't enter". I know. That's what the BBC contests are for. I wanted to make a contest that only the really good MoCists could enter. This doesn't mean that the regular members wouldn't be involved. They would vote, and this has a very significant role in the contest. Now, I realize that popularity would play a much larger role in this type of contest than the BBC contests, but I think that that's ok.
    So, what do you guys think? I would love any suggestions. Oh, and I would like to get your signature if you think that it would be a good idea. Simply sign your name in the comments of this entry. I would like to get at least 10-15, but the more the better! I think that this could be really fun, but I need to know what you think. Please comment away!

  24. GreenBioGuy
    Ok guys, summer is now upon us, and normally, I would have thought that this would bring a whole bunch of free time. However, it is actually quite busy, and I am wanting to have a good amount of free time to do some of my other hobbies. Thus, BZPower is going to get lowered down on my totem pole of importance. Am I quitting? Leaving?
    No. I am simply informing you guys that I will not be super active around here (not that I ever have been...). Sure, I shall jump in when BBC Contests are up and going, I will keep up with blogs and comment in them from time to time, and I shall post in topics that I think are worth it (like really good MoC topics by my friends, as well as news topics). As to my blog, I shall really only post entries on important subjects (and not random stuff). As to my post count, I am just going to let that grow with time. I am beginning to tell myself that rank and stars and stuff don't really matter that much. Just be a good member and have fun.
    Now, just to let you know, I am planning on entering Bone's blog contest, S&T contest #4, as well as BBCC #50 (when it gets here).
    I guess that I am moving beyond the summers that are full of free time and fun, and moving towards the summers that contain work. That's life I suppose. For me, BZPower will come and go for me in spurts. Sometimes, I shall be really into it, and at other times nothing is really going on, like right now, I shall not be as active. I guess that I am in a low spot, and I shall most likely swing back up in the future. I really enjoy BZPower, but in my personal life, I am beginning to tell myself that there are more important things to do.
    I am just letting you guys know all of this so that... I really don't know why. I just am. It's my blog anyway.
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