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Blog Entries posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. GreenBioGuy
    I must say, GBG is pleased.
    For those of you who don't know, I had a piano recital (you might if you read Sunneh's blog, and even then: thoroughly). Also, for those of you who don't know, I've been playing piano for 7-8 years now, so... yeah.
    Anyways, the recital went quite well, considering the fact that in practicing right before I messed up right at the beginning majorly and in some other spots over the course of my playing it through 3 or so times. DX During the recital itself, however, I only messed up once, and even then you couldn't really tell very well; I just kept on truckin' and covered it up.
    The piece was "Invention 8" by Bach. Let me tell you, if you ever want a type of piece which will mess with your mind and make your hands do things that is contrary to the norm, then choose an invention. Just to give you a feel for how crazy it was, the piece would play a line in the right hand, and then in the next measure the left hand will repeat what the right hand did, while the right hand starts a whole new melody, and they will repeat each other like that. It took a while to get used to, but hey, I had it all memorized in the end for the recital (just two pages though, and it was fast). I could just feel the prayers coming down! The Lord was good to me.
    I also got asked by a parent of one of the other kids if I give lessons! Due to the fact that my piano teacher (the main one of like, 20 of the kids there, is getting married (yay!) in about two months, and she and her husband will be moving away. ) I'm unclear if I will continue with lessons, we will have to see what my schedule will be like. I do want to continue playing for sure, but lessons, I dunno... All that to explain why the mom was asking about if I give lessons. I may or may not, we shall see...
    Anyways, just thought I would say that! (first real-life blog entry in like... ever!)
  2. GreenBioGuy
    Very, very, busy.
    Two things: School, and my non-profit "Dollar for a Drink" are taking up all of my time. I built a bit with LEGO last weekend (I think.....) and it's coming fine. I don't think I'll have anything built ANY time soon though. School is going great; I'm really enjoying Greek especially.
    Meh, I haven't blogged in so long, I don't know what to say. I haven't really been keeping up with BZP much this past week. Sure, I've seen the BrickFair coverage, as well as the fact that BBCC #55 is up. I'm at a very low point in terms of BZP/Bionicle interest. So don't expect much of me. I'm fading... fading... fading...
    But don't worry, I'm sure I'll pop back in sometime!
  3. GreenBioGuy
    I went to Target this afternoon to pick up Gresh, but believe it or not they were sold out of him. :angry: Oh, and they had like three of every other canister set.
    BBCC #52 voting anyone? I'm numbah 10.
  4. GreenBioGuy
    I will not be entering, due mainly to the fact that I simply have not had time to build something really good, and no mind-blowing ideas came to me to begin with. Sad, yes, but you can't enter them all. There are some really amazing entries this time around; stuff which I would have no hope of competing with. I sorta built a Han Solo, but there wasn't anything innovative about him really... BBCC's just don't hold the weight with me as they used to (I'm growing up I guess) I am looking forward to the voting process though.
    In other MoCing news my Fusion Project is very close to completion and once it's done a college friend of mine who is a Photography major (I think) has agreed to do professional photography of the model in an actual studio setting (which will be SO much better than my set-up at home). I look forward to showing him to you guys.
    So... yeah. Life is good, school is busy (but good), and I'm glad the weekend's here. I can't wait for LEGO Universe to be released but in the mean-time I do believe I'm going to go back to some of my old PC games to crack back open (i.e. Star Wars: Republic Commando)
    EF (GBG)
  5. GreenBioGuy
    Well, I meant to blog about this last night, but forgot (it was late anyway).
    My family and I went to see Pixar's UP last evening with some friends of ours. The movie was extremely unique, creative, fun, and I really enjoyed it quite a bit! Definitely worth going to see and even owning if you enjoy good quality plots and animated comedies that are family friendly. There were very few characters, but I never found myself getting bored with them. They were all so different, but Pixar did an amazing job making them all work together for the story.
    The whole plot was far fetched, true, but with animated films you've just got to suspend logic for a while. The only truly weird part was when the doggies flew the planes... it was funny though.
    I think one of the greatest strengths of the movie is that it can appeal to a very wide range of ages. Not only does it cater to the kiddos, but it was something that the adults could truly enjoy as well. Very well done.
    Not to mention that the animation and 3D was Amazing. I was expecting the 3D would be through those little blue/red glasses, and would thus distort the colors. But nope. The glasses affected the color none what-so-ever (they were clear, I still have yet to figure out how they worked), and the 3D effect worked perfectly. I'm excited that this is becoming the new standard for animated movies.
    So, what's my take on this movie? In case you haven't guessed, I'd give it a 5/5 star rating. If you like this sort of movie, I'd highly recommend it!
    Also yay Toy Story 3!
  6. GreenBioGuy
    So, the fam and I are on vacation at the moment. We are currently located in Morristown Tennessee, and are on our way to Wake Forest North Carolina.
    It's actually a kindof work/vacation trip, seeing as my dad will be teaching at Southeastern Seminary this next week, but after that we are going to be in DC for a week of being tourists. I need to find out where the LEGO store is located there...
    Anywhoo, We spent the evening with the family of a very good friend of my mother's whom she went to Seminary with way back when. We had a great time.
    Also, @ Velox: Good job with the Critics Club! I hope to get all caught up this weekend!

  7. GreenBioGuy
    I am writing this blog entry to bring to your attention the fact that anyone can enter my blog contest now, and not just those who have won BBCC's in the past. I hope that this way more people can enter (there needs to be more, there aren't any yet!). So what are you waiting for? Scroll on down to the two blog entries before this one to sign up!
  8. GreenBioGuy
    Congratulations Arpy on winning the BZPower MoCist duels contest!
    Here is your trophy!:

    I must say, really liked your entry. The use of two masks was good, I like the colors, and the build of the guy was great. You conformed to the criteria well, and I think that you deserved the win here. (unlike the winner of the last contest... *cough cough*)
    Anyway, in terms of real life (yes, such a thing does exist, for you internet addicts out there) I will be rather busy this semester, so my BZPower activity will drop very much. Maybe to zero (with the exception of keeping up with the news and checking on blogs from time to time). I have no idea when I will be able to host another contest. I do know that I am planning on posting a new MoC of mine soon, but besides that, I don't really know what my level of activity will be. We shall see...
  9. GreenBioGuy
    What's up with Majhost.com? I can't get on it, and none of the pics from the site are loading here on BZPower. I would like to upload my navigator images, but I can't at the moment. Does anyone know? I hope that they come up soon, seeing as my blog contest will start next week (if maj still isn't working, I probably won't start it then). Are there any other image uploading websites out there?
  10. GreenBioGuy
    Well everyone, I am pleased to announce that the two duelists for our BZP MoCist duels have been chosen! And those duelists are...

    Draco Cyanopterus 
    Unfortunately, I don't have the challenge thought up yet (and I want it to be very well thought of and sortof complex). Thus, you will have to wait until later this morning or early afternoon (CST).
    Congratulations on being chosen, and I look forward to your MoCs! Until then...
  11. GreenBioGuy
    Ok, so I just got reprimanded several times over in the polls for calling some of the other MoCs rip-offs. This was not the best or nicest of behavior and thus once I had this pointed out to me I apologized and edited my posts. I just wasn't thinking properly when I posted. Live and learn my friends, live and learn.
    What I find ironic is the fact that in the past I have defended other MoCists for creating what appears to be a copy of some technique or MoC of another MoCist based on this principal: the fact is that with the vast number of MoCists out there, there is bound to come a time when two completely separate MoCists will create a very similar (if not same) design in their MoC. Indeed, there are four or so "DNA" models for this contest, but only two of them are very (very) similar: Nuju Metru's and Bariakk: Magnan Masterner's. As Bariakk stated in a post in the topic (which I missed before posting my thoughts, btw), he thought of the "molecule" idea even before Nuju posted his. I really had no way to prove that Bariakk ripped Nuju off, and for this I apologize personally to Bariakk and whoever built that "S.A.A.P.P." MoC for accusing them of such.
    I just thought I'd take this blog entry to both apologize and to point out that yes, on second thought people can make a very similar design without ripping each other off.
  12. GreenBioGuy
    Made you look!

    jk. But on a serious note, I have some thoughts on the recent happenings around here.
    I hope to write up a good blog entry here sometime in the near future...

    Strike that. First of all, it sounds noobish.
    Secondly, I don't have the time to write a big blog entry nor to I want to get mixed up in this business.

  13. GreenBioGuy
    I am here to show you guys the current scores for the members selection polls in my current blog contest:
    Arpy - 6
    Dr. Keerahk - 2
    Darth Vader - 13
    Bundalings the Bunny - 4
    Roa McToa - 10
    ToM Dracone - 7
    What? - 5
    55555 - 1
    Updated: 6/15/08 7:42
    (New to the contest? Then check it out here)
    Anyway, it's looking as if DV and Roa and going to have a match coming up! We shall see... In the mean time, I would like to thank all of you who have participated in this blog contest so far. I have gotten more positive feedback than I was expecting, and I thank all of you who have entered and voted thus far.
    If you haven't voted in the contest yet, then I would encourage you to do so here.
    The members selection polls shall end tonight at midnight, and I hope to have the first round of the duel up tomorrow, as soon as possible. Of course, we are having company, and I have a good bit of work to do in the afternoon, so it may not be until later. I do plan on getting it up tomorrow sometime, so please hang in there with me.
  14. GreenBioGuy
    Ok, I'm about fed up with MoCing at the moment. I've used most of my good pieces and I'm running short on small technic connector pieces (specifically the (+O+) ones). Gah, I'm hitting a serious block for the arms. I think I may have something going, but we'll see. I love the rest of the MoC, but the tough part will be fitting in the arm's style with the rest of it...
    For those of you who do, prayers for inspiration would be wonderful.
  15. GreenBioGuy
    ... for the second half of the semis and all of the finals, which will make it all the more interesting when I get back to see the results!
    Where will I be? Well, I'm leaving on a mission trip tomorrow morning with my youth group, and I won't be back until Friday afternoon. It's actually just to the downtown area of my city, but it's gonna be great none-the-less. We will mostly be doing manual labor stuff along the lines of repairing houses (a house actually, I think), among other things.
    So... yeah. Just a heads up. I would appreciate your vote in the Semis!
    Until Friday...
  16. GreenBioGuy
    I just wanted to remind you guys to vote in the final round of the MoCist Duels Contest. Roa and DV are tied, and we still need someone to break that tie! The voting shall continue throughout the rest of the day as well as all of tomorrow. The final Duel results shall hopefully be posted up Saturday morning.
    New to the contest? Click here.
  17. GreenBioGuy
    Difficulty: Normal
    Percent of pick-ups retrieved: 100%
    Time played: 14:30
    *Warning: possible minor spoilers*
    Yeah, I know that "normal" isn't all that impressive, but I still beat it. I'll probably go back next summer and try it on Hypermode difficulty (which I hear is ridiculously hard). The final boss battles were ok; I liked the dark Samus fight much better than the Aurora Unit 313 battle. The AU just seemed to simple in concept (it stayed in once spot while it spit Dark Echo Samus' at you). It's attacks were fairly easy to avoid (until you got to it's second phase though); Dark Samus' fight was much more intense (it felt). The hardest part of the AU fight was simply figuring out what I was supposed to do to kill it! Ah well, I'm sure on harder difficulties the engagement level would rack up significantly.
    As to the final "Fixed Hypermode" I liked it how your concept of damage was reversed. You wanted to keep your "health bar" as low as possible so that you didn't get totally corrupted. This was good, but I found the absence of a save station after you land on Phaaze annoying (I never had to try again though; I made it through first try). You have to walk all the way through Phaaze's interior, fight Dark Samus, and then fight AU 313 (both forms) without taking a break. I dunno, I guess that sortof makes sense from a gaming point of view.
    Out of all of the Final Boss Battles in the Prime series (ignoring the Dark Samus battles), I think I liked Prime 2's the best. In the MP1, you are too confined in the hall-like tunnel to move around (although you utilize your beams well) and in MP3, the boss doesn't actually move until it's second phase. I felt that the Emperor Ing in MP2 made you utilize all of your abilities in full. That's just my take though...
    Overall, I loved the game, and I think that it might be my favorite out of the Prime series. However, in order to make a final judgment I need to play through the other two with the updated Wii controls... Sheesh, they're all great!
    Oh, also: if there is anyone out there with MP3 save data on their Wii and they have some spare Friend Vouchers, I'd love to trade them to get some Friend Credits. Just shoot me a PM if you've got any.
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