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Blog Entries posted by GreenBioGuy

  1. GreenBioGuy
    I completely missed the BBCC #50 voting! HOW COULD THIS BE?!?!?!
    ARG. What a bummer. It just came and went, and I completely forgot about it! :annoyed2:
  2. GreenBioGuy
    Ok, so I just got reprimanded several times over in the polls for calling some of the other MoCs rip-offs. This was not the best or nicest of behavior and thus once I had this pointed out to me I apologized and edited my posts. I just wasn't thinking properly when I posted. Live and learn my friends, live and learn.
    What I find ironic is the fact that in the past I have defended other MoCists for creating what appears to be a copy of some technique or MoC of another MoCist based on this principal: the fact is that with the vast number of MoCists out there, there is bound to come a time when two completely separate MoCists will create a very similar (if not same) design in their MoC. Indeed, there are four or so "DNA" models for this contest, but only two of them are very (very) similar: Nuju Metru's and Bariakk: Magnan Masterner's. As Bariakk stated in a post in the topic (which I missed before posting my thoughts, btw), he thought of the "molecule" idea even before Nuju posted his. I really had no way to prove that Bariakk ripped Nuju off, and for this I apologize personally to Bariakk and whoever built that "S.A.A.P.P." MoC for accusing them of such.
    I just thought I'd take this blog entry to both apologize and to point out that yes, on second thought people can make a very similar design without ripping each other off.
  3. GreenBioGuy
    Well guys, here is my BBCC #53 WIP pic:

    Heh, as is evident by now, I will not be entering.
    Ah well.
    See the gallery for more shots of him (they are at the bottom below Certavus)
    Please post any thoughts you have on him!
    Also, I just need like 2 more votes in the Final Final Certavus Poll to place fourth!
  4. GreenBioGuy
    I still would like to know any thoughts you guys have on my current project!
    @ staff: this is not a comments drive; I simply want to know what my fellow MoCists have to say on the topic.
    Since I posted this last week, I have fixed the lower legs so that they integrate more technic, and I think I've got a good upper leg design.I still need to change the arm cannon and add a head. The back isn't done yet either. We're getting close!
    (all of that ^^^ in response to the first comments)
    Please forgive the picture quality. They are WIP pix after all.
    Ok, so here he is:

    [1] [2] [3] [4]
    As I have mentioned before, he was inspired by DV's Transtech Shockwave.
    All comments and criticisms are welcome (though preferably constructive).
    So... thoughts?
    Also: Name change! (sorry CF, I just wanted to try something new )
    ~EF (GBG)
  5. GreenBioGuy
    Smeag fixed the polls. Apparently, my poll got eaten by the server or something.
    Anyhow, here it is: clicky to vote for the G.B.G.!
    Thank you muchly in advance.
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