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Status Updates posted by Terminus

  1. Even when I can draw 50 frames of animation in an hour, that's still only like four seconds... Dang, this hand-drawn animation stuff is pretty draining.

  2. Final Fantasy XIII-2 is so cheap... Fighting the final boss, see it's prepping one of it's extremely powerful attacks, so I heal up my party. Right when it's attack timer hits 1, it uses it's most powerful move, which kills everyone but the party leader, and leaves my only character with about 1/8 of his HP. Then of course, it uses the attack it's been charging, and I die...

  3. Final Fantasy XV demo coming with Type-0 HD next year? HYPE.

  4. FINALLY getting internet this week! My avatar pretty much sums up how I feel...

  5. FINALLY getting my Wii's disk drive replaced, I'll finally be able to play Xenoblde after having it sit on a shelf for two months after being played for a little over an hour. :/

  6. FINALLY getting to putting the music I lost from the iOS6 update back on my iPod... Gonna take a while...

  7. Finally got back into Xenoblade after a long time of not playing it. I forgot how good this game is.

    1. -Windrider-


      That soundtrack tho. I own the 4-disc set.

  8. Finally got caught up on Psych, I'd missed about the last four episodes of Season Six. The finale was fantastic (as usual, and it made up for the slightly-disappointing Yang finale last season), and what happened at the very end was a real shocker, and I'm now Psyched (pun intended) for Season 7.

  9. Finally got started on my new computer, works great so far!

  10. FRIDAY. CAN'T. COME. SOON. ENOUGH. (Xenoblade US Release!!! ^-^)

  11. Getting Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Samsh Bros. 4, and Arcana Heart 3 this week. It's a great time to be a fighting game fan.

  12. Going to NYC in a few days! VERY excited!

  13. Got a new 3DS today!

    1. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      But is it a New 3DS, or just a new 3DS? Or is it a new New 3DS?

    2. Terminus


      It's a new refurbished old 3DS... The next 3DS model's name quite complicates things.

    3. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Heh. =P I personally don't mind the system, but the name admittedly is a little complicated. I couldn't resist making the joke, though. =P

  14. Got a used computer for free, just need to replace the ram, graphics card, and sound card to make it into a pretty good gaming PC.

  15. Got Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend and The Last Story today! Both are great so far, if anyone wants a match in CSE (PS3), PM me.

  16. Got Game & Watch Gallery 2 on my 3DS. That's my childhood right there.

  17. Had a great Christmas with my friends and family! Now I'm waiting for Thursday, going to hang out with some friends, go to the mall, and see the Hobbit! Gonna be great!

  18. Had to restore my 8GB 4th Gen iPod Touch to update to iOS 6... Hopefully, this will at least clear out the 2GB being used by data that isn't there...

  19. Happy 2013, everyone!

  20. Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. Here's my rankings of this season's anime (of what I've seen) 1. WATAMOTE ~No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys Fault I’m Not Popular!~, 2. Hyperdimension Neptunia, 3. Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen, 4. Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya

  22. Hopefully Amazon will still have PS4s in stock on Tuesday. Bacause I'll FINALLY have the money to get one then!

  23. Huh, a Post Upvote feature? Sounds interesting, anyone use it yet?

  24. I absolute love working in Maya. But I also hate it with a burning passion.

  25. I am really hoping that the new Sailor Moon anime comes out this year. I was looking forward to watching it over the summer, but I guess that isn't gonna happen...

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