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Status Updates posted by Terminus

  1. Well, today is 5 years on BZP!

  2. Got Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend and The Last Story today! Both are great so far, if anyone wants a match in CSE (PS3), PM me.

  3. I'll probably be introducing a new YouTube show tomorrow. Stay tuned!

  4. REALLY need to get back into Xenosaga... Started the first one in late 2011, still need to finish it. And buy the sequels.

  5. Even when I can draw 50 frames of animation in an hour, that's still only like four seconds... Dang, this hand-drawn animation stuff is pretty draining.

  6. So, I'm playing Persona 4 Golden, and... I really don't remember P4 being this easy. Oh, right' I'm playing normal difficulty in Golden, but... I was expecting, you know, a bit more of a challenge...

  7. This is the first time I've been to school on my birthday in my life... Not bad, since my teachers ended up randomly bring donuts and coffe to class.

  8. I remember when Bionicle ended, I thought "If it eventually comes back, will I still care?" Well, with all the info about the Bionicle reboot in the past few days... I definitely still care!

  9. I can't wait 'till I have internet again. Since I've moved, I've had to rely on spotty free Wi-Fi from a restaurant next door. Hopefully I'll have it by July.

  10. Yeah, so since everybody has Premier Perks, I finally posted a new blog entry (one of my Game Reviews)! And it's been sitting in my blog for... Dunno, nearly a year? Anyways, check it out!

  11. Anyone else have Mario Kart 8? If you want a race, I'm game.

  12. I love how some of Devil Survivor 2's endgame demons are hilariously game-breakingly powerful.

  13. Yay! My first post from my Wii!!!!!

  14. I'm at that point where I'm extremely overleveled in Persona 4, but I just keep grinding for money since I have one more Social Link to finish, and don't want to waste the days I can't do it. And, I'm saving up money so I can start off my New Game + with crazy powerful personas.

  15. OH YEAH! Red Sox win the World Series! *insert absurd amounts of hype here*

  16. Decided to try my hand at vector drawing. I got the hang of it within seconds, really liking it.

  17. Your Books Are Great!

  18. The protagonist in Persona 4 is a total boss.

  19. My laptop is slowly self destructing ._.

  20. College classes just started up again, this emester I'll be working with Maya! Pretty excited, especially since I love working with 3D modeling.

  21. So, today was an interesting day to hear about this year's anime releases. Not only will there be a second season of Freezing (which I plan on watching), there will also be a magical girl spinoff of the Fate series.

  22. I changed my avvie after about a year... I hope everybody still recognizes me!

  23. Aldnoah.Zero is the first anime I've seen in a while that I'd reccomend to absolutely anyone.

  24. Linkin Park and Incubus were AWESOME last night!

  25. I feel like now is a good time to start watching the broadcast of Doctor Who, with a new doctor and all (otherwise I've just been mostly skipping around on Netflix). Pretty excited.

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