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Status Updates posted by Terminus


  2. Operation Rainfall is a success! Pandora's Tower is coming to North America this Spring!

  3. Persona 4 is the best RPG I've ever played, simply because it's so hilarious. Also, I've decided to preorder the UK version of Persona 4 Arena so I can get that awesome vinyl soundtrack.

  4. PERSONA 5!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      True, but I doubt I'll ever find it... Also, my last comment got cut off for some reason, it was saying that 'unless I go the PSN route and get things from the PSP I missed out on, like Birth By Sleep'. =P

    3. Terminus


      Problem is, a good amount of PSP titles (like BBS) are disc-only. But, at least every single Persona game can be played on the Vita.

    4. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      Well dang. =/ But makes sense, I guess. I just find it odd that BBS and such would still be disc only with the whole Vita thing?

  5. Playing Mario Kart Wii online in anticipation of the Nintendo WFC shutdown and MK8. Been a while, but I haven't lost the touch.

  6. Progress on the potential Persona RPG: half typed up, made a possible logo in Cinema 4D, also possibly going to design a few locales in C4D.

    1. Dapper-Sama


      Let the squees begin.

  7. Really excited for the release of Xenoblade Cronicles next week!

  8. REALLY need to get back into Xenosaga... Started the first one in late 2011, still need to finish it. And buy the sequels.

  9. REALLY need to revise my About Me page... Never have any time, though... -_-

  10. Recently stated playing the Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine FTP-MMO. If anyone else plays Imagine, let me know.

  11. School's out for a second day due to Sandy; fortunately, nowhere around me got hit too hard.

  12. Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus US Physical Limited Edition release confirmed! EXCITEMENT!

  13. Shin Megami Tensei IV is not only the best RPG I've played since Persona 4, but it's also one of the hardest PRGs I've ever played.

  14. Since I've gotten a Coffe Maker, I've discovered one thing: I absolutely LOVE iced cofffee! Although, I really don't think it's good to drink a whole pitcher a day..

  15. So after trying out the demo version of Meiko V3, I feel like I could get moderately proficient in using the Vocaloid software. Guess I'll probably be purchasing Hatsune Miku V3 English soon, then.

  16. So excited, going to see Linkin Park live in a little under 24 hours!

  17. So glad that BZP is back!

  18. So, I finally got Corpse Princess on DVD after seeing and enjoying the first few episodes a while ago, and OMG THE FEELS. And that's just the first half.

  19. So, I had two ideas for a potential Persona RPG, then decided one was awful and ditched it. Might have an incredibly early verion in a day or two.

  20. So, I have to think up a proposal for my final project in my Photography class... I'm kinda getting the feeling that the actual project will be easier than coming up with the proposal...

  21. So, I just have to survive two days of school this week and write one paper, then I finally get a much-needed break... And my favorite American holiday, Black Friday!

  22. So, I turned on Remote Start on my PS3. And then it started randomly turning itself on every few minutes... Shut it off 'cause I really don't have any use for the feature...

  23. So, I'll be 18 tomorrow, quite excited! Planning on using the Dunkin' Donuts gift cards and coupons I got for my birthday!

  24. So, I'm getting the fourth season of The Mentalist tomorrow, which I love watching with my Dad. Well, I know how I'll be spending evenings up until my high school graduation in a few weeks!

  25. So, I'm playing Persona 4 Golden, and... I really don't remember P4 being this easy. Oh, right' I'm playing normal difficulty in Golden, but... I was expecting, you know, a bit more of a challenge...

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