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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Pomegranate

  1. Beware my stinger tail!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ToaTImeLord


      Are you suggesting Vorox are Pomegranates?

    3. Pomegranate


      Vorox are full of antioxidants


    4. ToaTImeLord


      I eat Vorox for breakfast. Cool.

  2. I've been very busy busy bee, but I'm still alive out there! Loving the Bonkle 2016 line c:

  3. Thinking about making a bonkle animation for one of my assignments...

    1. Bonkle


      Aw, shucks, you don't have to animate me. :P

    2. Pomegranate


      this username humor is getting out of hand lmao <3

  4. Nothing throws me off quite like classmates casually mentioning their fiancés. Stop reminding me we're adults, it's scary

    1. Jacks


      One of my cousins got married in December. He's two months younger than me.


      so I know that feel. So unnerving

  5. It turns out that plastic construction toys for children are very serious business indeed

  6. A single olive is apparently my ideal 5:45 AM snack

  7. Really don't wanna fly home and start classes so soon...

  8. One last Agents of SHIELD catchup with my bestie and I fly off to see the bae. Merry Almost Christmas everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pomegranate


      Well it's a fine term, nothing wrong with a bit of slang. Your cat is a very lucky cat :P

    3. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva



      She's 70 in human years.

    4. Jakura Nuva
  9. Melancholy

    1. Jakura Nuva
    2. Pomegranate


      Now I'm twice as melancholy because I missed a perfect opportunity to make a melon pun

    3. Jakura Nuva
  10. Shock, awe, wonder, and little bit of incredulity. This is on another level.

  11. A big thumbs up may not be the best way to top off a rejection

  12. Love your location

    1. Jayk


      Why thank you, I love your flavor.

  13. No more painting I am done rip in pieces pomegranate

  14. Heya! Welcome to BZPower. The Battle for the Golden Mask competition requires you to submit a photo of a physical creation of your own, not just give a character bio ^^

  15. It's very tiresome getting home at 2 AM, but the dumpster cat was out so I shared some of my beef jerky with him. Love that cat c:

  16. Things I planned to do tonight: so many. Things I did: ate a lot of chocolate

  17. Happy birthday to me woot woot

  18. Binge eating candy a week early. I wait for no Halloween.

  19. I believe you're able to submit multiple entries, so you have over a month to still build something and find a way to take a picture! ^^

  20. Updated my email password, it's 68 characters now. Beats the longest password I've ever used before was 63

  21. Hype Train video hit 20K views. Huh. I never really expected that. Never underestimate the value of hastily made edits, I guess. I hope I'm not the one responsible for all the obnoxious HYPE TRAINNNN posts ._.

  22. I am so stressed and spontaneous naps are gonna stop helping really soon

  23. I'm stressing out about NYCC. What should I cosplay? What panels should I go to? Should I bother with autographs? AAAHHHHH

    1. Banana Gunz

      Banana Gunz

      This is my first time so I'm not really worrying. I might not even dress up.

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