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Nathan Evo

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Blog Entries posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Nathan Evo
    I have 130 USD waiting for me at the bank. I have decided to save it for summer sets.
    I'm not allowed to buy any Bionicle sets, but I did get an Indiana Jones one.
    Last night, I was at an expensive restaurant eating dinner for three hours.
    But. . . WHY?
    Today is my birthday.
  2. Nathan Evo
    I'm stuck in my house and I'm being forced to clean it.
    I'm on one of my infamous three-hour breaks. >=D
  3. Nathan Evo
    On this day in history, I ate the worst slice of pie I have ever eaten in my life.
    It was "Buttermilk Pie" if I remember correctly. I guess the cafeteria thinks buttermilk pie is essentially melted butter and old milk for the filling.
    A friend of mine wanted to get the pie (but this was before I decided to get it!), so after lunch I told him to be glad he didn't get it. I gagged twice today thinking about it.
    Hopefully, your school cafeterias are (or were, if you are an older member) better than this.
  4. Nathan Evo
    Because in that BZPowercast feedback poll, I mentioned that it forced me to answer how I download it when I actually never download it, so I had to say I buy it off of iTunes or something.
    Now you have the option to say you don't listen to it.
    Now I know the staff actually DO listen to the lesser folk who they believe to be dumber than a sack of hammers. I feel empowered.
  5. Nathan Evo
    Looks like I finally managed to find game-making software! Too bad I didn't buy it yet.
    Expect a game before I'm 21.
    I've started on the sprites. It's a cartoony RPG nightmare. (If you've ever seen the "wall decoration stance" from TMUCW: Episode VIII, it's essentially that)
    Pics later. Maybe. As well as those motorcycle pics.
  6. Nathan Evo
    I sorta fit with the theme of the staff name-change fad. Sorta.
    Even though I was parodying two people who added "Sweetroll Thief" to their usernames. (Actually, it's one now, as far as I can tell.)
    Either way, I'll definitely change back to just Gerlicky once the 45-day waiting limit is up.
  7. Nathan Evo
    The staff forgot to review Witch Doctor last year.
    Now what will I do!? I can't sleep at night without knowing the staff's opinions on this old retired no-longer-in-production Hero Factory set that I already have! This is an upset in the balance and order of the universe! I'm seriously freaking out here! Quick, someone on the staff go review it! I don't care if it's a lengthy review or just "It sucks." The universe can't go on without some sort of Witch Doctor review!
    On an unrelated note, I'm sort of tempted to find out exactly how many blog entries there are titled "I Just Realized". I only say "half-tempted" because I figure I'd give up before I reach the first hundred thousand.
  8. Nathan Evo
    I don't like tater tots.
    I like mashed potatoes and I'm starting to love fries again, but tater tots? Bleh.
    Maybe I just don't care for deep-fried foods. I despise hush-puppies, and that's tough if you live around where I do.
    So yeah.
    That's what I learned today.
  9. Nathan Evo
    I spend a lot of time on the mobile edition of BZP. It cuts out a lot of details, like signatures and stuff, but it shows posts and that's all I really need, honestly.
    Well, for whatever reason today I switched over to the full version and found I had one of those nine-year Tahu masks by my profile. NINE YEARS.
    You know that feeling where time feels like a blur and you don't really care about your age and then WHAM it all catches up to you? Yeah. That's what I'm feelin'.
  10. Nathan Evo
    Now to wreak more havoc upon this blog.
    I'm going to enter BBCC this year if the deadline hasn't passed yet. Be on the lookout for the Ignitermobile.
  11. Nathan Evo
    Okay, that's a lie. I never really left. I've been visiting BZP for a while, but I haven't been posting for a few reasons:
    1. I now have a job which takes up a good amount of my time but provides me with a secure income
    2. I've been busy working on a huge project I've been working on for about a year or so now
    3. I have found no reasons for me to post anything
    But, yeah, I guess I sorta feel like using this thing and getting my money's worth of this lifetime Premier Membership I've got going on. So, yeah, maybe you'll be seeing a little more of me. A little.
  12. Nathan Evo
    Hmm. Nothing to do today.
    I know! I'll ask a riddle! Who can figure this one out?
    (though it might be more than easy for you)
    1. A man leaves home, turns right around three corners, and returns home to see two masked men. Who are they?
    HINT: It's NOT Halloween!
    Guess away!
  13. Nathan Evo
    ...because editing posts and signatures on here is just too painful an experience to go through.
    So anyway, what did I do over the forum offlineage? I...
    Worked on comics
    Blew waaaaaay too much money on HERO Factory sets
    Got started reviewing TV shows on another forum which shall go unnamed
    Attempted to combat a phobia of mine but only wound up turning into more of a hermit
    Became a 3DS Ambassador
    Sent my 3DS to be repaired after the top screen "broke"

    ...and that's about everything noteworthy I did that I can think of off the top of my head.
    I would say it's good to be back, but... it kind of isn't, actually...
  14. Nathan Evo
    Christmas break is finally upon us. I get two weeks off!
    A quick update on school: I have managed to make a grand total of $115 from money off the ground. In addition, the cafeteria was selling buttermilk pie again today- this time as "chess pie". You know something's wrong when they have to change the name of something to sell it.
    Also, Gerlickit preview.

  15. Nathan Evo
    I'm currently on vacation right now and I have limited access to BZPower. So be glad I'm here!
    I managed to recieve Gali and Gorast, and Krika from McDonald's. So I've only got Vultraz left. And with $25 gift cards for Wal-Mart and TRU, I might succeed this year!
    I miss my Axalara T9 and Rockoh T3...
    So, basically, if you want to contact me for the next few days you might not get a response. But still, feel free to comment here and in the other two entries.
  16. Nathan Evo
    FREE EASY MONEY! exists!
    And it exists upon the ground of my school.
    Seriously, I earned $12.93 in school. $7.93 was found on the ground, and I won five dollars (USD) in a raffle for a fundraiser.
    I plan on spending it, along with my allowance, on Toa Mata Nui. Once I buy that I'll have the three biggest sets in 2009, along with Thornatus and Skopio.
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