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Nathan Evo

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Blog Entries posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Nathan Evo
    Figured I'd let you all know I'm sick. I don't know entirely what I have, though I know it's not swine flu (or that weird lettering they call it now). All I know is that I cough too much, and every couple minutes I get really dizzy.
    And I'm risking another dizzy spell just by informing you all this. I'll be on the spottily, folks.
  2. Nathan Evo
    Yes, I'm doing one last chapter of the comedy that triggered my career, unoriginality rants, stupid fanboy spammers, and even a ripoff on another forum.
    Thank you for buying our product! We assure you that your money will be spent on something stupid that we, the LEGO Company, do not need. If the launcher is silver, you have the basic product. If the Thornax does not fit, you have built it the wrong way. If the launcher is gold, you most likely bought it on eBay from some bootlegger who spray-painted it. Go and take it to a professional. He will most likely assure you it is a fake.
    Please read before using.
    1. Build your Glatorian, Warrior, or Vehicle/Creature.
    > If you found this launcher comes with an Agori that is not Fero or a summer 2009 Agori, you have most likely bought a Winter 2009 Agori wannabe.
    > If you found that your Glatorian, Warrior, or Vehicle/Creature does not come with this launcher, then Bill, the guy who works at our company, has most likely stuck them in his ears trying to look like something horrible. Thank goodness we finally fired him.
    > If you found these instructions lying on the ground, dispose of it completely.
    2. Build the Thornax launcher.
    > If you found that your Glatorian, Warrior, or Vehicle/Creature does not come with this launcher, then Bill has most likely stuck them in his ears trying to look like something horrible.
    3. Find your Thornax.
    > It should be gold and black. If it is green, then it can be boiled down to make soup. Really. We've tried, and the soup smells and tastes like burnt plastic.
    > It should be gold and black. If it is gold and 14-carat gold, then someone at the company has obviously gotten divorced, and they tried to hide the evidence. And no, it is not Bill. We have seen his page on a dating service website and his matches were a toaster and an old shoe.
    >It should be gold and black. If it is red, then it is either explosive a misprint. Dispose of it properly.
    >It should be gold and black. DO NOT PUT IN MOUTH.
    4. Place the Thornax in the launcher.
    > If the Thornax does not fit, you have built it the wrong way.
    5. Squeeze the sides and watch the Thornax fly.
    > If the Thornax does not fly over five inches, dispose of it properly.
    > In case you were wondering, Bill works at an art museum.
    I might write something similar on the Glatorian Action Figure Game.
  3. Nathan Evo
    So I looked at this and thought "Why wasn't this canon?"
    Help join the cause to give Vezon an axe for a hand in the story serials! If Greg can magically make old deceased characters alive again, he can at least make this alternte set portrayal exist.
    And by the way, it won't be a shield, it will actually be the blade of an axe replacing his hand. Shields are so generic. Also, if this is confirmed, it will have to have existed for the past six years, starting with Kardas' first appearance.
    Toa Smoke Monster
    Ayel Hyland
  4. Nathan Evo
    Seeing as how the PM system has been disabled I'll let everyone who wants to PM me post it here.
    Also, let me know if this isn't allowed.
  5. Nathan Evo
    Don't worry, this isn't graded. I just felt like conducting a little poll of sorts. Don't know if I'll use the results for anything, though.
    Anyway, aside from the Toa Mata, who is your favorite BIONICLE character?
  6. Nathan Evo
    So I was looking in a topic when I was waiting for it to load. Then, I accidentally clicked the mouse.
    Coinicidentally, the location of where I clicked went to the "Log Out" link.
    Next sight I saw was:

    Don't click anywhere before the page loads, folks.
  7. Nathan Evo
    I went in the lunch line and saw that they had the buttermilk pie on sale again.
    I avoided it, that's for sure.
    I'm starting to think they have lots of leftovers. Yesterday they grounded up the hamburger meat and put it on the pizza along with blackened mushrooms.
    It wasn't bad, though.
    I wonder if the buttermilk pie today was just the leftovers from last time.
  8. Nathan Evo
    Yup, I've. . . considerably come to a point where I can upload my latest Chimoru revamp onto majhost. This is here so you can download it in case Dark709 doesn't add it to the front page.
    Quick secret: I thought up of this when I did the tri-shade Chimoru and thought "What would be overdoing it?" So I made the idle pose for the Matoran and this happened.
    Use as you like and give credit where credit's due.
    Update 3/4/09: I've PMed the whole thing to Dark. Now I'm waiting for approval. If he approves, I'll be able to revamp his expressions. Next update in the meantime is the alternate green-and-lime Matoran color schemes.
    Update 3/9/09: I have permission from Dark to revamp the expressions. They will come in next update along with some new masks. For now, the next update is the original green color scheme on Matoran and Metruan bodies as well as some installments by Philbert and VTK.
    Update 3/20/09: The expressions are finished, as well as new masks. I've also corrected Gatotak's name mispronouncication.
    Update 3/29/09: Since I did them in the three-shade kit, I have been at war with these sprites. They are proof Dark did not "whip these up in at most a week". They were a brutal pain to make in the three shade kit and they were a pain to make now. The full Toa Nuva spritesheet is now finished. In addition, a new fan-made mask spinny is up.
    Update 4/19/09: After a large hiatus, I have decided that the next update involves "Chickmoru", Mercenus' (right?) female Matoran spritesheet. Also, now, you can find the new walking poses for Chickmoru as well as my 360 Kakama Nuva and Akaku in two-shade. You can also find the original Chimoru colors in six-shade. I'm working on some comics I need a six-shade Rahkshi on, so it'll be next.
    Update 4/26/09: I recently recieved a PM from Mercenus telling me not to use anything of his due to the leak of Chimoru 2.0, but since I don't have it he said I could continue with what I was doing, which means the movie-style Makuta Teridax could be next. Additionally, the six-shade Rahkshi and Vahki are done. Also, a two-shade non-Gimplifried kraata has been added to the bonus section. Can't believe I didn't post the little guy earlier. I have him in three-shade as well, so I got him from there. Right now, I need to work on Dark's new uber-colorful Matoran spritesheet. It'll be a long, tough battle...
    Update ?/??/09: The new Matoran spritesheet is done.
    Update 5/6/09: Version 2.0 of the six-shade kit is up. This one is a lot bigger than the last one. Not to be confused with Mercenus's Chimoru 2.0, which I won't be doing for a long, long time. For now, just settle for VTK's Mctoran, Chimoru Alpha, and two versions of Mata Nui.
    Update 5/22/09: The Toa Inika and Matoran spinnies are up. I can't think of anything obnoxious or witty to say this time, so the Bohrok are next.
  9. Nathan Evo
    So this Destr guy finally makes a BZPower account. I've heard a lot about him from Blade and I'm sure he'll fit in the world of comic-making.
    The first thing I say to him is "YOU."
    I think Nuparurocks is right. I really am blunt and heartless.
    Welcome to Gerlickyland, Destr. Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.
  10. Nathan Evo
    Ironically, it was probably the easiest day in school I've had in a long, long time. We watched a bunch of movies and had a sub in one class. Basically, we pretty much did nothing. The irony is stunning.
    ...But I still avoided walking under ladders so I wouldn't jinx it.
  11. Nathan Evo
    I voted, and that's all I'm gonna say.
    Actually, check that- I'm gonna say something else. I wanted to enter this time around, but I've had a lot on my plate lately and I just wasn't able to churn up the entry I wanted. I have a feeling I probably would've won had I found time to enter (well, assuming it came out perfectly), but after seeing the prizes the winners will receive... well, I don't need 'em. Someone else can have 'em. I've already got 'em.
    Maybe someday in the future I'll actually get to work on that idea. Not for contests, but just for fun. It was a pretty neat idea, but I guess it would kind of spoil the big exciting new project I've been working on for a few years now.
    (which has hit a major bump recently seriously the part I'm on now is a total slog)
  12. Nathan Evo
    Looks like it's doing pathetically.
    Part of me wants to drum up an entry so there'll at least be some competition.
    The other part knows I'm awful at writing mysteries.
    Talk about a sticky widget.
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