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Nathan Evo

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Blog Entries posted by Nathan Evo

  1. Nathan Evo
    My sister and I have been known to invent "characters". I'm not going to post them all here for "security reasons". However, I have decided there is one character that I figured I could introduce to BZPower (via FREE EASY MONEY!!!). If it gets enough replies from different members, I might post another one.
    So there is one character I can post here. His name... is Brubby.
    (Sound of telephone ringing.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Hello?
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson?
    MR. ALDERSON. What?
    BRUBBY. Is your refrigerator... on... fire?
    BRUBBY. Then... you'd better go catch it! Ha ha ha... ha...
    MR. ALDERSON. Who is this?
    BRUBBY. Brubby.
    MR. ALDERSON. Brubby?
    BRUBBY. Yes.
    MR. ALDERSON. Where do you live?
    BRUBBY. Next door.
    MR. ALDERSON. Don't you know prank calls are against the law?
    BRUBBY. I... take... special vitamins...
    MR. ALDERSON. I didn't want to hear that!
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson!
    MR. ALDERSON. What?!
    BRUBBY. Is Mr. Roof there?
    BRUBBY. Is Mrs. Roof there?
    BRUBBY. Are there any Roofs there?
    BRUBBY. Then... what's... holding up your car? Ha ha ha... ha...
    BRUBBY. Aaaah! (Hangs up.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Whew. Glad that's over.
    (Sound of telephone ringing.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Hello?
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson? This is Brubby...
    MR. ALDERSON. What do you want, Brubby?
    BRUBBY. Um... Is your refrigerator on fire?

    THE END.
  2. Nathan Evo
    Okay. I found the error of the last one. Don't expect to see anything like it again.
    And please don't discuss it here. I know what it is. That doesn't mean, if you don't know it, that you have to know it.

    (Sound of telephone ringing.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Hello?
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson!
    MR. ALDERSON. Is this Brubby?!
    BRUBBY. This is Brubby!
    MR. ALDERSON. What do you want, Brubby? I'm expecting an important phone call and I don't want to waste my time talking to you!
    BRUBBY. Um. . . Is your refrigerator. . . um. . . on fire?
    BRUBBY. Then you'd better go catch it! Ha ha ha. . . ha. . . Bye.
    MR. ALDERSON. I'll get that Brubby!
    (Sound of telephone ringing.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Hello?
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson? This is Brubby again. . .
    MR. ALDERSON. Wha- What do you want this time, Brubby?
    BRUBBY. Um. . . Is Mr. Roof there?
    MR. ALDERSON. You've already asked me that!
    BRUBBY. Okay. Um. . . Is Mrs. Roof there?
    BRUBBY. Are there any Roofs there?
    BRUBBY. Um. . . Is Mr. Roof there?
    BRUBBY. Then, what's. . . holding up your car? Ha ha ha. . . ha. . .
    BRUBBY. Waah! (Hangs up.)
    (Sound of phone ringing.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Now what is it, Brubby?!
    GUY. Hello. This is your very important call.
    MR. ALDERSON. Finally.
    (Sound of beep.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Hang on. I've got another call. (Switches calls.) Hello?
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson!
    MR. ALDERSON. What now, Brubby?!
    BRUBBY. Is your refrigerator on fire?
    BRUBBY. Then, what's. . . holding up your car? Ha ha ha... ha...
    BRUBBY. Waah! (Hangs up.)
    (Mr. Alderson switches calls.)
    MR. ALDERSON. Sorry. Now, let's discuss this...
    GUY. I'm sorry, you ignored me for so long that I found someone else to sell the cruise tickets to. Sorry. (Hangs up.)
    (Sound of phone ringing.)
    MR. ALDERSON. What?!
    BRUBBY. Mr. Alderson!
    BRUBBY. Waah! (Hangs up.)
  3. Nathan Evo
    I'm pretty sure the main reason why I had so much fun with Pokémon Y is because I named my team after the Piraka.
    First, we take on the Pokémon League... then we kidnap the All-American Rejects!
    Still a pretty fun game. I'd probably play it again... and also probably name my team after the Piraka again.
  4. Nathan Evo
    I've decided to do this again. This time, though, I've made the standards a little harder to get.
    First off, let me just say: Do you hate the Comedies forum? Great. But don't post it here. If you post that you hate the Comedies forum because of a well-thought out reason, the basic and boring "because it's a spam haven filled with Ask comedies", or some noobish reason no one can understand, then say you wish it was closed, your comment will be deleted.
    So don't say I didn't warn you.
    Okay, here's how this works:
    The previous Multi-Man Comedy Search allowed up to ten authors counting myself. This time, it has been chopped in half. Only five authors will survive. Counting myself.
    Not like the losers will be killed, though. Moving on.
    First off: To enter you must post proof that you are a good comedy writer. This can be either something new and exclusive or the awesomest chapter from a comedy you have written. YOU CANNOT POST THAT YOU WILL WRITE A COMEDY LATER. You can still just write something impromptu now. It won't count if you say "but one day I'll write a comedy called. . ."
    NOTHING FROM ASK COMEDIES IS ALLOWED. Even if it's the best Ask comedy that ever was. We're trying to prove those in GD wrong about the Comedies forum, not right.
    One last note: You might not get many votes if you are a noob and/or type like one.
    When twenty people have entered, I will post the next part of the process.
    Happy entering!
  5. Nathan Evo
    I've been getting bored on this forum lately. So I've decided to make my own kit. I'm not sure if it will come out anytime soon. It'll probably come out in the summer at least.
    Just for the fun of it, I've provided a sneak preview.

    And no, I did not take inspiration or dead-copy off anyone's kit here in the forum. There's one thing I did take inspiration from... and it has nothing to do with Bionicle or BZPower whatsoever.
  6. Nathan Evo
    I feel like "Random Nonsense" really works out here. This entry involves my comics. In posting this I've probably lost several of my readers and approvers.
    Anyways, this is a preview of That's Messed Up: The Legendary Gerlicky. First off, I think "TMU" might be used, but it won't stand for "That's Messed Up" because it might not do the title justice. Of course, with with a main hero like my screen name alter ego things might get messed up anyway. Let's see a show of hands: Should I eliminate the "TMU" part of the title or not?
    Okay, for the real consideration of the entry, if you're still reading: I figured I'd show a preview of the main hero- Gerlicky. Big surprise. The series is more of a side series in TMUTS and TMUCW, and takes place in an alternate dimension in which the events from the last two series existed, but what happens here will never take place there. I've been working on the plot for over a year and I might finally be able to release it.
    How far have I come along?

    That far. The first sprite was in four shade and existed entirely in doodles. Second was in five-shade. Eventually, I developed six-shaded versions of those colors and used them in six-shaded Chimoru.
    The last one is what I'll be using for TMUTLG (or just TLG if the TMU is eliminated). I made six-shaded versions of Gerlickit colors and put them into action. By far, this is my favorite.
  7. Nathan Evo
    So a few years ago, I wrote a blog entry detailing the ten minifigs I felt were the personal best ever made by LEGO. Since then, however, there have been a few new minifigs I felt were worthy of making the list. As such, I've decided to make an updated list.

    2. Shaquille O'Neal

    3. Lumpy Space Princess

    ...yeah I lied there's only three everyone go home
  8. Nathan Evo
    The past couple of days, I managed to buy Tuma and Berix, in case you couldn't tell by the last entry.
    Tuma's pretty cool. The black and lime color scheme reminds me of Exo-Force. I wonder what happened to it that made them close it down? Sales? Out of ideas? Sheer laziness? Best to discuss later.
    Now, I have every color of those blades Atakus carries: Lime green, red, and glow-in-the-dark. I have to admit, they're cool pieces.
    AHA! Tuma does NOT have a 2008 Av-Matoran head. Chimoru, Rayg, and any other kit makers had better change it if they used an 08 Av-Matoran head.
    As for Berix, I was considering not getting him. Then I heard he was a guy. This is sheer win material, right here. I don't like female Bionicle characters. When people complained that Gali was overly masculine, I couldn't wait to get her. To have a main hero water-based Bionicle guy? Pull me in.
    I absolutely love his sword. It's a Tahu Mata sword... in bright blue! It doesn't fit with the element, but it's an awesome piece. Use it to make blue Tahus!
    Oh, and the only dark blue pieces are his feet. The rest of the pieces are either bright blue, transparent lime green, and... the original Mata blue from 2001! Every time I open a new set that has the old 2004 colors in it, I scream. I believe you have probably heard me say that before. If I had bought this guy first, I probably wouldn't scream. Until I buy someone like Raanu or Tarduk, that is.
    I think Berix would have a few more epic win points more than Tarix. Who I'm going to buy, by the way.
    With Tuma, only one Roxtus inhabitant remains for me to buy: Fero. Skirmix reminds me of Kardas... But I'm wasting my time. Right?
  9. Nathan Evo
    Today I managed to obtain a super-rare Bionicle mask that, as far as I know, is completely one-of-a-kind. Sure, there are 14-karat Haus and Platinum Avohkiis, but those ain't got nothing on my BRAND NEW PURPLE IGNIKA

    (okay I took the photo with my phone so I'm sorry if it's gigantohuge)
  10. Nathan Evo
    All right, folks. Here's the skinny.
    I did NOT want to post this entry. I was hoping to get much more of this thing done before I finally revealed it to BZP. Unfortunately, recently a certain issue has come up, leading me to the point where I finally need to actually reveal this thing to the public.
    This is a project I've been working off-and-on for the last two years. Obviously more recent things got in the way, the most noteworthy of which being a job that pays me real, actual money in exchange for me coming home so tired I don't feel like turning on the computer or doing anything. I'm not going to give away too many details just yet, but I can safely say it's going to be quite different from my previous "big projects" on BZP.
    I now leave you with these three sprites so you can speculate what it is until next week or so:

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