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Status Updates posted by ME!

  1. Hey man, it's me(the one you were asking about the prototypes). Black Six's blog says they're next to be shipped, so when I get them, Ill let ya know

  2. Hey man, if you're wondering on those prototypes, Black Six sent me a message, and on the right hand side of his blog it shows if its shipped. Im under the 'Twelve Days of BZPower' if ya need to know

  3. Hey man, about those prototypes. I contacted Black Six earlier, and he said they were not sent yet due to being busy. Hopefully Ill get them soon

  4. I wish... Nothing yet

  5. Thank you! Yes, I will make a topic of whatever three pieces I get, thanks for reminding me. Ill let you know when I do

  6. ME!

    Yes, I still am active, just been offline for some time

  7. To your question. Yes, I am part German. But I cant speak it..... I wish I could

  8. ME!

    Lets see... I am me yet you are me.... O_o

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