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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    [center][color="#cccccc"][color="black"]/l、[color="aliceblue"]-[/color] [/color] [color="aliceblue"]--[/color]([color="#fa64c8"]゚[/color]、 [color="#fa64c8"]。[/color][color="aliceblue"]-[/color] [color="black"]7[color="aliceblue"]---[/color][/color] [color="aliceblue"]---[/color]l、 ~ヽ[color="aliceblue"]--[/color]. [color="aliceblue"]---[/color]じしl_, )ノ[/color][/center]

    /l、- --(゚、 。- 7---
    ---l、 ~ヽ--.
    ---じしl_, )ノ

    SIG. DO IT.
  2. Boogie Monsta
    The things that happened one time when Jesus was sitting around one Saturday nite thinking "DUDE. There's all this butt in the world and nothing's kicking it! I need to step it up!"
    So he invented something.
    Stuff like: Rob Zombie, the AC130, that unicorn game, girls, Samuel L Jackson, Arnold Schwartzenegger, energy drinks, homestarrunner, scotsmen, and Batman
    Additions welcome
  3. Boogie Monsta
    They always start out so innocently. When you start you do good, bullets kill people like they should..
    Then the tireder you get, the closer it gets to when your bullets are like IMMA HIT YOU and the enemy's like OH NO YOU DI'IN'T and the bullet's like Oh its k lol
    Ya know?
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