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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    Once I had a vision of a world without Axonn. The Dark Hunters ground out a little profit, and the Brotherhood of Makuta tried to shut them down, one island at a time.
    And it was so... boring.
    I've had a change of heart. I don't want Roodaka getting the best of Axonn, but why should I have all the fun?
    If Roodaka isn't dead in 60 minutes, I blow up a settlement.
    You wanna know why I have these eyes?
    My partner was a powerhouse, but a fool. One day he comes in nobler than usual. The Piraka pick up Zamor launchers to defend themselves, but he doesn't like that.
    So he takes the axe to them, preaching while he does it. He turns to me and says, "Why So Serious?" He comes at me with the axe. "Why So Serious?" He sticks the blade to my neck. "Let's put some madness in those eyes."
    Why So Serious?
  2. Boogie Monsta
    As requested by Zeddy. Sorry I took so long.
    For those who don't know, Brutaka is in the place of the Joker. Figure the rest out yourself.
    Hee hee ha ha ha ho ho..
    And I thought my jokes were bad.
    'Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have my boy here pull your head off.'
    How about a magic trick?
    I'm gonna make this plus rod disappear.
    It's.. Awwh, it's gone.
    And by the way, the armor wasn't cheap. You oughta know, you bought it..
    'Sit down. I want to hear proposition.'
    A year ago these Piraka and Matoran wouldn't dare cross any of you. What happened? Did your masks drop off? See,
    a guy like me..
    A guy like me.. Look, listen, I know why you chose to hold your little group therapy sessions in broad daylight.
    I know why you're afraid to go out at night. Axonn. You see, he's shown Voya Nui your true colors. And Garan's just
    the beginning.
    And as for the portal's so-called plan? Axonn has no limits. He'll find him, and make him squeal! I can tell the
    squealers when I see them, and..
    'What do you propose?'
    It's simple. We kill Axonn.
    'If it's so simple, why haven't you done it?'
    If you're good at something never do it for free.
    'How much do you want?
    If you don't deal with this now, soon Ancient here won't even be able to get a widget for his grandma.
    'ENOUGH from the freak!'
    Up-ta-ta-ta.. Let's not blow this out of proportion.
    'You think you can steal from us and just walk away?'
    'I'm putting the word out! Five hundred widgets for this thing dead! A thousand alive! So I can teach him some
    manners first.'
    Well, give me a call when you're ready to start taking things a little more seriously. Here's my card.
    *creates a portal, which releases a Doom Viper*
  3. Boogie Monsta
    My birthday's on Thursday, and I think I'll finally tell everyone how old I am..
    So tomorrow nite!
    Whoever makes the birthday topic gets like 20 points, too.
  4. Boogie Monsta
    Sorry I've not been active.. For some reason I'm having a lapse in wanting-to-be-on-BZP. Possibly because we're so busy this week, or a happiness overload. Heaven knows how long it's been since last time THAT happened.
    Oh, and all you guys that have Site with forums removed. - Kohaku should add me, for some reason my Mom is trying to get more friends than me..
    Relax, said the night man,
    We're programmed to receive,
    You can check out any time you like,
    But you can never leave.
  5. Boogie Monsta
    Well, it's the last night of camp. And it was pretty great. We finished normal stuff, and played a lot of StarCraft. Jason owned us, of course. But I beat him in Smash Bros like 3 times! Then he got sick of it and I consistently kicked butt.
    So then we got to walk like 30 minutes to a movie theater and watch The Forbidden Kingdom, at a theater that was apparently several months back in time, because they didn't even have Indiana Jones 4 yet.
    So we watched that. And I got to sit wiv Sun... :blush:
    But I'm leaving tomorrow, so she'll be just another picture. Oh well... *sad emote*
    And on the walk back, this guy Jeremy kept falling asleep. I'm serious! He was leaning on my shoulder waiting for a traffic light, and he starts snoring. I move and he almost falls. 'Twas rather entertaining. He collapsed on a bench, so I hit him with a bottle, causing him to get really mad and try to kill me. But it's all good!
    So now I'm gonna shower and I guess go watch Jason get whupped in Capatilism..
    'Nite all, 'tis been a great week.
  6. Boogie Monsta
    Well, I played Soul Caliber 2 for upwards of three hours yesterday, me and another guy stayed in the dorm during the talent goings-on, so (having never played before that) I came close to beating the ultimate awesome counselor dude. So that was fun!
    The LAN party was nixed, but it should be on tonight.
    We don't have to be in the dorm until like 1 or 2 in the morning!
    Oh, and I got an idea for a face book sticker. An edited Google one:
    Search: Weapons of mass destruction
    Did you mean falcon punch?
  7. Boogie Monsta
    Well, next week I've got camp. I've heard tell that there ARE internet-enabled computers there, and I'll try to sneak my flash drive through airport security. So I shouldn't be totally cut off from you guys. But I doubt if I'll be on any messengers or other programs, unless the computers there have ridiculously low security.
    Maybe I'll blog from there. idk.
  8. Boogie Monsta
    Well, that's up to you. It's definitely not great, but I think for the first time in years it's ok. Later I'll take a picture of Hahli's actual pose (my camera's out of batteries atm..) so you can judge better.

    Comments? Criticism?
    Don't you dare look and leave, even if you're inexperienced you may see something that needs improvement..
    Everything has been said before,
    There's nothing left to say any more,
    When it's all the same you can ask for it by name.
  9. Boogie Monsta
    New dream, again.
    This one starts in some kind of dark catacombs, like in games like Gears of War. There were these very official-looking people chasing me and a few other
    guys around the tunnels with guns. For weapons, we had battle rifles that looked like assault rifles from Halo, really weak flamethrowers called FireBirds,
    and rapid-fire grenade launchers that shot about 2 feet. So there were several hours of catacomb fighting, until we were finally cornered in this elevated
    place, where the assailants delivered an ultimatum: We had to stay there forever. Suddenly the room teleported above ground, into (you'll never guess) the
    water park from the Ben's apocalypse dream. The room suddenly became a cage (cartoon vietnam prison camp-esque), about 100 feet off the ground. held up by
    4 bamboo poles. There were like 5-10 guys up there (including me). I looked down on one side to see the a river, with jungle on both sides. There were two
    canoes in the river, each with 2 people in it. 1 of them was Harry Potter, I don't remember the others. They were significant in another part of the dream
    I don't remember. So stuff happened, and next scene was in a year, and the bamboo poles had grown into trees, with vines coming down them, which we used to
    climb down out of the cage, and into the water park to get food and such. (Instead of concrete walks, this water park had really fast lazy-river-style pools
    that you get in, and get out to go to a ride.) This went on for a while, and later the officials put sharks in the channels, that were trained to only me
    and the other guys who were supposed to be trapped. One was chasing me, and I had just made it back to the tree, when I woke up.
    It's kinda strange what I remember from dreams like this.. I remember that the flamethrowers said FireBird on the side, but I don't remember an entire subplot of the story.
  10. Boogie Monsta
    Rapping takes all the skill of an auctioneer. Seriously. It's not hard. I can do it.
    However, classic rock takes skill. Eddie Van Halen didn't just pick up a guitar, hit the demo button, and start talking fast.
    He practiced for years until he had the skill to play things like Hot For Teacher.
    Seriously. They're nowhere close to equal, Beloved. At least in that respect.
    EDIT: All rock applies, Classic rock just happens to be the debate had in a previous entry.
  11. Boogie Monsta
    So. As none of you know I once had a comedy, with a small fan following. It can be found here. Read it and tell me if the story is worth continuing in a new topic. On account of taste I'll probably add in slightly more stuff that's actually funny.. 1 per episode is a bit too not-enough.
  12. Boogie Monsta
    So I randomly got inspiration and drew this today:
    Link (it's better if you zoom in)
    I guess the idea behind it is a dude wrote that and carried it with him, and he just got killed by something.
    I intend on adding in an arm, and possibly other stuff later.
    Thoughts? Criticisms?
  13. Boogie Monsta
    Hay guyz,
    So, I'm making a Nirvana mix CD to go in my new car I don't have yet, but I only have 8 songs to go on it so far..
    D'you guys have any faves that aren't
    Smells Like Teen Spirit
    In Bloom
    Come As You Are
    Return of the Rat
    Heart-Shaped Box
    Drain You
    or Plateau?
  14. Boogie Monsta
    So I was at the store, and there was this display TV. I heard what it was saying, but couldn't see the screen.
    It had a boy and a girl talking, and the girl said, "I don't wanna be the sexy FBI girl!" And the guy says, "But that would be like me not being the sexy FBI guy!" Then a voiceover came on and said, "The most dynamic duo of television.."
    Around that time I walked to where I could see the screen, and it had Charlie Brown and Lucy on it talking.
  15. Boogie Monsta
    I'm not sure where this stands on the 'allowed' scale of BZP, but here goes.
    So, I was thinking how strange our culture is, like how things become popular, and suddenly unpopular again, and then reappear as popular later, and what's considered proper treatment of elders, and how the whole love-thing works, and stuff like that. And an unbelievably simple solution hit me.
    DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying this is the way it is, I'll just use the absolute to save time.
    Inside the earth is a little creature, with an amazing psionic aura, who subliminally influences the minds of humankind. It's incredibly boring down in the center of the earth, in his little heat-proof pod, so he uses his psionic energies to make the humans change their behavior, and it entertains him for a while, but then he gets bored, so he changes what we think is popular/accepted in culture. He's inside his pod right now, hoping I won't be crazy enough to actually believe in him.
    Yup, you can say I'm crazy, but there's no way you can disprove it!
    EDIT: As per Tom's suggestion about the creature being in a UFO, the reason I knocked that is because we would've found him already, since it would take an extreme amount of psionic energy (even more extreme than it already would) to control things from far enough away to escape detection, especially since there would always be a side of the earth that he couldn't see.
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