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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    Ok, so you know those mystery shows on TV where they have a serial killer and they interview people and they're like
    "Did you have any clue that he was a vicious killer?"
    "No, he always seemed like a nice man.. Family man.. Wouldn't hurt a fly."
    It's not like they're ever gonna say
    "Did you have any clue that he was a vicious killer?"
    "Well, I got a bit suspicious when I saw the blood trail leading to his door, and him walking around with a bloody axe and a hockey mask seemed a bit out-of-place.. But I didn't feel it was enough to come to the police with."

  2. Boogie Monsta
    So today I was talking a shower, and the water was too cold. So instead of just walking 2 feet to the handle, I snuck in between the 2 shower curtains and sang the Pink Panther theme while I creeped up on it, pushed it to hotter, and creeped back.
  3. Boogie Monsta
    Somehow I found~
    A way to get lost in you~
    Let me inside~
    Let me get close to you~
    Change your mind~
    I'll get lost if you want me to~
    Somehow I found~
    A way to get lost~
    In you.
    Goodbye, Roodaka..
  4. Boogie Monsta
    Hay guyz
    I'z selling almost all my Bionicle collection within the near future.. I just have to rebuild the guys and Roodaka I took apart to build Ravage. In the meantime, anyone want to reserve one? I'm selling most of them for the value chart rates. Since you guys are my loyal readers you get first dibs.
    (non-loyal readers, random people off the street, and Cags are excluded)
  5. Boogie Monsta
    I saw a world without Cthulhu. The mob ground out a little profit and the cops tried to shut them down one block at a time. And it was so.. Boring. I've had a change of heart. If *squish*
  6. Boogie Monsta
    I found the 2nd or 3rd most awesomest thing ever.
    A practical lens degenerates beside the crisp. A luck smiles after its dance. The condemning pedant examines the daft astronomy. The disabling astronomy declines above the cream. The surprise accelerates a sympathetic particle under the weekday.
  7. Boogie Monsta
    I went to Busch Gardens' (my super-awesome amusement park) super-awesome Halloween thing of awesomeness. Dressed in full costume as Batman. I got several hundred "HAY BATMAN"s and a few hundred "WHAT'S UP BATMAN"s and a few "I LOVE YOU BATMAN"s and some other things.
    Including kicked out of the park.
    Srsly, we came out of a haunted-mansion thing and 6 security guards are there and they're like SIR. Stand over there. So I stand over there.
    Then one asks me all these official-type questions while the others stand in a circle and keep glancing at me like I'm going to stab them.
    So the HEAD OF SECURITY comes and he's like Yeah, you can't come in with a costume and I'm like DUDE I've had it on for like 2 hours and they let me through the front gates with it on and he's like 'Kay but I'm'a have to kick you out anyways.
    So I go through one of those secret doors in the fence and there's an escort of 2 POLICE SUVs WITH THEIR LIGHTS FLASHING waiting. Cal and me get in and we're taken directly to my car.
    So yeah!
    My summer is complete. I've been kicked out of somewhere
  8. Boogie Monsta
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Feel that bullet penetrate your flesh. Does it feel good?
    Did you ever stop to think how it would feel to her?
    They wanted a white hot soul, and you give them hers?
    Did you ever stop to think?
    I cut them down,
    I blazed a path through their black hearts,
    I carved them away from her,
    She took more than you can imagine.
    And you know what?
    When they all were cut away from her,
    When the pain and devastation stopped,
    She didn't cry for you.
    I ran to her, I held her, and she cried.
    She cried enough to tear my heart out.
    And right then I knew,
    These last bullets in my gun,
    Weren't for one of them.
    They weren't for her, to set her free of the memory,
    They were for you.
    You were willing to sacrifice her white soul for your black heart?
    To them, little more than animals?
    You're no better than they are.
    You could've healed.
    Slashes can be stitched, broken bones will mend,
    But she can never regain that part of her she lost because of you.
    She couldn't fight them all,
    And they ripped it out of her.
    I hope you're happy,
    Because it's the last thing you'll ever feel.
    Maybe when you're dead I'll throw you out to them,
    I can't describe how much I'd love to do that now,
    But I'll never be as bad as you.
    Those animals won't have a chance to get her again.
    She'll be safe with me,
    What kind of father do you think you are?
    She'll hate you, I'll hate you,
    You'll be nothing but a pile of bones when they're done with you.
    So why keep them waiting?
    If it's a white hot soul they want, a black heart they'll get.
    Yeah, I'll probably turn it into a song later. Or maybe tonight.
  9. Boogie Monsta
    The reason getting older makes us old-time Bionicle fans criticize it more is because as Bionicle progresses, it gets more and more different than what it was we originally knew and loved. And as a basest instinct, human beings don't like change. A fan who joined in '05 will likely love Inika and Piraka torsos, and think it strange when TLC does something different. Us old-timers who were fans in '01 loved the way things were then, and don't want anything to change from the way that was. We had the Toa Mata, the Bahrag, the Bohrok, the Rahi. So we want things to follow that formula: Small yet intricate Toa-types, and big, complicated titans with action-type mechanisms. We knew it, we loved it, and then TLC changed it. So many of us complained, while the new fans who had known nothing before Metru Nui loved every minute of it. The same thing happened with the Inika saga, and Bara Magna. And it'll happen again with whatever else comes for Bionicle.
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