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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. It's a Zealot from Starcraft 2.

  2. Hey, man. Once you have 10 posts, I can PM you with banner and av stuff. So please get 10 posts :P

  3. Thanx, Kiba. No, I'm not dead, Kativa XD

  4. Hey, is your name the letters of you initials...? Just cuz your Yahoo name makes it seem likely, seeing yout BZP name....

  5. That's so hard to chose.. I've always loved Optimus Prime, so I guess he's it.. But I love the twins too.

  6. Yes. I am. You have 1 chance to surrender.

  7. The avatar is the cover of Seether's latest album, Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces. Just to clear up confusion.

  8. Yes, you must get AIM! The force compels you! ^_^

  9. The next chapter is up! Sorry bout the long wait, sometimes it can take a while for me to get inspiration. I wasn't sure which way I wanted to go. But obviously this way.

  10. I just thought I'd take this time to say I love your avvie. Bioshock 2 will be win.

  11. Five Starred! :D

    And dude, why aren't you in SWARM anymore? I finally got it back to being interesting, but it's not that fun by meself..

  12. Yeah, but it's not larger than mine! I even word counted XD.

  13. For one, they're really popular. Besides that, I find their songs boring.. I like songs with riffs a lot more, such as Rob Zombie or Seether. (Oh except Violet Hill, love that one)

  14. Hey, gilbertogx gave up.. So you win Kardas for $150! *holds hand in the air* You should make a few more posts around BZP so I can PM you shipping and stuff.

  15. Lightning never strikes the same place twice because after the first strike the same place is gone.

  16. Martin the Warrior, closely followed by Triss.

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