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Posts posted by Pulsy

  1. As said before, pink and lime green are slightly distracting. Replacing those with more color shceme friendly parts would be nice.The body itself is great, but the arms in my opinion could have been more... Customized.The use of normal lego and bionicle really looked good in this moc. 7/10.

    If the arms were more "customized" they wouldn't fit the flow of the MOC. Not everything has to be completely "custom" all of the time.
  2. This is a nice example of a MOC that isn't bad from a technical stand point but is really handicapped by colour. The core color scheme of light blue/sage/tan isn't bad, but the way it's applied is. The pink and light green is more of an issue - why are these here, and what are they highlighting? Well they aren't really highlighting anything.The lime in the hips is the most egregious example of this - they're tucked away and semi-hidden, but they're in this bright highlight colour. On the sides of the thighs, you're already using the light blue as an accent, and then there's this misplaced lime sitting there. Most of the pink flowers suffer from the same thing - they're too out of the way to be proper accents, but they're too noticeable to be anything but an eyesore.It's important to be careful when introducing quaternary colours to an already complex scheme. Pink is never going to work here for you unless you either change up the whole scheme, or if it was some sort of internal-only color that you couldn't see without doing a cross-section. The transparent lime is probably your best bet, as it ties into the sage fairly well. And you're going to want to limit where it is - if you use any trans lime outside of the center of the chest there and maybe as a replacement for the flower on the head and the visor in the weapon, you're going to be overdoing it. So get rid of the lime in the legs (replace with light blue or tan or just remove it outright), and ditch all of the flowers.With those out of the way, colour blocking becomes the other issue. Most of your colours are being thrown around randomly on this, leaving you with a MOC that lacks visual consistency. An easy way to do proper color blocking is to take each colour you're going to be using and ask yourself "what's this colour's purpose - what segments of the MOC will be in this colour?"For the light blue, you currently have it torn between accent colour and a skeletal colour, augmenting the blue-grey. As the torso is probably the best instance of colour blocking on this at present, I'd stick with making it skeletal. I'd drop the light blue on the outer thighs and chest plates, and probably swap the light blue sockets on the feet with the blue-grey sockets on the back of the knees. Keep colours together.The tan and sage are used fairly well at the moment. The thighs are probably the worst place for them, as the panels only match colours diagonally, giving it a clashing harlequin appearance. I can understand this being limited by piece availability, but ideally the thighs plating would be a single colour, or divided sage/tan on the top/bottom or on the front/side.The torso and feet are pretty good in this regard, the only other thing I'd really suggest would be replacing the sage limb pieces in the upper arms and shins with blue-grey, in keeping with that colour's role as skeletal structure. I'd ditch the 1x1 tan plates on the arms as well, unless you can find more substantial plating in that colour.Here's a roughly Photoshopped example of what a more cohesive colour scheme and a more coherent colour blocking layout could do for this MOC. The colour here assists the eye in picking out the shapes of the MOC, rather than hindering it as in the present layout. Something to consider for revisiting this or for application in future MOCs.http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/elzaban/WIP-Temp/conifer_coloured.jpg- Elzy brickmote.gif

    Thanks so much. What you said really made a lot of sense, and I'll keep it in mind on my current MOC. And I must admit, the photoshopped MOC does look better. I still personally love the pink anyway but what you said about blocking and layering really helps. Thanks again for one of the most helpful reviews I've gotten in a while.
  3. Looks great! Yeah, the colour scheme is a bit kooky, with the pink and light blue against dark green and tan. Maybe orange or red instead of pink? But it still looks good! Nice job on the overall construction!

    Hmmm, Red would look too christmas-y, but orange is an interesting thought. I guess we'll see how it goes because I'm working on a similarly colored creation now with dark blue instead of dark green and lime and orange as secondary colors.
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