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Posts posted by Zidonaro

  1. Back in 2006, comics were the only media I could access to follow the story, since they were available for free on BIONICLE.com. As a result, I only discovered YEARS LATER that the Nuva were actually sent to Voya Nui first, fought the Piraka and failed, and that Jaller and company went after them through Karzahni.

    I understand having to cut content due to budget or size issues, since a comic couldn't possibly fit entire books in it. But it's such an IMPORTANT plot point, you would think they would at least mention it somewhere.

  2. 7 hours ago, Sailor Wah! said:

    Just start watching the show because that's the only canon Ninjago has. Most of the other stuff (books, comics and graphic novels) is non-canon, and therefore irrelevant. 

    So it's not like Bionicle where everything links together?

  3. Hi everyone. Sorry for the dumb question. I want to start this franchise but I dont know how. The most obvious answer would be just watch the cartoon, but that wont be enough for me. I want to know every little detail. But there are so many books, comics, graphic novels and many other things that I just dont know how to follow. 


    Does someone have a timeline or guide or something that I can use to guide me in this vast franchise?


  4. On 10/17/2021 at 9:22 PM, Lenny7092 said:

    I understand. The thing is that I always have negative comments on my posts and topics, including sarcasm that went out of hand, and I don’t want Bionicle to die out, even if it ended since 2010 or 2016. I thought fans are becoming no longer fans, so I was trying to help people stay being fans, so Lego would see that Bionicle still does have fans, and Lego would think about bringing Bionicle back again since it is a fan-favorite. I’m just nervous. Bionicle is really one of the best themes, and I don’t want it to be forgotten since I am a dedicated fan. We all need Bionicle back, you know. I am just promoting the Lego Ideas project because it’s made by my friend in social media. He put a lot of work into it, and it’s one of the best projects that shouldn’t go to waste, so I thought you guys would be kind enough to help it get 10k supporters. This year is Bionicle’s 20th anniversary, and it’s disappointing that Lego didn’t celebrate it in any way. 

    I’m sorry that you saw this.

    How can I say this without being rude

    You're kinda really annoying with this obsession of yours. 

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  5. 30 minutes ago, capMARVELOUS said:

    you seen how hasbro treats transformers, mate?  media output that's mediocre on a good day, constant reuse of- and failure to reinvent- the same tired roster of six characters, giving to people who might like other installments of the franchise mere crumbs only once every three or so years, and in general constantly trying to please the ever-shrinking group of "G1 is best1" elitists (who, by the way, are getting close to retirement age).  do you really want bionicle to be treated like that?

    At least they still makes tons and tons of toys and have like 10 different continuities and series. Hasbro really invests in this brand.

  6. 6 hours ago, chuckschwa said:

    The irony is, this is how I remember playing the game on dial-up back in 2001-02. 

    From my understanding, the game was designed for those older computers with slower internet speeds. If you play the game today on modern systems it runs super fast. The Nui-Rama battle is nearly impossible to beat.

    Did you try looking into the player settings? (Right-clicking?)

    I've found this old MNOG version in my old computer. It has a pink flash logo on top of the window. I think its from 2009-2010, I either downloaded from the official Bionicle site or Templar Studios website. As you can see, it's significantly faster than the original.

    This is the version of MNOG that I grew up with, and that is the reason I was so bothered by the speed of the BMP version.


  7. On 8/19/2021 at 9:39 PM, TERIDAX941 said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he still have visions on Mata Nui? He often "consulted the sacred fire" or something like that, I thought they said that was his way of hiding his visions from the Matoran?


    On 8/23/2021 at 11:03 AM, HeavyLobster said:

    I think he also had visions in one of the 05 novels.


    On 8/24/2021 at 12:30 PM, That Matoran with a Vahi said:

    According to Downfall, he also had a vision of Matoro's sacrifice when it happened.

    Oh yeah, you're right.... I forgot about these.

    Well, taking this into consideration, maybe Vakama has a "bug" of some kind in his programming, perhaps?

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