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Blessed Blade

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Blog Entries posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Agh Why Won't You Stop?
    So, I have an odd problem... So, I have an external hard drive, been using it to store stuff in archives, so I can transfer between computers.
    Well... Uh... It won't stop the hard drive so I can remove it. And I don't want to unplug it from the computer until it's safely ejected, otherwise, things might go horribly wrong. But it won't let me; it keeps claiming something's using it, but the other possible thing that could use it, was already turned to a copy of the file which is actually on the desktop, so nothing is using it; at all!
    The only thing I could do, seemingly, is just shut the computer down, and then unplug the hard drive from the computer afterward, but that isn't something that is really best, since I want to be able to just stop and remove it, without having to halt browsing just because something decided to keep the External Drive in use...
    Also; a question to readers; is there anything in the blog theme or entry layout you'd want to see updated? I know my content blogs need changing, but I'll work on that when that's possible, for sure.
  2. Blessed Blade
    Step one: Start thinking up ideas for one of your current epics.
    Step two: Think of ideas for what the communications device could be in said epic.
    Step three: Think up that it's a smartphone, like everything else.
    Step four: Realize that it made by 'Cyber Incorporated'.
    Step five: Realize that the name could be the 'CyPhone'.
    Step six: Realize that said company plays a very large part in the epics.
    I tell you, I never even thought of that at first, but... It may unintentionally seem like Apple; at least with the iPhone to CyPhone thing. Hopefully that's where the similarities stop; because I don't like the possibility th- ... Wait... >=D I just got an idea. One that might be able to explain things. Can't reveal anything about what I'm talking about, since it's dealing with the future of one of my epics, but something will be interesting about this. And I just figured out that it could work fairly well this way I'm now thinking up.
    Yes, I'm being purposely enigmatic. I tend to do that a lot. =P
    In other news, Winamp's not happy. Think I should update it? =P
  3. Blessed Blade
    Alt Title: This Seems To Happen Like Once A Computer Anyway.
    So, I just get back to my desktop, right? Well, things needed to update. Specifically TF2. well, this happened...

    Yeah. Hint: My internet's not that good.
  4. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: Maybe A Real Life Burnout...
    So, computers getting built into cars. Might be good, more likely to be bad. I'm especially leaning to the 'bad' point, since I've been playing Burnout recently. And anyone who's played that knows that Burnout = Massive awesome crashes. So, yeah.
    And on that note, Burnout 3 is awesome. Been playing it a lot recently, and I've unlocked a good portion of the game already. =P
  5. Blessed Blade
    Alternate Titles: Aside From The Partying Of Course.
    So... I bet people have noticed that I've been disappearing. This is why:
    Tales of the Abyss
    Tales of the Abyss
    Tales of the Abyss
    Tales of the Abyss
    Preparing for stuff I need to do
    Did I mention Tales of the Abyss?
    And of course, emailing, but that part is more under a real life heading, as it's just people I know IRL. =P
    Then, of course, there's the March Break, but nothing that important for me, since I'm done school, but I still will probably not be able to catch up next week, due to that.
    Also, the 3DS browser's not fun for newer sites like this. I wish they'd make a standalone program app for it. =/
  6. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: My Words Taste Like A Boot
    Yes, I've been thinking about that secondary title for a bit. =P
    I don't know what it is about the Xbox, but it's making me eat my words like crazy. 0_o
    If you've just started to read the blog, I've been playing stuff on the Xbox for a little bit now, since the weekend(And last weekend), and I can't help but be surprised by it pretty much every day. And again, it's making me eat my words. I just don't get it. =P It's so weird.
  7. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Since Almost Every Other 3ds Related Topic Is Dead...
    So. I believe everyone's heard about the new 3DS update, yes? Like how it'll allow patches and Folders for the Home Menu? Well, get this, apparently one of the first games to get patched iiiiiis...
    Mario Kart. Take a wild guess which track is likely going to be fixed, allowing for fair racing. =D
    Could've been wrong, but, we'll find out around the 25th. =)
  8. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Ten Hours Later...
    Tag and category says it all. =P Wii's wi-fi is working again, and with that, comes online matches on GoldenEye again. How I missed it. =P
    Also, I got Pokemon Battle Revolution the other day, and beat it's single player mode in about two or three days, more or less. I still need to perfect it better, but I have a lot finished. =) Been thinking of trying the online, but I don't have a competitive team, so I'd likely have the floor wiped with my team. =|
    Brawl seems to be glitching for me, though; randomly freezing at times. =/ I'll try to get it working, but it might take a little while.
  9. Blessed Blade
    I want to take a moment to just give a shout out to Windy for all she does! She is one of the best here, and I want to celebrate that fact right here.
    So thank you for all you've done for us so far, and all you'll continue to do, Elisabeth! You are amazing! ^^
  10. Blessed Blade
    Max five tries per cycle.
    Ralts #1: Scatterbug [No perfect IVs] > Ralts(... lol) [4 perfect IVs] > Shroomish [No perfect IVs] > Zigzagoon [No perfect IVs] > Spritzee
    [No perfect IVs]
    Not a bad end to the first cycle.
    Ralts #2: Bulbasaur [3 perfect IVs] > Communication error(Bah =/) > Cubone [1 perfect IV] > Gulpin [No perfect IVs] > Communication error (??????) > ... Sand...shrew? apparently the last one wasn't as error as thought. .-. [No perfect IVs] > Rattata [4 perfect IVs]
    Well, that was a rocky cycle... not sure why it errored out twice... but! On the bright side! I now have a Rattata in the top percentage!
    Ralts #3: Zigzagoon [No perfect IVs] > Gulpin [1 perfect IV] > Tyrogue [No perfect IVs] > Poochyena [1 perfect IV] > Carvanha [2 perfect IVs]
    This was an interesting cycle. That Carvanha looks pretty enticing, I might rebreed that later.
    Ralts #4: Poochyena [No perfect IVs] > Zigzagoon [No perfect IVs] > Jigglypuff [No perfect IVs] > Wingull [No perfect IVs] > Zigzagoon [No perfect IVs]
    This one was more... boring, other than Jiggly and Wingull showing up. ^^'
    Ralts #5: Tropius [No perfect IVs] > Wurmple [No perfect IVs] > Oddish [No perfect IVs] > Zigzagoon [No perfect IVs] > Vivillon [No perfect IVs]
    I'll take a Vivillon, thank you very much~
    Ralts #6: [No Trade Partner] > Mawile [4 Perfect IVs] (swapped to Zigzagoon) > Wailmer [No perfect IVs] > Froakie [No perfect IVs] > Excadrill [No perfect IVs] > Whismur [No perfect IVs]
    This cycle was a win from the first trade for me. xD
    Ralts #7: Zigzagoon [No perfect IVs] > Swablu [4 perfect IVs] (swapped to Whismur) > Audino [No perfect IVs] > Plusle [No perfect IVs] > Mightyena [No perfect IVs]
    Like last time, it was the earlier one that caught my interest. =P
    Ralts #8: Geodude [No perfect IVs] > Ursaring [No perfect IVs] > Zigzagoon [1 perfect IV] > hacked Xerneas [lol not even one perfect IV] (swapped to Spritzee because I'm not perpetuating obviously hacked Pokemon) > Budew [3 perfect IVs]
    So, this run was... amusing. Not only was it shiny. with Pokerus. With not a single perfect IV(where all stationary Legends have at -least- one). It also had hacked EXP, as it needed -390,000 EXP to reach the next level. Just. That Xerneas was fantastic, just because of how funny it was. xD I'd've maybe seen it if it had Pokerus only, and the rest, minus the hacked EXP... but with it being Shiny, with a non-event OT... yeah, it's hacked, because it was shiny locked in X. =P
    Ralts #9: Swablu [1 perfect IV] > Fletchling [2 Critical Failure IVs] > Poochyena [No perfect IVs] > Machop [No perfect IVs] > Magi...karp... [1 perfect IV]
    Well, this was certainly less eventful. =P
    Ralts #10: Volbeat [No perfect IVs] > Ralts (WOW) [No perfect IVs] > Luvdisc [No perfect IVs] > Pichu [1 perfect IV] > Eevee [2 perfect IVs]
    Not quite as eventful still, but the Eevee's a nice keep.
    Ralts #11: Bulbasaur [4 perfect IVs] > Cascoon [No perfect IVs] > Tentacool [No perfect IVs] > Swablu [2 perfect IVs] > Sealeo [No perfect IVs]
    This was an interesting cycle, for sure. xD
    Ralts #12: Marill [No perfect IVs] > Flabebe [No perfect IVs] > Poliwag [No perfect IVs] > Bidoof [No perfect IVs] > Eevee [5 perfect IVs]
    Well... that was definitely a good ending to an otherwise quick cycle!
    Ralts #13: Mudkip [1 perfect IV] > Tentacruel [No perfect IVs] > Doduo [No perfect IVs] > Skrelp [No perfect IVs] > Wurmple [No perfect IVs]
    Skrelp had an engima berry, so, as quite as this otherwise was, that was a nice bonus. ^^'
    Ralts #14: Electrike [No perfect IVs] > Taillow [1 perfect IV] > Skitty [1 perfect IV] > Dwebble [No perfect IVs] > Zigzagoon [No perfect IVs]
    Slow cycle. ;-;
    Ralts #15: Zigzagoon [1 perfect IV] > Furfrou [5 perfect IVs] (Swapped for Zigzagoon) > Poochyena [No perfect IVs] > Eevee [1 perfect IV] > Carnivine [No perfect IVs]
    Prize of this cycle was the Furfrou, and I don't even care for it a ton... But it's still nice to have. =P
    Ralts #16: Nincada [No perfect IVs] > Wingull [No perfect IVs] > Wingull (...) [1 perfect IV] > Gible [5 perfect IVs] (swapped for Nidoran-F) > Whismur [No perfect IVs]
    Not a bad cycle, and that double Wingull. xD
    Ralts #17: Oddish [No perfect IVs] > Trapinch [No perfect IVs] > Ralts (Ahahahaha, I can't escape them) [No perfect IVs] > Froakie [No perfect IVs] > Poochyena [No perfect IVs]
    Eh, this wasn't really a good cycle.
    Ralts #18: Zubat [No perfect IVs] > Tentacool [No perfect IVs] > Kangaskhan [5 perfect IVs] (Swapped for Poochyena) > Skiddo [No perfect IVs] > Feebas [4 perfect IVs]
    Well this was an improvement. xD
    Ralts #19: Plusle [No perfect IVs] > Maractus [1 perfect IV] (Swapped for Whismur) > Wurmple [1 perfect IV] > Beautifly [1 perfect IV] > Tentacool [No perfect IVs]
    Interesting cycle, but nothing truly of note.
    Ralts #20: Honedge [2 perfect IVs] (Swapped for Tentacool) > Fletchling [No perfect IVs] > Unown-N [No perfect IVs] > Pikachu [1 perfect IV] > Shieldon [No perfect IVs]
    Odd cycle.
    Ralts #21: Snivy [2 perfect IVs] > Gloom [1 perfect IV] > Wurmple [don't even care] > Koffing [4 perfect IVs] (swapped for Shieldon) > Kecleon [No perfect IVs]
    I didn't even care about checking Wurmple first. xD Only four more left, though, finally ;-;
    Ralts #22: Illumise [1 perfect IV] > Mawile [1 perfect IV] > Pidgey [No perfect IVs] > Linoone [No perfect IVs] > Fletchling [No perfect IVs]
    Nothing good here. Three to go.
    Ralts #23: Diglett [No perfect IVs] > Linoone [No perfect IVs] (Swapping to Fletchling because of nickname) > Zorua [1 perfect IV] > Emolga [2 perfect IVs] > Bouffalant [5 perfect IVs]
    That last one made the cycle, really.
    Ralts #24: Gastly [4 perfect IVs] (Swapping for Carnivine) > Alomomola [No perfect IVs] > Murkrow [No perfect IVs] > Vulpix [4 perfect IVs] (Swapping for Wurmple) > Luvdisc [Don't care]
    Two four IVs in one cycle... wow.
    Ralts #25: Treecko [No perfect IVs] > Lotad [No perfect IVs] > Azumarill [No perfect IVs] > Mankey [5 perfect IVs] (Swapping to spare Ralts) > Eevee [No perfect IVs]
    And that was the last cycle... I liked that random last Mankey. xP
    But whew. I didn't expect it to take quite nearly as long as it did...
  11. Blessed Blade
    Just got premier-ship, donated I guess from someone unknown. Thank you, you unknown rangerhero! =D
    So... Yeah, I got PM-ship =) ... I just don't know when I got it, nor how long it's for =P
  12. Blessed Blade
    Seriously need a gaming category.
    So, I just played a match on the Docks level in Goldeneye. Everything's fine, I'm sniping away even though I don't have a silencer, doing fairly well for a newbie sniper. Tons of lag starts up near the end. Don't think anything of it. Match ends. Shows me that we won, and that I have +50 XP because of that.
    ... The game... Froze. *Resists urge to throw controller through screen, but succeeds* =P
    But seriously; of all times for it to freeze; it had to be then. Not sure if my XP got saved because of that or not.
  13. Blessed Blade
    *Makes note to make a writing category* Done =P
    Ok, so, I've decided to give writing a try again, since my last few efforts ended with the stuff dying. Ok, so I've decided to write it all first. Currently, I've got the two I've already mentioned(I might post that forum blog-exclusive one in COT too. Once I start writing it =P), the first being that blog exclusive I mentioned, which I'm keeping the title secret for right now, and the second being The Awakening. Now, I've got a third. I've decided to call it "Curse of Destiny". It's gonna be a little different, and is something definitely going in COT. It's got a very interesting premise if I should say so myself, and I've got the first chapter somewhat done(Had to split the original first chapter into two, because it was very big. Haven't started writing on the second chapter though), and might put it up by next week's end. So, I've got writing on three things to do. Joy. xP
    Anyway... I've completed Parts A, C, and D of Bleach: Dark Souls, and have beaten arcade mode with most of the chars. Part B, and a few of the remaining chars will be hard to do, because some of those are the Joke Chars, and at least two of the challenges in Part B are tough(Heal three Shinigami with almost 0 HP with Hanatarou. Yeah, that's easier said than done, especially on Normal and Hard, seeing how long he takes to finish his healing moves and the fact the Shinigami run around a lot, and the range healing move doesn't heal much...). So, that's gonna be tough to finish completely =P But, seeing as I actually beat the Line Jumping challenge, I took out a very tough part, and figure if I I use Stop Timer cards for the Hanatarou thing, I may beat that, but I haven't tested it yet. Oh, and I haven't really touched on Time Attack or Survival Modes yet, so that'll have to be done too...
  14. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: A Portable Version Of A Portable Mario Bros.
    Or, rather re-release, whatever. =P The main point of this, is to point out the fact that Mario Bros. is included in this game. Which means if you really want to be complete, there's 11 free games in the GBA department. =P(Not counting the obscene amounts of minigames in the WarioWare title...)
    In a way, this helps me, because my Super Mario World cart died on me this year. D= It's contacts are toast. Doesn't help me play Super Mario World itself, but now I can play Mario Bros to waste time whenever I want, and the only thing that could stop me is my 3DS itself dying. =P
    Also, I fail at F-Zero. That is all.
  15. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: No Snooze Button Here
    So, if anyone's been looking at the COT RPG Planning Topic in the last day or so, you'll see that I've expressed interest in making a Zelda RPG here.
    Well, I've got a Co-host, I believe I have most of the RPG's first post ready, and I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon.
    So, that means that anyone who wishes to have a Zelda RPG here should keep an eye on the planning topic soon, as it should be up by the end of tonight, and provided everyone thinks it looks good, it'll be in the Request topic by the end of tomorrow. =D
  16. Blessed Blade
    Alternate Title: Echoes Are Good Too
    So, uh, anyone here still play Phantom Hourglass?
    And, uh, for that matter, anyone play the online mode of Phantom Hourglass? xD I was thinking of going on the online mode, or even starting a new file to try and complete that, but, well, it's not exactly something I should try, if no-one plays online, as that's pretty much one of the only ways to get some things that you need for 100% on PH. =/
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