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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Blessed Blade

  1. *Gets stabbed by the spoon and dies* Ow.

    XD Anyway, *Returns from the Soul Society* I want a truce between the Neutral Faction and the Ion Brigade.

  2. *Goes into main cave in the Shadow Dimension* Uh-oh.

  3. *Goes through portal and Launches a Hikanota blast at the Soul Eater base there... and come out with bad news* Uh guys? We have a bigger problem than these. Bigger as in way bigger. As in Balrogs. In that Dimension. Through that portal.

  4. *Goes to write* *Has no clue what to write* *Looks at what's been done and not done* *Sees like five different unfinished chapters, all out of order, one even being in the sequel to what I'm writing* Hopping all over the place-style writing for the win? =P

  5. *Grabs it; tossed it back, and also taunts with a Smash Ball in hand, before integrating with it, Triforce on back of hand glowing*

  6. *Grabs the scythe as nanobots surround Nightbringer's throat* Gods can die. Dawn of the Titans should've taught you that XD

  7. *Grabs tons of Cordaks and fires them all at Sev who doesn't have enough time to go invisible and it wouldn't matter because they're modified to be heat seeking and once one hits they go to the respawning spot* Wheee! :-P

  8. *Grabs Zanpakuto Kaitoshin and rips a slash through the darkness, as he turns to Super Saiyan* And what does a Super Saiyan Great Spirit count as?

  9. *Hands back rock*

  10. *HAs been blasting Balrogs since last comment and keeps blasting them now* Heya! Where've you been? Kill Total: 15000... If only they didn't revive.

  11. *Head and body both get slashed in half as the battle continues, and the head gets accidentally stepped on too* This might be a little messy... You might wanna regenerate.

  12. *Headdesks for not saving my RPG before it was Bohrok'd away*

  13. *Hides "How to burn newbies at the stake for dummies" book behind back* Newbie? Where?

  14. *Holds out robotic right arm instead, and then unleashes some ki blasts at the arm he grabbed me with, before Ki-Summoning a Ki sword and slicing the appendage off* You were saying?

  15. *In a far off galaxy* NBSC: Let's fight TGYK! TGYK: Ok! *And so it begins...* X-D

  16. *In response to your comment on my page* 1. I can't post, seeing as I already posted about the release date a few days ago and no-one posted afterwards...

    2. Aw... :( Well as soon as you get it up, tell me, I wanna brother with ya. And you won't be disappointed, seeing as I'm almost done with the game, just need to find those last two stupid HP ups.

  17. *Internal struggle goes to the muscles, and one makes Ichigo's female body twitch and slash off D-X's head* Ouch, sor- NO SORRY! YES SORRY! XD

  18. *Is dead* Ahh... I think you poked too hard :P

  19. *Is helped up by KoK* Yeah since I got blasted by that blast It's been hard to get around :P If you ahve no idea what I'm talking about go take a visit to the place in KoK's sig, the Reality RPG.

  20. *Is helped up by KoK* Yeah since I got blasted by that blast It's been hard to get around :P If you ahve no idea what I'm talking about go take a visit to the place in KoK's sig, the Reality RPG.

  21. *Is looking at the Wiki article* Yeah, that's the "Red Flame Cannon", Kido 31. Since that's the original version, that's why I didn't realize it was that one. That kido's awesome if you can time it right in Dark Souls... But the timing, that's the hard part =P

  22. *Is still dead so can't move* Urgh, I would kill for a new body... This Gigai's useless.

  23. *Is tempted to somehow make a fangame based on the Megaman Zero mechanics, but with an original story and original sprites that are not Megaman related at all*

  24. *Jumps back* *Dashes up to Sigma, and slashes out* *Uses Deplete Boss Energy Cyber-Elf* =P

  25. *Jumps in Neo Blademan Seed and starts slashing* Okay...

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