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Blessed Blade

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Blog Entries posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Blessed Blade
    It's a very good add-on that they've created for Black and White. It's not the best it could be, but it's definitely a step up from the Pokewalker.
    However, I'm still not too keen on the hour limit for the Dream World, what with the fact that on my computer, I get a lot of lag, likely because said computer is near-obsolete, if it isn't already, and is probably over 7 years old. =P
    However, the Global Link in general is pretty cool, though there are still some glitches that can be seen, which will hopefully be fixed sometime in the future. And EZ Mail is fail. Which also rhymes. =P Worse than MLN's messaging system, as in even more restrictive. Heck; even the mail system in the games is better. xD
    The Global Battle Union is pretty cool; though I haven't gotten a chance to actively test it just yet... partly because I'm still reworking my team. =P
    However, I do believe that the Dream World interface could be updated, and that the profile part of the main page could be redesigned; I don't care if this is the second time it's done, it's missing key info. =P For one, it doesn't tell you if there's any new messages(And what with it being so restrictive, you're not likely to check it actively); and there's no notice in the Dream World or on the main page that someone wishes to add you to the Dream Pal Roster... Someone sent me a request last night, and I didn't see it until after I had already finished up in the Dream World(Due to that silly hour limit). Now I have to wait for tonight for that.
    Overall, it's a very nice application; however... It needs to be expanded when the next games come out or sooner, that's for sure.
  2. Blessed Blade
    Yet another entry that needs a new category. Fix'd. =P
    So; as people may have seen, a new Pokemon was revealed today on Pokemon Sunday. It'll be an Event Pokemon like Mew and the rest, but more along the lines of Shaymin.
    It's name is 'Bikutini' apparently, and requires an item that'll be given out over Wi-Fi in Japan from the 18th of September, to the next month on the same day.
    However... Apparently it's Isshu Dex numbered... 000?
    Anyone else find something off about that? Not sure if it's a typo or what...
    /EDIT: Nope; apparently not. Apparently the official Japanese site just updated with pics and details about this new Pokemon; and it clearly shows 'Bikutini' at Dex number 000 in the Isshu Dex. 0_o It kicked Missingno out of it's spot. D=
    //EDIT: I can verify it. For one, the animation that begins right when you open the site's been redone. =P And the pic is on the site, yes. Along with a pic of you receiving the Liberty Ticket... In a weird new way? Not sure how else to describe it.
  3. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Nuzlocke Go Go Go!
    So, Pokemon White Nuzlocke. Five days to pull it off. CAN I DO IT!? We'll soon find out! ... About as soon as I figure out how to delete save data, that is. >>'
    /EDIT: And done; Trainer: Alex(Not my real name, if anyone's wondering, just one randomly chosen in my mind from different past RPG character names. =P), Starter: Snivy.
    CAN I MAKE IT? We'll find out in five days! =D
  4. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Let's Get The Blog On The Road!
    So... As I said; I chose Snivy(Nicknamed Smugleaf), and my trainer name is Alex. Gonna be brief, since I can't waste all my time on writing. xD
    Start, Nuvema Town:
    So, me, Cheren, and Bianca all chose different Pokemon; Bianca an Oshawott, and Cheren a Tepig. I easily won both battles, got the Pokedex, and Town Map, along with the Xtransciever.
    After watching the tutorial on catching, and the talking finished, I walked through the grass, and found a... Patrat. ... Lovely. Managed to will myself not to kill it, and caught it easily. Nicknaming it Roadkill, to show how much I like Patrat. =P Since that'll need training most, I'm gonna train that first, and hope it doesn't die on me first. ;
    After nearly having my Patrat faint, I eventually decided just to head to Accumula. It's just not worth having everything faint trying to make them stronger, when you can't revive fainted Pokemon in a Nuzlocke. =P
    Accumula Pokemon Stats:
    Smugleaf: Level 7
    Roadkill: Level 5
    Let the Nuzlocke begin!
    Accumula City:
    Blah, blah, blah, tutorials everywhere. Grabbed the Pokeball, hoped for a potion I didn't get, and instead got a free heal(My last one, to my knowledge. D=), and bought a ton of potions.
    Fought N, won by a long shot(Honestly I did more damage in one turn with a critical hit than he did the entire battle. And he was two levels higher. >>), went outside the city, got the Running Shoes, and fought a... PURRLOIN! ... What. I swear this game's forcing me to get all the ones I don't want... At least I'll be getting a Simipour. ... Watch it be male, to spite me. >_>
    Anyway, this is how weird my thought processes can get: I named the Purrloin SpoonyBard. After thinking of how well it worked as a thief. And then drawing a blank on those names, and instead picking from others in Final Fantasy 4. And that being the first that popped into my mind. Wow. xD
    Anyway, after a few close calls, I leveled up more, and went to exit to Striaton, to heal, get my money, and crush the three brothers! ...
    Bianca: "Hey! Listen!"
    Oh no, no, no, not a battle now... D= Sure enough, it is indeed a battle... And after one close call, I swept the floor with Bianca's team. Snivy is awesome. Patrat too, even. =P
    Well, so far so good!
    Striaton Pokemon Stats:
    Smugleaf: Level 9
    Roadkill: Level 8
    SpoonyBard: Level 7
    Onward we go!
    Striaton City:
    Gah. This has been the main reason I haven't updated for a few hours. >_> Let's see...
    First off, I went straight to the Dreamyard, after gathering up the spare items lying around. Two battles, right off the bat. Won both perfectly, but it began to whittle my team down. Worth it, though; got a Panpour. A male Panpour. Named it Vezok. =P
    Next, I went to the school to advance things, and crushed Cheren. If you'll believe it, he was easier than those trainers in the Dreamyard. =P Then I attached the berries he gave me, and headed to the gym itself. Gah. I don't remember it being so hard. >_< Then again, I probably caught like 10 Patrat to switch out to when I fought it last. =P
    First one, not a big problem. Second first, the first time, I lost my Snivy right off the bat. Accidentally turned the power off, though; but I don't think things would've gone well. Second time, I didn't hit the power button by accident, and won the match perfectly, prepared this time.
    Then came Chili. Gah. I hate that Lillipup of his. Kept spamming that move in the TM he gives out. Then proceeded to sweep my entire team, almost. Nearly took him out with my Panpour, but BAM, hit the power button again. I really am half tempted to play this on my 3DS, instead of my old DS. But since my 3DS is busy waiting with Black in it, I can't really do that. =P
    Take two, I level up this time, and then take down the Lillipup with my Patrat and Snivy. Pansear was taken down exclusively by my Panpour, despite not having leveled up like the last time I fought Chili. xD
    Then came the Dreamyard again. Luckily, it was just Team Plasma, so I wiped the floor with them, and am just stopping to grab my 3DS and use the C-Gear. So, yeah.
    Route 3 Pokemon Stats:
    Smugleaf: Level 13
    Roadkill: Level 13
    SpoonyBard: Level 11
    Vezok: Level 12
    Wish me luck for the future, I think I'll need it. =P
  5. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: I Update These Sometimes After Posting By The Way
    Route 3: So, I trained against the people near the day care, and then headed onward. And then Cheren shows up for another fight. Seriously, do these people have anything better to do? 0_o
    That's okay, though, I wiped the floor with him easily, and PLAAAAASMAAAAA showed up again, to cause more trouble. Cheren and I used them for target practice, and we were on our way, after I got two more team members, and messed up the name of one of them.(Molly the Lillipup and Rockman the... female Roggenrola. ; Needless to say, I forgot to look at the sign a few times. Updating that nickname for once, when I get to the namerater. Luckily, it's only one city away. =P)
    Everything else was fine, though.
    Route 3 Stats:
    Smugleaf: Level ?
    Roadkill: Level ?
    SpoonyBard: Level ?
    Vezok: Level ?
    Molly: Level ?
    Rockman: Level ?
    I couldn't remember the levels. =P
    Anyway, next is Nacrene...
    Nacrene City:
    Ugh. Started this at like ten or eleven at night last night; didn't finish until just now. >_>
    First off, I talked to Cheren, and went around looking for items, and then skipped right past everyone, and headed straight for the next route; hoping for a fighting type. ... Yeah, I got a Tympole instead. >_> I just nicknamed that Heartfrog(Random name is random!), and then went around fighting everything for EXP, since I'd need it.
    After finally getting through everything, and fighting the nurse for a free heal(To hopefully save the second heal from her for later), I went back into the city... A wild N appeared! Crushed him easily, and waltzed through to the Gym. I hate that place, I really do. After struggling(Not literally using the move) through to the end, with a reset because I apparently use the same techniques for a nuzlocke as I do for Fire Emblem, I got to the Gym Leader. ... Yeah, half those attempts can be described as being like the poor person who's in the path of a steamroller going 90 miles an hours. Even if I had've reset, there would've been no way for me to continue, if I had've miraculously won. So, I decided to train a little more, and then got crushed more times.(I've likely failed the actual mode like ten times now, game-over wise, so I'm just going to keep resetting from now on, while keeping casualties if I win a fight with a fainted Pokemon; selling all revives I get, for Super Potions. =P) After getting utterly owned one time, I decided to try Smugleaf first. That did better, though the second Pokemon was the problem then...
    Then I decided to use Growth. That was the trick. Used Leaf Tornado twice to reduce the opponent's accuracy to like nothing, and then used Growth while going 'HA ha!' at the Herdier as it tried and failed to hit me, before finally finishing the poor thing off with a supercharged Leaf Tornado. Of course, the first time I tried that, I underestimated the pure strength and speed of my Pokemon, and attempted to heal, forcing a faint. And since my last attempt before this had shown that the Pokemon up then could singlehandedly faint my entire team without even breaking a sweat, I just reset, and tried it again. That time, I just used Leaf Tornado before it could Retaliate me to death. Yeah, that worked, one hit KO, and I'm still laughing at how simple that was. xD Gonna have to hope for some fire or flying type, though, for Burgh... Thinking of trying to give the Liberty Ticket to this game, but I don't think that'll work. =/
    Pinwheel Forest Stats:
    Smugleaf: Level 20
    Roadkill: Level 15
    SpoonyBard: Level 15
    Vezok: Level 15
    Molly: Level 15
    Rockman: Level 16
    Heartfrog: I don't know, I don't care, it's boxed.
    Now then, onto Pinwheel Forest! One day has passed, so I only have 4 more. Given that in the span of almost a day, I've beaten two gyms, however, I'm optimistic this'll work. =D
  6. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Route 4 Was Boring.
    Pinwheel Forest:
    So, despite having this in my title for the last entry, I never completed Pinwheel Forest until last night, so it doesn't fit there. =P Also, I don't like being underleveled. =P
    So, tried Pinwheel Forest. Got curbstomped. Went off and tried it again, made it further, but was iffy, and went and mass leveled. That worked. =P So, then I went back, missed out on a chance to get a Pokemon because I didn't realize I hadn't caught anything yet when I saw an Audino, and simply continued forward, scattering Plasma off once again.
    Skyarrow Bridge is still awesome.
    Castelia City Stats:
    Party: Roughly level 18, with Smugleaf far, far ahead of the rest.
    Castelia City:
    So, entering the city, I go off, making my first stop the Name Rater's to change the nickname of Rockman first to Rockwoman, but then to RockGirl, because Rockwoman has too many syllables. =P
    Then I went around, grabbing items, gathering lemonades and Fresh Waters(Why pay 700 for Super Potions when you can slowly get tons of lemonades, that heal more for cheaper?), gathering up the Amulet Coin to gain LOADS of money, and then just curbstomping Plasma. Again. =P By now, it's kinda stabilized at a rate where I'm in between normal levels, and SLIGHTLY underleveled, which is much better than Nacrene.
    After raiding the place, though, I went to Route 4 and got a new Pokemon! Not a Darumaka, unfortunately. A Scraggy. Eh, it'll do; boxed SpoonyBard, named this HyperFight(The full name of Super Hyper Street Fighter 4 Uber Ultimate Deluxe Arcade Edition wouldn't fit, unfortunately.), and then went off and finished up the city, and curbstomped Burgh surprisingly easily.
    Then Bianca challenged me. Not too bad; I thrashed her. However, some memory of my old Black playthrough made me stop and heal everything quickly. Sure enough, Cheren was waiting to challenge me like ten steps away!! ._. He couldn't have waited until the other side of the route? Whatever, crushed him easily, moved on forward, short route is short, got Ultra Balls, went into Nimbasa.
    Nimbasa City Stats:
    Roughly level 20, level 21 for my entire party. Except Smugleaf(Level 25 evolved as well), Roadkill(Somehow level 24. 0_o Also evolved), and Vezok(Level 23, and now a Simipour)
    Nimbasa City: Aka, the Never-Ending-Sidequest:
    So, here's where I stopped advancing the story for a bit. Entered the city, got the bike, got to hear the awesome Unwavering Emotions theme(=]), and got some more items. Then I just stopped. Why? Musicals. Or rather, one musical, so I could finally get that last prop for Black! =D I now have a Silver card on that, which is awesome. Now I just need to finish up the Pokedex(Which should be easy), and work on somehow getting a 49 streak in both singles and doubles, and it will have FINALLY been completed. And just in time for Black/White 2. =D
    However, after I finished the musicals, I thought to myself, and decided it wouldn't hurt to go finish up all the Entralink missions. So now my rented game already has a Trainer card upgrade, and I haven't even gotten past Nimbasa. I also grabbed some trainers for my Black City while I was at it. =P
    And... Yeah. That's about it for now. Haven't done much aside from sidequest stuff there. xD Though, the stadiums are higher leveled than I recall...
    Stats, part 1: Roughly level 21, 22. Only a handful of levels since the last update. Will have a more comprehensive status update when I do Nimbasa City part 2. =P
  7. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Alternative Titles Are Back
    RIP Earphones, 2012-2012. They challenged a vacuum cleaner to a fight, and lost horribly. =P
    Luckily, though, they were just a pair that I had gotten precisely for this type of situation, if my other pair failed. Never did I expect them to die a horrible death first. xD
    Funny thing, though, was that they weren't on the floor; at not totally. And that the vacuum cleaner was away from the earphones. Guess they just didn't want to be neglected anymore. =P
  8. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: But You'll Have To Wait 6 Years For A Third Portal 2 Entry
    So; just beat Portal 2. That was an awesome game. Also space. Oh, here come the space cops!
    I kinda wonder, about the ending, though. I wonder if it really happened as it tries to make you believe. I hear the story's extended in the Co-op story mode; but, well, I don't exactly have anyone to go through that with, since no-one seems to want to go through that story mode again. =/ Guess that's what i get for getting the game like a year and a half after everyone else... Ah well...
    Though, now I'm freed up for TF2, I guess. And creating new levels in Portal 2. Not Co-op, though, since I likely won't be able to test it. =P
  9. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Title: Just One Last Minute Push To Help An Awesome Role Playing Game
    Please, everyone, vote for Day Run. A few things it has going for it are...
    Mecha and other awesome futuristic vehicles.
    Zombies you can play as, but not just normal zombies either.
    A story that could really use an ending.
    Awesome tournaments, and the potential end of a universe.
    Very hard to beat opponents that would help that end of the universe.
    Awesome players, characters, and story stuff.
    Parugi has more of the details, but... Well, I think that Day Run should have it's ending...
    Also, please also vote for Techna, as it should continue, as it's hard to find out what happens after the inevitable crash unless it wins. =)
  10. Blessed Blade
    This is the entry for the new RPG Grochi's thinking up that'll span the entire Matoran Universe; or rather, to think up and discuss tech in it.
    We've already discussed teleport Kanoka, which is a good idea to me.
    Also, just to mention, it might be a good idea to follow the entry, if only just to get notifications of it; my blog doesn't usually stay on the first page much.
    Want me to add any links to the contest topic?

    Shadows Of A Doubt
    Tech Stuff:
    All in-universe technology is present, along with teleport systems.
    The teleport system is based off the Matoran Universe's newly discovered natural power source; however, it's unknown how that works, though a Toa of Lightning is required to regulate the power, and coordinates to get to the correct location. However, Voya Nui, Mahri Nui, and Mata Nui do not have teleport systems.
    The teleporters are called 'Shift Gates' by the major organizations, and just plain 'Gates' by the normal Matoran and Toa.
    The teleporters resemble a fusion between Star Gates, and the teleporter pads from Star Trek.
    Story Stuff:
    The first main plot is of a cold war between different factions in the Matoran Universe.
    The second main plot is of rebuilding on Voya Nui and Mata Nui.
    Possible side plot to find the Great Beings.
    This takes place less than a year after the Great Cataclysm.
    There will only be a few Makuta who are actually free; the rest will be imprisoned in Toa Seals, especially Teridax, who is still imprisoned.
    Those Makuta are Icarax, Mutran, Bitil, Gorast, Miserix, Tridax, Vamprah, and Krika, currently.
    The reason for the Dark Hunters and the Brotherhood of Makuta fighting each other, is because word got to The Shadowed One that Teridax was the one who killed Nidhiki and Krekka. Therefore, the Brotherhood, desiring the Vahi, struck first, and started the war.
    Story Summarizations:
    Species and Characters:
    Great Beings are being considered for the RPG as NPCs.
    A species is currently being thought up for expansion or creation.
    The Rahaga are indeed still Rahaga, and Sidorak is still alive; this take place before Roodaka's defeat, in a different universe, as per current plans.
    The Toa Metru are Turaga now, having skipped becoming Toa Hordika.
    There will be a limit of eight characters, due to the massive size of this RPG.
    Staff members are limited by the eight character limit for the most part, but Staff Characters do not apply to the rule.
    The Visorak will indeed be serving the Brotherhood of Makuta, and, more specifically, are currently infesting Metru Nui still.
    The Piraka are still with the Dark Hunters. Vezon has not been created.
    Takanuva would only be around as Takua, at this point in time.
    Location Stuff:
    This, again, will span the entire Matoran Universe.
    This includes the island of Mata Nui, Voya Nui, The Pit, and Mahri Nui.

    The Toa and Matoran are the typical citizens; and while there is a Toa Army, the Toa never kill anyone, so in a way, the Toa are just empowered citizens willing to fight for what they believe in. They wish to take on all evil, however, their main goal is to defend their home islands.
    The Turaga will try to tell you that there are no such things as Zyglak. They will try to make you think there aren't beings who can send diseases which can kill you in seconds through skin contact. They will tell you that your powers over the elements can affect anything. That nothing can resist your powers. Under no circumstances should you believe them.
    Born of the Great Beings' failure, they rose up from the excretion of the first Matoran, they came up from the garbage that was a side product of such creation. For years, they have hated us. Hated you. Hated Mata Nui. They have crawled in the pits deeper than anyone dare go. But now? Now, we can't trust them to be so subtle.
    -Order of Mata Nui-
    The Order of Mata Nui is a secret faction, unknown to most normal beings, who attempt to keep the peace in the Matoran Universe. Their leader is Helryx, Toa of Water. They hate people who try to disrupt the correct workings of the Universe, and therefore, hate the Brotherhood of Makuta, and the Dark Hunters.
    -Dark Hunters-
    The Dark Hunters are effectively the Bounty Hunters of the universe. Led by the enigmatic 'The Shadowed One', the Dark Hunters continually fight with the Brotherhood of Makuta and Toa, in order to take over different islands. They especially hate the Brotherhood of Makuta, if only because they always get in the way of the Dark Hunters.
    -Brotherhood of Makuta-
    The Brotherhood of Makuta is a group that was once effectively the bodyguards of the universe, however, after Teridax went rogue, they dropped all pretenses of that, instead attempting to control the Universe. The Makuta have almost all been sealed, however; though they still have armies that they can command, in order to get their goals completed. They hate the Dark Hunters badly, since they see the Dark Hunters as being in their way of universal domination.
    -Scythe of the Makuta- (BoM Sub-Faction)
    When the Toa first began capturing Makuta and sealing them in Toa Seals, nearly the entire leadership of the Brotherhood was cancelled, leaving only Icarax, Vamprah, and Krika. Icarax soon rallied the best and most skilled of the Brotherhood together and began a crusade across the universe to free the captive Makuta by killing the Toa responsible and using specially crafted scythes to 'reap' their elemental energy and redirect it to the Seals. Since then, the Scythe has successfully freed all other Makuta listed on this page. They remain under the command of the battle-hungry Icarax, and count amongst their numbers some of the fiercest Brotherhood warriors in the universe.
    Symbol - A black scythe on a patch of blood over a black background. The point where the blade affixes to the shaft of the scythe is marked with the symbol of the Brotherhood.
    Goals - Free imprisoned members of the Brotherhood.
    Leader - Makuta Icarax
    Base - Destral
    -League of Six Kingdoms-
    On cold nights, when Matoran huddle around a campfire, they speak in hushed tones of the six beings- the devil at their helm -who were sent to the most indestructible prison and came back even more powerful than before. Matoran lay awake at night, fearful of the forces that could overcome their protectors at any moment, loot their villages, and enslave them. Conquest in the Matoran Universe is never at such as scale as when the League of Six Kingdoms decides who's next.
    Imagine an entire species, an entire faction, who cares nothing about the sides, the reasons. Who doesn't care who wins, or who loses. Only who has the most money. They would supply the darkest force, or the wickedest of armies with all they need...for the right price. Imagining all that, you've come to the Vortixx. They are the only truly neutral group, not bothering with sides. They have the most advanced tech, and most are extremely rich.
    -Unnamed Custom Species-
    Nothing is known about this species yet.
    Work in progress
    Goals: To be determined
    Leader: Nektann?
    Allies: Dark Hunters
    Base: Zakaz
    Symbol: Unknown, possibly Skakdi face.
    -Voice of Artakha-
    The Voice of Artakha is a group based on having true 'good' or 'light' morals; they detest evil, and wish to eradicate it from the universe. The best equivalent, is to a group of Paladins. They attempt to follow the Toa Code as much as possible, even for members who are not Toa, however, that is not always possible with their goals, causing slight discontent with other groups at times. They hate all evil, shown by their quest to eliminate all sources of evil.
    Goals: Destroy all evil.
    Leader: Unknown, as of yet.
    Base: Nynrah
    Symbol: Unknown
    Potential Player Factions
    Great Beings?

    Kal Grochi - The Creator - Krika, Teridax, Artahka, Miserix, Jaller, Garan, Zaktan, Ehlek, and Axonn.
    Blade - The Chronicler - Voice of Artakha Leader, and Bitil?
    BenLuke-116 - The Bounty Hunter - The Shadowed One, Ancient, Nektann.
    Belthnor - The Biologist - Spiriah, Dalu, Sentrakh, and Mazeka.
    KNI - The Warlord - Tridax, Krakua, Defilak, Reidak, and Lesovikk
    Krayzikk: Champion of RPGs - The Shadow - Vamprah, Brutaka, Thok, Darkness, Nuparu
    Toa Levacius Zehvor - The Cartographer - Icarax, Vultraz, Ahkmou, Lariska, Conjurer, Johmak, and Voporak.
    Toa Xemnas of Crystal - The Protector - Mutran, Vican, Helryx, Jerbraz, Tobduk, Velika, and Trinuma.
    Tabby: Toa of Cats - The Engineer - Phantom and Gaardus
    Doctor Wotz - The Artist- Roodaka, Takua, Vezok
    TX Wade
  11. Blessed Blade
    Okay. I get quitting during the match, when everyone and their brother is owning you.
    ... But ragequitting at the start of a match, forcing everyone else to relocate? That's just not right. xP That just happened to me; got in not 3 or 4 seconds; and the host quit on me.
    /EDIT: Also; I officially hate snipers. They make things much harder than they have to be, when they're killing you every time you try to cross to the other side. >_>
  12. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: That's How I Fly
    At this rate, I'll need to make a Mario Kart category too... xD
    So. I just played through 50CC Special Cup. Rainbow Road, to be precise. I was in first for a lot of the race, but that last part with all the star rings threw me off the course. I then had to catch up, as Koopa passed me. Fell off again, but both times I timed the boost correctly, and got just enough speed, combined with the jump ramp boost trick, to barely get past Koopa, and win.
    I was honestly kinda shocked. =P I guess that happens when you nearly lose.
    Now I just need to finish off the Retro courses part to hopefully get the Mii unlocked.(I lost on the Bowser course, so hopefully that doesn't count against me...)
  13. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: I'm Back Baby!, Never Quoting Austin Powers Again For A While I Promise
    So; I stopped blogging for a while. My bad. ^^' I haven't really been doing much of note lately... I also haven't really been doing THAT much with Blender; mostly just trying to get proportions right for stuff like humanoid creations. My past two attempts haven't really done that great. This is more of a test, and is a more chibi look than there should be; however, I rather like the look of it. So, without further ado, I introduce what I call 'Cube Man Zero', as per my save file's name. =P
    Cube Man Zero, Fight, for everlasting peace!
    Okay, okay, so it looks pretty barren. That's partially because it'll be a simply test for things like animation and such. Though, if it works well enough to be modified and updated in terms of design, then I'll probably use it over some of my more complex design tests that haven't gone very far. =P
    So yeah, it's not SUPPOSED to be truly complex or anything, but I think it's good for a test model, and I wanted to show it off, since, well, I haven't exactly updated anything recently. =P
  14. Blessed Blade
    Oh yeah; in between me not having premierness, and me getting Premier Perks today...
    I got to Rank 10 on MLN. =) Could try for the Rocket Game, but I've currently kinda stalled out... again... I tend to do that on MLN a lot. =P
    Might be due to the fact that I need 1000 or so clicks on that Alien egg, and who knows how many trans bricks. ._.;
  15. Blessed Blade
    So, I forgot to blog about this... again...
    I'm Rank nine. The Rank of spaceships and...
    Nebs and Trans. Nebular Crystals and Transparent Bricks that is. The Nebs aren't that bad, but the Trans... 5 per harvest, 1 per day or 25 clicks... >_> So, I could use clicks on my sticker modules and my Lightworm to help out with this rank =)
  16. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: Headcrab Zombies And Health Restoring Enemies Oh My
    So, yeah, just got there. Surprised by how different it is from the rest of the game, and now I have a new appreciation for stuff like Resident Evil. =P
    Funny how one of the enemies actually acts as a health restorer, however. xD Granted, it nearly kills you, but...
    I must say, Ravenholm's pretty cool, and I now understand why it's best played at night. =P
  17. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Further Proof The Zelda Rpg Is Awesome
    So, we're playing along, playing along, and a situation occurs where a player's character needs a subtle hint to go forward, or be stopped. I could have a mysterious old woman show up; have the Big Bad be ICed to either stop him or help him, depending on his mood; I could have had that map show him the location of where he needs to go, however unplausible it is.
    What do I do? I USE THE ENVIRONMENT ITSELF! That's right! Oracle of Detsiny has the environment as an NPC, as Terminus pointed out. Given that two players commented on how that was different, and I honestly don't recall any other usages of things like that, I'm gonna say this is a first for BZP RPG land. =D
    So, if you ever feel that that sudden rainstorm after an overkill defeat was just salt on the wound, don't feel too bad, the environment is sentient. xD
  18. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: I Just Remembered Why I Don't Play These Games
    No, I'm not making a category for this, as this'll probably be the last entry about it. =P
    So, playing through the 'hard' mode of REvelations: The Demo. So far so good, I survive until the huge room with all the tables again. Then I get to where you get the scanner. Sounds good enough, except in that room there's machine gun shells.
    That's fine and all, Capcom, but where's the machine gun to go with it? xD
    Needless to say, because I only had one bullet left, I died very quickly after that, though I actually hit the zombies more.
    I said that I remembered why I don't play the RE games in the alternate title... But, honestly, I think Half Life 2's Ravenholm section got me some immunity, as while I jumped at one point, I didn't find it that scary. Ravenholm got more reaction out of me. =P
  19. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: I'm On The Role Again, Time To Quit Playing Around, I Think The Rpgs Multiplied
    Before you panic about alt title 2, I'm not quitting anything, I just wanted a second witty play-on-words title. =P
    So... Yeah. Lots of RPGs. I'm sure there are more now than there were before the upgrade... Either that, or I finally know the reason why I didn't get to reply to all the RPGs before the upgrade downtime started. =P I'm lucky, though, they're still going fairly slow since BZP only just came back, but I have a funny feeling I'll eventually start to regret following all those RPG topics, especially when activity starts up again...
    I mean, instead of the 50-80 notifications I'm getting overnight now, I'll likely have 100-9001 eventually. xD
  20. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: No Checkpoint I'm Disappointed
    So, uh, yeah. Just reached the Lighthouse place, and, uh, I got into a battle with the Combine. Aside from them using me for target practice, I haven't been doing that bad. Aside from when I got to the lighthouse rocket fight. Whose bright idea was it to not even put a checkpoint save there? >_^ I blew myself up, naturally. =P
  21. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Three Entries In A Day - It's More Likely Than You'd Think
    So, this new skin looks pretty cool! =D I've noticed possibly a couple odd spots where I don't recall colours before, however, that is likely just my imagination, and something I'll need to get used to, since I never really paid attention to those spots before, and the new colours just made me look there. =P
    But overall, it's a very good job; the new quote blocks look very cool, I must say. And the new icons are going to take a little while to get used to, after the other icons, but it's like all changes. =)
    I like the skin, though, reminds me of the old site very much, and in a good way. Very nice, guys! =D
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