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Status Updates posted by Infrared

  1. Who is the person in your photo? Iron Man?

  2. Who's answering all of these comments?

  3. With a name like that you must be into the classics, no?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      I know how to say Latin words, I love Mozart's Requiem and after looking at lyrics while listening to them (and also looking up the English translations), I was able to figure out how to say words and learn several of their meanings.

    3. Infrared


      Ah. Medieval Latin would be interesting to know too. If you're interested in learning it, be forewarned because textbooks that teach "Latin" normally teach Classical Latin which is somewhat different. It has different vocabulary and I think some grammatical constructions are different too--for example, forms of the verb salvo "save" show up in Mozart's Requiem but it doesn't show up in my Classical dictionary. Also I think Greek classes normally teach Attic Greek,...

    4. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      Only reason I would learn medieval Latin is for linguistic reasons: for ease of learning multiple Romantic languages. I have personal reasons to avoid learning it for any other reason (besides being impractical for daily use :P ).

  4. Would it be okay if I do as Zorrakh did and add a Lone and Level Sands banner to my signature?

    1. Ballom Nom Nom

      Ballom Nom Nom

      Certainly! All support is appreciated. ^_^

  5. Yes, I do mean if you make it on Friday.

  6. Yes! I got the scroll-to-the-bottom-of-the-page award!

  7. You are aware that you do not have the largest interest box on BZPower, right? You lost big to Ahi-Dagra.

  8. you are exceeding the signature guidelines. 5 lines max.

  9. You are welcome, pulsar444

    IR, out.

  10. You have to give Populus credit to your avatar via your signature. Sorry, it is part of the rules.

  11. You won my contest with the name Mokamou! However, I am puting Mutlix in-game as a Matoran of Lightning.

  12. Your signature is too large! You either have to take out the Hatchery thingamabober or the other banner. Sorry to ruin the conversation.

  13. Your signature is way too large. Delete the Makuta banner and you will be fine. Have a nice time here!

  14. Zeddy, where did you get your avatar?

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