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Tohunga Tahnok

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Status Updates posted by Tohunga Tahnok

  1. Guessss whoooo? It is I, your rival, TOHUNGA TAHNOK!

    BTW- Phovos the Raptor joined this rivalry on my side. HAHAHA!

  2. I didn't, either......Wait..If we joined on the same day, hy do you have more posts than me?

    The world. She is a crel mistress.

  3. Oh, yeah. remember. Never mind...

  4. When are you gonna make the "Eater" Story w/ me in it? Jus' wonderin'.

  5. Hey, Shadowlion! Wassup?

  6. *looks at personal photo*

    So thats what you look like!

  7. Is that so, my very underpowered friend?(not) It is YOU who shall be crushed.

  8. Welcome to BZP! If you have any questions, PM me.

  9. Welcome to BZP! If you have any questins, ask me.

  10. Welcome to BZP! Like Chirox said, if ya need help, PM me or whoever you want.

  11. Chapter six of my epic is up

  12. Goodbye. I may not have known you, but please Rest in Peace, and may god eccept your soul.

  13. welcome to Bzpower!!! If you have any questions, ask me.

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