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Blog Entries posted by Grantaire

  1. Grantaire
    Going to be gone until Sunday evening/Monday afternoon.
    On the bright side, I started out my fencing philosopher Matoran Lasc in the BZPRPG.
  2. Grantaire
    LIKE, HI. WHAT'S UP? OH YES, THE FORUMS ARE! *canned laughter*
    Erm, let's ignore that lame start.
    Well well, a half year it took, but it's good to see this again. I can't say the current skin appeals to me, in fact to be honest, I dislike it, but I have my blog back, and BZP is back. So I'm happy.
    A thanks to the staff who managed to get this thing back up.
    NOW, some much belated news.
    1) If you expected me to flood in new stories, don't. I've been having writer's block these past months; life's been mean to me, and BZP being down didn't help.
    2) the Short Stories Awards will be revamped and restarted, once I get used to the new forums and get together with RM. Stories less than a year old as of May 1st can be nominated, and you can use the old topic for categories if you want a head start.
    3) I have some stories in the works and the new forums just might get me to finish them.
    5) I'm tempted to listen to 30 Second to Mars and start again with a brand new name, Any suggestions?
    PM me if you want to catch up on stuff, btw
    Your very hyper POBZPC,
  3. Grantaire
    Okay, so like whenever I start writing a RPing post in IoP I either have to get off, or need to do something else online.
    I swear, it's like life is trying to keep me from finishing it!
    Also, edited Sin With a Grin. Conmpletely revamped the fight scene, as well as adding a few other things.
    Remember, every review makes a Zarayna happy! You wouldn't want sad Zaraynas, would you? Then what are you waiting for?
  4. Grantaire
    BIONICLE Fiction

    =Short Stories=

    The Beast of the Forest - Reznaz
    My Life Means Nothing Without - Zerothemaster


    Stellar Quest - Nuile

    Non-BIONICLE Fiction

    =Short Stories=

    The Forger - by Legolover-361


    The Star's Fury - Alex Humva

  5. Grantaire
    BZPower is boring these days. It's like it slowed down even more then before. :/
    League of Authors countdown/Short Stories Awards countdown:
    Eight days remaining until release.
  6. Grantaire
    The Zarayna's recommended story of the week is the Bionicle Short Story Intruder, by Legolover-361. It's a well written story about a mercenary on Metru Nui being hunted by Visorak. The action scenes are simply lovely. I strongly recommend this to everyone.
  7. Grantaire
    I am never going to upgrade to any other game maker.
    It would appear, that after long months of study (Okay, brief spurts for about five days out of those months. ) I am finally figuring out how to make an in game battle system. Ranged weapons are complete, I have an almost finished fire at randfom elemental attack, and a melee weapon system is in its early stages.
    Yes, I am loving this game engine.
    On a related note, once i add background music, tweak a few things, and make a title screen, the first demo of my latest arcade game Lionslayer will be ready to be zipped and uploaded!
  8. Grantaire
    Never read it five minutes before going to bed. My mind was whirling, and I couldn't get to sleep for an hour. Not tro mention the fact that my dreams were as crazy as all Karz.
    Great book, although I don't agree 100% with it.
  9. Grantaire
    Never, ever, ever play mount&blade multiplayer for the first time in weeks directly after watching prince of Persia.
    I learned the hard way that jumping off a tower at half strength was a bad idea.
    As a side note, I'm pretty exhausted right now, so don't expect reviews and flawless grammer from me.
  10. Grantaire
    Meh. I'm losing interest in BZP a lot, fueled in a way by the recent happenings. On top of that, things aren't going the best in my life right now, and several of my friends vanished off the face of BZP.
    So I'm downgrading myself to the status of a blog lurker.
  11. Grantaire
    From leaving BZP again, and this time for good.
    Seriously, every discussion I see, people can't even have a civil debate. EVERY TIME, it gets heated, people can't respect other people's opinions even.
    Yes. It is annoying me.
    Can't everyone just stop this childish arguing already?
  12. Grantaire
    I'm working on my latest RPG, a arcade game made with RPGM2003.
    Currently done are the level one in game elemental fire attack, with a general attack - effects one enemy at random - and a focused attack - fired buy pressing shift. Does less damage, but can be aimed. As well as this is the icon bar, which displays skills learned, and weapons and Kanohi equipped.
    Planned features:
    Kanohi: One for each Toa, they are activated with number keys. Each has a special ability.
    Hau: Makes the user invulnerable.
    Pakari: Increases melee damage.
    Akaku: Increases MP (Called EP in this game.)
    Kaukau: Makes user able to go underwater. Special terrain (lava, for example) does no damage to the wearer.
    Kakama: Increases speed.
    Miru: Allows wearer to fly.
    All of these will tax your MP, however.
    Planned Elements:
    Ice: strong against fire and water enemies, weak against ice enemies.
    Water: Strong against fire and stone, weak against water.
    Stone: Strong against all enemies.
    Air: Blows enemies away, but does less damage then other elements (Still in the works.)
    Earth: Not sure about this one. Perhaps something along the lines of shockwaves? No idea right now. :/
    Planned weapons:
    Not much to say, I'm planning to have melee weapons appear on the screen (If anyone has played the RPGM2000 LotR game I got the idea from, that's what I'm talking about.)
    Planned enemy attacks:
    Probably not going to even start on this for a while, but I'm probably going to try to make enemies fire ranged attacks.
    Unfortunately, it might be a while before I get a demo. The only progress in the game I have is a half made Ta-Wahi map, with Tahu fighting six Kofo Jaga.
  13. Grantaire
    Yep, new banner and personal picture. The lyrics in them are from looking For Angels, by Skillet.
    Tomorrow, at 6:05 PM, I am going to change my name to "A Shattered Land." I also have a new self MOC, 'warrior of a shattered land' ready, only waiting for the Kanohi I need to come in the mail.
  14. Grantaire
    You live your life nonstop; never resting, never halting, always pushing on.
    You forget all your past; all your failures, all the hurts. It happened in a different life, not one related to yours.
    Yet somewhere along the road; somewhere on your journey. A image of your past comes flying, striking like a brick.
    The pain wells up, your conscience screams; what monster made this past? And how could it be yours?
    And then it passes, as do you, always to a different land.
    But every smile, every laugh, every piece of joy.
    It all reminds you of your past; of the memories that will not die.
    That's it; my first try at anything poetry related.
    As a note, I have no practice or skill at writing poetry. I wrote this totally by feel.
  15. Grantaire
    Yep, after being delayed by five months, I finally uploaded pictures of my latest MOC, Ha'naz, a character from my epic A Fading Blaze
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